1. D. Cohen, G. Finn, R. Felderman and A. DeSchon
    ATOMIC: A High Speed Local Communication Architecture

  2. A. Mukherjee and J.C. Strikwerda
    Analysis of Dynamic Congestion Control Protocols - A Fokker-Planck Approximation

  3. Z. Ren and J.S. Meditch
    Bandwidth Allocation for Broadband Multichannel Systems

  4. M. Steenstrup
    IDPR: An Approach to Policy Routing in Large Diverse Internetworks

  1. C. Bohm, P. Lindgren, L. Ramfelt and P. Sjodin
    The DTM Gigabit Network

  2. G. Watson, D. Banks, C. Calamvokis, C. Dalton, A. Edwards and G. Lumley
    AAL5 at a Gigabit for a Kilobuck

  3. David J. Greaves, Derek McAuley, L.J. French, Eoin Hyden
    Protocol and Interface for ATM LANs

  4. Mats Bj\"{o}rkman and Per Gunningberg
    Locking Effects in Multiprocessor Implementations of Protocols

  5. A. Mink, Y. Fouquet and S. Wakid
    Hardware Measurement Techniques for High-Speed Networks

  1. A. Tantawy, O. Koufopavlou, M. Zittterbart and J. Abler
    On the Design of a Multigigabit IP Router

  2. S. Tridandapani and J. M. Meditch
    Priority Performance of Banyan-based Broadband-ISDN Switches System

  3. F. Gong and P. Parulkar
    A Two-Level Flow control Scheme for High Speed Networks

  4. B. Kumar and J. Crowcroft
    Policy Control of Inter-Administrative Domain Data Communication

  5. M. Krunz and H. Hughes
    Analysis of a Markov-Modulated Fluid Model For Multimedia Traffic with Loss and Delay Priorities

Special Issue on Quality-of-Service

Guest Editor: Abhey Parekh
  1. R. Bohn, H. Braun, K. Claffy and S. Wolff
    Mitigating the coming Internet crunch: Multiple service levels via Precedence

  2. R. Nagarajan, J Kurose and D. Towsley
    Finite-Horizon Statistical Quality-of-Service Measures for High Speed Networks

  3. O. Yaron and M. Sidi
    Generalized Processor Sharing Networks with Exponentially Bounded Burstiness Arrivals

  4. Hui Zhang and Dommenico Ferrari
    Rate Controlled Service Disciplines

  5. R. Cruz and H.N. Liu
    End-to-End Queueing Delay in ATM Networks

  6. David Yates, James Kurose, Don Towsley, and Michael Hluchyj
    On per-session end-to-end delay distributions and the call admission problem for real-time applications with QOS requirements

  7. C. Huang and A. Leon-Garcia
    A Frame-oriented Queueing Control Policy for Real- and Non-real-time Traffic in ATM Switches

  8. A. Choudhury and E. Hahne
    Space Priorities in a Shared Memory ATM Switch

  9. D. Verma and P. M. Gopal
    Tree Computation for Reserved Bandwidth

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