CMSC 437
Graphical User Interface Programming
TUE,THU 5:30-6:45 PM ACIV 015
Spring 1997
Project 4: Extending the Draw Program
Date Due Tuesday, May 15, 1997 before midnight.
Errata and additions are listed at the end of
this page, including changes from the description given in class!
To gain experience using menus and dialogs, designing and
implementing a graphical modeling hierarchy, and putting UI design
principles into practice.
For this project, you will continue to refine the drawing editor
application you developed in Project 3. In particular, you will extend
the interface, convert the single-level display list to a full
graphical hierarchy, and add further direct manipulation capabilities
to the graphical shapes.
For this project, we are taking a slightly different approach in the
specification. Instead of dictating exactly how each feature must
operate, we are requiring that your program exhibit certain features,
but most of the details of the interface are up to you. This will
give you the chance to explore and justify design decisions that
affect the usability of your project. Here are the particular
features you must implement, in addition to the functionality of
Project 3:
- Shape Resizing
- In addition to being able to move individual shapes, you will add
resizing capability to shapes that have been selected. Grabbing a
control point of a selected shape and dragging it with the mouse will
cause the dimensions of the shape to be changed accordingly.
- Grouping
- You will add the ability to group objects. Multiple objects may
be selected, and then grouped together. These groups may then be
moved, but need not be resizable or allow other shape properties to be
modified. This will extend our display list to a full graphics
hierarchy, since groups can also be grouped! The user should also be
able to "Ungroup" groups.
One way to approach this is to add a new type of node, called a
container or group node. A container node, analogous to a Manager
widget in Motif or a Java component descended from Container, is a
node which can contain other nodes. Like other nodes in the display
list, it responds to messages such as 'draw' or 'select'. Initially,
all created shapes are top-level nodes in the display list. Selecting
more than one shape and issuing the "Group" command will cause the
shapes to be collected under one container node, which is displayed by
showing the control points of its collective bounding box. An
"Ungroup" command breaks its contained nodes up and puts them back
into the container's level in the hierarchy.
When a set of selected objects are grouped, the shapes should retain
their relative ordering previous to the group command. For example,
if there are shapes 1-10 on the display list, and you group shapes 2,
4, and 7, then the group containing 2, 4, and 7 (in that order) will
be placed in the display list. "Ungrouping" will place the members of
the group in order into the display list where the group was.
Groups are truly hierarchical. If I have a group and a single shape,
and I group those together into a new group, ungrouping the new group
will produce the old group and shape.
- Layering Control.
- Any selected shape or group will be able to be moved to the top
or bottom of the top-level display list. The behavior of this
operation is only defined for a single selection, not for multiple
- Selecting, Deleting.
- You will add "Select All" and "Deselect All" commands. These
will cause the top-level display list to be traversed, selecting or
deselecting each shape or group accordingly. The "Delete" command,
as in the previous project, will cause the currently selected objects
to be removed from the top-level display list.
- Fill as an Attribute
- You need to be able to change whether shapes are filled or not.
This should be analogous to changing color attributes or line-width
attributes of a shape.
- Clear, Quit.
- The "Clear" command now has a different functionality than in
Project 3; Clear will now simply delete all objects out of the display
list. What we formerly called the "Clear color" will now be called
the "Background color"; changing the Background color will cause the
background of the drawing to change immediately, without erasing the
objects in the drawing.
The quit button will now produce a dialog box, asking whether the user
really wants to quit or not.
In this project, we will allow a great deal of freedom in the design
of the interface and the project as a whole. Because of this, you
should apply the concepts discussed in the lectures on Interface
Design during your development. You should make interface decisions
after careful consideration, not simply because something may be
easier to implement or what we have in an existing system! However,
we are requiring the following interface features:
- Menu Bar
- Your program should include a menu bar with pull-down menus. In
Motif, the easiest way to do this is by using a XmMainWindow manager
under the top-level shell widget. In Java, a Frame allows a menu bar
to be added.
You should add as many commands to the menus as you can, but your
primary concerns should be ease-of-use and interface "elegance".
"Session" commands such as quitting, and editing commands such as
grouping, layering, and deleting are good candidates for menus.
Remember to apply concepts of menus discussed in class as you
- Dialog Boxes
- Your program must include at least one dialog box; when the user
quits the application, it should pop up a dialog asking if s/he really
wishes to do so, and allowing him/her to cancel. You may use dialog
boxes in other areas of the project as you deem appropriate. One good
candidate might be for clearing the drawing. Remember that operations
placed in a dialog box take a little longer to work through for the
user, and thus should be special, infrequent operations.
- Documentation
- Yes, documentation is part of what makes up an interface! You
must also submit documentation, along with your project, taking the
form of a User's Guide. This documentation should be enough for any
undergraduate student to read and understand how to use your software.
It should include instructions on how to access and use all features
of your project, but in a style which teaches me how to use your
software (i.e., not an alphabetized list of commands and
descriptions). This documentation will be instrumental in aiding the
grader and/or instructors in evaluating your project!
- Undo
- Undo is not required, but if you implemented it in Project 3, it
is recommended that you continue to extend it for this project.
Extra Credit
Options for extra credit may be found
here, along with appropriate explanation and guidelines.
Making sure you have a good DynamicArray or LinkedList class will be a
big help. Whatever its underlying implementation, it should support
such operations as: add to bottom, add to top, remove, and delete, as
well as ways of traversing it in both directions. Using a List of
references or pointers to objects will make all your operations simpler.
The group, or container class should have a "draw" method defined on
it and maintain its own list of contained objects. In this way, a
group is just a special kind of shape. Think of groups as a
"recursive" shape.
Resizing should be fairly straightforward if you implement control
points as Rectangle objects.
Optionally, you might add a "Save" command which would simply print
out a text representation of the current graphics hierarchy to the
standard output. The format of the representation isn't important, as
long as it contains all the important information in the
hierarchy. This might help in debugging your hierarchy, and would be
a good hook for a "real" save command!
- Friday, 18 April
- After introducing the project in class, we decided to remove some
of the project requirements. Line width and saving are no longer required