1. R. E. Kahn
  2. R. D. Gitlin and T. B. London
    Broadband Gigabit Research and the LuckyNet Testbed
  3. M. N. Ransom
    The VISTAnet Gigabit Network Testbed
  4. J. C. Lu and L. Kleinrock
    Performance Analysis of Single-Hop Wavelength Division Multiple Access Networks
  5. D. Ferrari
    Real-Time Communication in an Internetwork

  1. R. L. Cruz
    Service Burstiness and Dynamic Burstiness Measures: A Framework
  2. D. Sidhu, S. Abdallah and R. Nair
    Congestion Control in High-Speed Networks via Alternate Path Routing
  3. I. Chlamtac and M. G. Kienzle
    Connection Management in High-Speed Interconnection Systems
  4. W. R. Franta and J. P. Hughes
    Extended High Speed Networks Employing Hippi Switches, High Speed WANS, and FDDI Rings

  1. Z. Haas and R. D. Gitlin
    Optical Distribution Channel: An Almost-All Optical LAN based on the Field-Coding Technique
  2. S. Bahk and M. E. Zarki
    A Dynamic Multi-Path Routing Algorithm for ATM Networks
  3. K. Y. Eng, M. A. Pashan, R. A. Spanke, M. J. Karol and G. D. Martin
    A Prototype Growable 2.5 Gb/s ATM Switch for Broadband Applications
  4. A. A. Nilsson, H. G. Perros and F. Lai
    A Queueing Model of a Bufferless Synchronous Clos ATM Switch with Head-Of-Line Priority and Push-out

  1. A. Asthana, C. Delph, H. V. Jagadish and P. Krzyzanowski
    Towards a Gigabit IP Router
  2. K. Bogineni, K. M. Sivalingam and P. W. Dowd
    Switching Latency Impact on Star-Coupled WDM Photonic Network Pre-Allocation Protocol Performance
  3. I. Cidon, J. Derby, I. Gopal, and B. Kadaba
    A Critique of ATM from a Data Communications Perspective
  4. S. Kowtha, D. R. Vaman and G. Djuknic
    Realization of a Multimedia Traffic Generator Based on $(\mu,\sigma)$ Buffer Occupancy Analysis