Data Mining on the Grid

[1] S. Al Sairafi, F. S. Emmanouil, M. Ghanem, N. Giannadakis, Y. Guo, D. Kalaitzopolous, M. Osmond, A. Rowe, iJ. Syed and P. Wendel. The Design of Discovery Net: Towards Open Grid Services for Knowledge Discovery. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 17(3):297-315, 2003.
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[2] Alastair C. Hume, Ashley D. Lloyd, Terence M. Sloan, Adam C. Carter. Applying Grid Technologies to Distributed Data Mining. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 3251, pages 696 - 703, 2004.
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[3] Fran Berman. Viewpoint: From TeraGrid to Knowledge Grid. Commun. ACM, 44(11):27-28, 2001.
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[4] Giuseppe Bueti, Antonio Congiusta, and Domenico Talia. Developing Distributed Data Mining Applications in the Knowledge Grid Framework. In Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on High Performance Computing for Computational Science (VECPAR 2004), volume 3402 of LNCS, pages 156-169, Valencia, Spain, June 2004. ISBN 3-540-25424-2.
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[5] Mario Cannataro, Antonio Congiusta, Carlo Mastroianni, Andrea Pugliese, Domenico Talia, and Paolo Trunfio. Grid-Based Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. In N. Zhong and J. Liu, editors, Intelligent Technologies for Information Analysis, pages 19-45. Springer-Verlag, 2004. ISBN 3-540-40677-8.
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[6] Mario Cannataro, Antonio Congiusta, Andrea Pugliese, Domenico Talia, and Paolo Trunfio. Distributed Data Mining on Grids: Services, Tools, and Applications. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part B (TSMC-B), 34(6):2451-2465, 2004.
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[7] Mario Cannataro, Antonio Congiusta, Domenico Talia, and Paolo Trunfio. A Data Mining Toolset for Distributed High-Performance Platforms. In Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Data Mining Methods and Databases for Engineering, Finance and Others Fields (Data Mining 2002), pages 41-50, Southampton, UK, September 2002. WIT Press. ISBN 1-85312-925-9.
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[8] Mario Cannataro and Domenico Talia. Parallel and Distributed Knowledge Discovery on the Grid: A Reference Architecture. In Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Computing (ICA3PP), pages 662-673, Hong Kong, December 2000. World Scientific Publ.
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[9] Mario Cannataro and Domenico Talia. The Knowledge Grid. Communications of the ACM, 46(1):89-93, 2003.
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[10] Mario Cannataro and Domenico Talia. Semantics and Knowledge Grids: Building the Next-Generation Grid. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 19(1):56-63, 2004.
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[11] Mario Cannataro, Domenico Talia, and Paolo Trunfio. Design of Distributed Data Mining Applications on the Knowledge Grid. In Proc. of the National Science Foundation Workshop on Next Generation Data Mining (NGDM'02), pages 191-195, Baltimore, Maryland, November 2002.
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[12] Mario Cannataro, Domenico Talia, and Paolo Trunfio. Distributed Data Mining on the Grid. Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), 18(8):1101-1112, 2002.
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[13] Mario Cannataro, Domenico Talia, and Paolo Trunfio. Design of Distributed Data Mining Applications on the Knowledge Grid. In H. Kargupta, A. Joshi, K. Sivakumar, and Y. Yesha, editors, Data Mining: Next Generation Challenges and Future Directions, pages 67-88. AAAI/MIT Press, 2004. ISBN 0-262-61203-8.
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[14] Antonio Congiusta, Gianluigi Greco, Antonella Guzzo, Giuseppe Manco, Luigi Pontieri, Domenico Saccà, and Domenico Talia. A Data Mining-based Framework for Grid Workflow Management. In Proc. Int. Workshop on Grid and Peer-to-Peer based Workflows, Melbourne, Australia, September 2005. IEEE Computer Society Press.
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[15] Antonio Congiusta, Carlo Mastroianni, Andrea Pugliese, Domenico Talia, and Paolo Trunfio. Enabling Knowledge Discovery Services on Grids. In Proc. of the 2nd European AcrossGrids Conference (AxGrids 2004), volume 3165 of LNCS, pages 250-259, Nicosia, Cyprus, January 2004. Springer-Verlag. ISBN 3-540-22888-8.
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[16] Antonio Congiusta, Andrea Pugliese, Domenico Talia, and Paolo Trunfio. Designing Grid Services for Distributed Knowledge Discovery. Web Intelligence and Agent Systems (WIAS), 1(2):91-104, 2003.
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[17] Antonio Congiusta, Domenico Talia, and Paolo Trunfio. VEGA: A Visual Environment for Developing Complex Grid Applications. In Proc. of the First International Workshop on Knowledge Grid and Grid Intelligence (KGGI 2003), pages 56-66, Halifax, Canada, October 2003. Department of Mathematics and Computing Science, Saint Mary's University. ISBN 0-9734039-0-X.
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[18] Antonio Congiusta, Domenico Talia, and Paolo Trunfio. Design of Knowledge Discovery Services Using the WS-Resource Framework. In Proc. of the 1st CoreGRID Integration Workshop, Pisa, Italy, November 2005.
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[19] Antonio Congiusta, Domenico Talia, and Paolo Trunfio. On Designing and Composing Grid Services for Distributed Data Mining. In Vladimir Getov, Domenico Laforenza, and Alexander Reinefeld, editors, Future Generation Grids. Springer-Verlag, 2005. ISBN 0-387-27935-0.
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[20] Domenico Talia, Paolo Trunfio, Oreste Verta. WEKA4WS: a WSRF-enabled Weka Toolkit for Distributed Data Mining on Grids. In Proc. of the 9th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD 2005), volume LNAI vol. 3721, pages 309-320, Porto, Portugal, October 2005. Springer-Verlag.
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[21] Helen Conover, Sara J. Graves, Rahul Ramachandran, Sandi Redman, John Rushing, Steve Tanner, Robert Wilhelmson. Data Mining on the TeraGrid. In Supercomputing Conference, Phoenix, AZ, Nov. 15 2003.
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[22] Juergen Hofer and Peter Brezany. DIGIDT: Distributed Classifier Construction in the Grid Data Mining Framework GridMiner-Core. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Data Mining and the Grid (GM-Grid 2004) held in conjunction with the 4th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'04), November 1-4 2004.
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[23] Adriana Iamnitchi and Domenico Talia. P2P Computing and Interaction with Grids. Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), 21(3):331-332, 2005.
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[24] J. Syed, M. Ghanem, Y.Guo. Discovery Processes: Representation and Re-use. In UK e-Science All-hands Conference, Sheffield, UK, Sept 2002.
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[25] María S. Pérez, Alberto Sánchez, Pilar Herrero, Víctor Robles, José M. Peña. Adapting the Weka Data Mining Toolkit to a Grid Based Environment. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 3528, pages 492 - 497, January 2005.
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[26] Carlo Mastroianni, Domenico Talia, and Paolo Trunfio. Metadata for Managing Grid Resources in Data Mining Applications. Journal of Grid Computing, 2(1):85-102, 2004.
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[27] Michael Beynon and Renato Ferreira and Tahsin M. Kurc and Alan Sussman and Joel H. Saltz. DataCutter: Middleware for Filtering Very Large Scientific Datasets on Archival Storage Systems. In IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems, pages 119-134, 2000.
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[28] Nikolaos Giannadakis, Anthony Rowe, Moustafa Ghanem and Yike Guo. InfoGrid: Providing Information Integration for Knowledge Discovery. Information Sciences, 155:199-226, 2003.
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[29] Rahul Ramachandran, John Rushing, Helen Conover, Sara J. Graves, Ken Keiser. Flexible Framework for Mining Meteorological Data. In American Meteorological Society's (AMS) 19th International Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, Long Beach, CA, Feb. 9 - 13 2003.
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[30] Rinat Khoussainov, Xin Zuo and Nicholas Kushmerick. Grid-enabled Weka: A Toolkit for Machine Learning on the Grid. In ERCIM News, volume No 59, October 2004.
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[31] J. Rushing, R. Ramachandran, U. Nair, S. Graves, R. Welch, and H. Lin. ADaM: a Data Mining Toolkit for Scientists and Engineers. Computers and Geosciences, 31:607-618, jun 2005.
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[32] Sandi Redman. Mining on the Grid with ADaM. In Southeastern Universities Research Association (SURA) Targeted Communities Workshop Focus Study, Atlanta, GA, January 2005.
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[33] Sara J. Graves, Helen Conover, Ken Keiser, Rahul Ramachandran, Sandi Redman, John Rushing, Steve Tanner. Mining and Modeling in the Linked Environments for Atmospheric Discovery (LEAD). In Huntsville Simulation Conference, Huntsville, AL, Oct. 19, 2004 2004.
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[34] David Skillicorn and Domenico Talia. Mining Large Data Sets on Grids: Issues and Prospects. Computing and Informatics, 21(4):347-362, 2002.
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[35] Domenico Talia. Knowledge Discovery Services and Tools on Grids. In Foundation of Intelligent Systems - ISMIS 2003, volume 2871 of LNCS, pages 14-23. Springer-Verlag, October 2003.
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[36] Domenico Talia and Paolo Trunfio. Toward a Synergy between P2P and Grids. IEEE Internet Computing, 7(4):94-96, 2003.
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[37] Domenico Talia and Paolo Trunfio. Adapting a Pure Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Protocol for Grid Services Invocation. Parallel Processing Letters (PPL), 15(1-2):67-84, 2005.
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[38] The teragrid primer, sept 2002.
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[39] V. Curcin, M. Ghanem, Y. Guo, M. Kohler, A. Rowe, J. Syed, P. Wendel. Discovery Net: Towards a Grid of Knowledge Discovery. In Proc of The Eighth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, KDD-2002, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, July 23 - 26 2002.
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