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TeachingI have taught in the areas of AI, databases, programming languages and basic computer science courses. I've offered a number of half-day and full day tutorials at conferences. Some additional information on teching is in my cv. When I was at the University of Pennsylvania I taught courses in AI, data structures, programming languages, user interfaces, and natural language processing. I particularly enjoyed teaching the CS 2 course using the SICP. During the AI boom of the 1980s I also taught parts of week-long short courses on AI technology for Smart Systems Technology and a course on decision science in the Wharton School. Here are some recent courses. Spring 2023Fall 2022Spring 2022Fall 2021Spring 2021Fall 2020Spring 2020Fall 2019Spring 2019Fall 2018Spring 2018Fall 2017Spring 2017Fall 2016Spring 2016Fall 2015Spring 2015
Fall 2014
Spring 2014Fall 2013Spring 2013Fall 2012Spring 2012Fall 2011Spring 2011Fall 2010Spring 2010Fall 2009Spring 2009Fall 2008Spring 2008
Fall 2007
Spring 2007Fall 2005Spring 2005Fall 2004Spring 2004Fall 2003Spring 2003Fall 2002Spring 2002Fall 2001Spring 2001Fall 2000Spring 2000Fall 1999Spring 1999Fall 1998Spring 1998
Fall 1997Spring 1997Fall 1996Spring 1996Fall 19951991-1995
1980-1988 (UPenn)