@TECHREPORT{Watson_01, AUTHOR = {P. Watson}, TITLE = {{Databases and the Grid}}, INSTITUTION = {UK e-Science Programme Technical Report Series }, YEAR = {2001}, TYPE = {}, NUMBER = {UKeS-2002-01}, ADDRESS = {}, MONTH = {December}, NOTE = {}, KEYWORDS = {}, ISBN = {}, URL = {}, ABSTRACT = {} }
@TECHREPORT{Avery_01, AUTHOR = {P. Avery and Ian Foster}, TITLE = {{The GriPhyN Project: Towards Petascale Virtual-Data Grids}}, INSTITUTION = {GriPhyN}, YEAR = {2001}, TYPE = {}, NUMBER = {GriPhyN Report 2000-1}, ADDRESS = {}, MONTH = {December}, NOTE = {Submitted to the 2000 NSF Information and Technology Research Program, NSF award ITR=0086044}, KEYWORDS = {}, ISBN = {}, URL = {}, ABSTRACT = {} }
@TECHREPORT{Avery_02, AUTHOR = {P. Avery}, TITLE = {{Data Grids: A New Computational Infrastructure for Data Intensive Science}}, INSTITUTION = {GriPhyN}, YEAR = {2002}, TYPE = {}, NUMBER = {GriPhyN Report 2002-24}, ADDRESS = {}, MONTH = {}, NOTE = {}, KEYWORDS = {}, ISBN = {}, URL = {}, ABSTRACT = {} }
@ARTICLE{Chervenak_01, AUTHOR = {Ann Chervenak and Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman and Charles Salisbury and Steven Tuecke}, TITLE = {{The Data Grid: Towards an Architecture for the Distributed Management and Analysis of Large Scientific Datasets.}}, JOURNAL = {{Journal of Network and Computer Applications}}, YEAR = {2001}, VOLUME = {23}, NUMBER = {}, PAGES = {187-200}, MONTH = {}, NOTE = {(based on conference publication from Proceedings of NetStore Conference 1999)}, KEYWORDS = {}, ISBN = {}, URL = {}, ABSTRACT = {} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Reinefeld_02, AUTHOR = {{Alexander Reinefeld and Florian Schintke}}, TITLE = {{Concepts and Technologies for a Worldwide Grid Infrastructure}}, BOOKTITLE = {{Lecture Notes in Computer Science}}, YEAR = {2002}, VOLUME = {2400}, MONTH = {}, PAGES = {62-71}, PUBLISHER = {Springer 2002. (c) Springer-Verlag}, URL = {} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Bosio_03, AUTHOR = {{D.Bosio,J.Casey,A.Frohner,L.Guy et al}}, TITLE = {{Next Generation EU DataGrid Data Management Services}}, BOOKTITLE = {{Computing in High Energy Physics (CHEP 2003)}}, YEAR = {2003}, MONTH = {March}, PAGES = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, URL = {http://web.datagrid.cnr.it/pls/portal30/docs/3557.PDF} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Stockinger_03, AUTHOR = {{H.Stockinger, F.Dono,E.Laure, S.Muzzafar et al}}, TITLE = {{Grid Data Management in Action}}, BOOKTITLE = {{Computing in High Energy Physics (CHEP 2003)}}, YEAR = {2003}, MONTH = {March}, PAGES = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, URL = {http://web.datagrid.cnr.it/pls/portal30/docs/3574.PDF} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Hoschek_00, AUTHOR = {{Wolfgang Hoschek, Javier Jaen-Martinez, Asad Samar, Heinz Stockinger, Kurt Stockinger}}, TITLE = {{Data Management in an International Data Grid Project}}, BOOKTITLE = {{IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Grid Computing Grid'2000}}, YEAR = {2000}, MONTH = {December}, PAGES = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, URL = {} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Hoschek_01, AUTHOR = {{W. Hoschek and G. McCance}}, TITLE = {{Grid Enabled Relational Database Middleware}}, BOOKTITLE = {{Global Grid Forum(GGF)}}, YEAR = {2001}, MONTH = {}, PAGES = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, URL = {http://ppewww.ph.gla.ac.uk/preprints/2001/11/GGF3Rome2001.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Chervenak_05, AUTHOR = {{A. Chervenak, R. Schuler, C. Kesselman, S. Koranda, B. Moe}}, TITLE = {{Wide Area Data Replication for Scientific Collaborations}}, BOOKTITLE = {{Proceedings of 6th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Grid Computing (Grid2005)}}, YEAR = {2005}, MONTH = {November}, PAGES = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, URL = {http://www.globus.org/alliance/publications/papers/chervenakGrid2005.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Allcock_03, AUTHOR = {{W. Allcock}}, TITLE = {{GridFTP Protocol Specification}}, BOOKTITLE = {{Global Grid Forum Recommendation GFD.20}}, YEAR = {2003}, MONTH = {March}, PAGES = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, URL = {http://www.globus.org/alliance/publications/papers/GFD-R.0201.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Allcock_05a, AUTHOR = {{W. Allcock, J. Bresnahan, R. Kettimuthu, M. Link, C. Dumitrescu, I. Raicu, I. Foster}}, TITLE = {{The Globus Striped GridFTP Framework and Server}}, BOOKTITLE = {{Proceedings of Super Computing 2005 (SC05)}}, YEAR = {2005}, MONTH = {November}, PAGES = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, URL = {http://www.globus.org/alliance/publications/papers/gridftp_final.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Allcock_05b, AUTHOR = {{W. Allcock, J. Bresnahan, R. Kettimuthu, J. Link}}, TITLE = {{The Globus eXtensible Input/Output System (XIO): A Protocol Independent IO System for the Grid}}, BOOKTITLE = {{Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on High-Performance Grid Computing and High-Level Parallel Programming Models held in conjunction with International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2005)}}, YEAR = {2005}, MONTH = {April}, PAGES = {}, PUBLISHER = {}, URL = {http://www.globus.org/alliance/publications/papers/hpgc05.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Allcock_00, AUTHOR = {W. Allcock and I. Foster and S. Tuecke and A. Chervenak and C. Kesselman}, TITLE = {{Protocols and Services for Distributed Data-Intensive Science}}, BOOKTITLE = {In Proceedings of Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research(ACAT2000)}, YEAR = {2000}, URL = {citeseer.ist.psu.edu/402495.html} }
@ARTICLE{Iamnitchi_05, AUTHOR = {Iamnitchi, Adriana and Talia, Domenico}, TITLE = {{P2P Computing and Interaction with Grids}}, YEAR = {2005}, JOURNAL = {Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS)}, VOLUME = {21}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {331--332}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier Science}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2004.04.012}, KEYWORDS = {WP4} }
@ARTICLE{Cannataro_04d, AUTHOR = {Cannataro, Mario and Talia, Domenico}, TITLE = {{Semantics and Knowledge Grids: Building the Next-Generation Grid}}, YEAR = {2004}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Intelligent Systems}, VOLUME = {19}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {56--63}, URL = {http://csdl.computer.org/comp/mags/ex/2004/01/x1056abs.htm}, KEYWORDS = {WP2, WP4, WP5, WP6} }
@ARTICLE{Talia_03a, AUTHOR = {Talia, Domenico and Trunfio, Paolo}, TITLE = {{Toward a Synergy between P2P and Grids}}, YEAR = {2003}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Internet Computing}, VOLUME = {7}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {94--96}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MIC.2003.1215667}, KEYWORDS = {WP4} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Comito_06, AUTHOR = {Comito, Carmela and Patarin, Simon and Talia, Domenico}, TITLE = {{A P2P Architecture for Schema-Based Data Integration in Decentralized Environments}}, YEAR = {2006}, MONTH = {January}, BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of the 2nd CoreGRID Workshop on Grid and Peer to Peer Systems Architecture}, ADDRESS = {Paris, France}, KEYWORDS = {WP2, WP4} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Comito_05a, AUTHOR = {Comito, Carmela and Gounaris, Anastasios and Sakellariou, Rizos and Talia, Domenico}, TITLE = {{Data Integration and Query Reformulation in Service-based Grids}}, YEAR = {2005}, MONTH = {November}, BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of the 1st CoreGRID Integration Workshop}, ADDRESS = {Pisa, Italy}, KEYWORDS = {WP2} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Comito_04a, AUTHOR = {Comito, Carmela and Talia, Domenico}, TITLE = {{GDIS: A Service-Based Architecture for Data Integration on Grids}}, YEAR = {2004}, MONTH = {October}, BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of OTM 2004 Workshops}, VOLUME = {3292}, PAGES = {88--98}, SERIES = {LNCS}, ADDRESS = {Agia Napa, Cyprus}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, URL = {http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=article&issn=0302-9743&volume=3292&spage=88}, NOTE = {ISBN 3-540-23664-3}, KEYWORDS = {WP2} }
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