When: Tuesday/Thursday 5:30-6:45PM
Where: ACIV 015
Instructor: Prof. Russell Turner
Teaching Assistant: Ian Soboroff
Grader: Jeffrey Brown
- 5 May
- Extra credit for Project 4 is now available!
- 5 May
- C-Cubed Corporation is looking for X programmers on Sun and SGI platforms.
- 19 April
- Project 4 is now available. Also, you can look at Dr. Turner's MVC Framework code as discussed in class.
- 26 March
- Added links to the Java code for shapes and complex numbers discussed in class.
- 23 March
- Project 3 is now available!
- 20 March
- Added a link to Sun's Java 1.0.2 documentation
- 18 March
- Project 2 has been extended to Friday, 22 March, at midnight. The midterm remains as scheduled. Project 3 will be released on the day of the midterm. Good luck!
- 3 March
- View Technologies, a company in the UMBC Technology Center, is looking for Visual BASIC programmers.
- 27 February
- The newsgroup umbc.course.cs437 has been created! Use it for discussions on the course and projects.
- 25 February
- Project 2 has been released, and will be discussed in class today.
- 13 February
- The syllabus has been revised regarding today's and the next few sessions' lectures.
- 11 February
- Added link in Project 1 description to a modified
example, where the pixmaps are loaded explicitly, rather than by the resource database. Also clarified that high scores only count when the game is completed.
- 4 February
- Added link to Project 1 (due 25 Feb)
Last updated on 18 March 1997 by Ian Soboroff