Instructor: | Prof. Russell Turner |
Office: | ECS 213 |
Office Hours: | TBA |
Telephone: | 455-3965 (Office), 455-3500 (Department) |
E-Mail: | |
Teaching Assistant: | Ian Soboroff |
Office: | ECS 215 |
Office Hours: | Monday & Wednesday, 5-6 PM |
Telephone: | 455-3554 (Office), 455-3500 (Department) |
E-Mail: | |
There are several other texts on reserve in the library; these and other helpful resources are listed under the Readings page.
Graduate and undergraduate courses will be curved seperately. Under no circumstances will the grades be curved downward.
0-59 F 60-69 D 70-79 C 80-89 B 90-100 A