David S. Ebert

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Purdue University



(765) 494-9064


Doctor of Philosophy, Computer Science, June 1991. GPA: 3.91/4.0
Areas of Study: Computer graphics, distributed processing, and numerical analysis
Dissertation: "Solid Spaces: A Unified Approach to Describing Object Attributes," Advisor: Dr. Richard E. Parent

Master of Science, Computer Science, December 1987
Major Area: Computer Graphics. GPA: 3.91/4.0

Bachelor of Science, Computer Science, June 1986. Summa Cum Laude. GPA: 3.98/4.0


December 2000 to present
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

July 1998 to present
August 1993 to June 1998
Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department
University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD

  • Developed computer graphics curriculum.
  • Taught senior and graduate computer graphics, visualization, animation, advanced topics, and database courses.
  • Advised undergraduate students, graduate students, several PhD dissertations, Master's theses, and Master's projects.
  • Developed externally funded research program in scientific, information, and medical visualization and volumetric display architectures.
  • Appointed to University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, 1993-94.

Computer Science Department, Stanford University, 2000

  • Collaborated on real-time shading language project with Dr. Pat Hanrahan during sabbatical.

Electronic Arts, Inc., 2000

  • Consulted on real-time procedural modeling and rendering technology.

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, 2000

  • Taught course on computer graphics to 25 patent examiners, September 2000.

American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1999

  • Advised on visualization at the NSF EPSCOR workshop on domestic preparedness, March 1999.

National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD, 1998

  • Instructed staff on volume visualization techniques and consulted on volume rendering from photographic database of the Visible Man

Mitsubishi Information Technology Center America, Cambridge, MA, 1998

  • Consulted on real-time volume rendering for surgical simulator.

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, 1995, 1997

  • Provided expertise on visualization and animation techniques for space physics visualization, atmospheric visualization, and the GLOBE project.

June 1994 to August 1994, June to August 1995
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD

  • Developed visualization software for ocean modeling and space physics data.

September 1991 to June 1993
Department of Computer and Information Science
The Ohio State University
  • Taught advanced operating systems, operating systems, database, and computer graphics courses.
  • Coordinated senior level operating systems course.

June 1987 to June 1991
Department of Computer and Information Science
The Ohio State University
  • Developed and maintained EDGE graphics software library for computer graphics courses.
  • Co-developed animation language and distributed rendering software for use in graphics research.
  • Instructed students and faculty in use of graphics software and equipment.
  • Assisted in the support of a network of over 250 Sun and HP workstations.

REFEREED JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS (including refereed video journals)
  1. Ebert, D., Shaw, C., "Minimally Immersive Flow Visualization," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, accepted November 2000, to appear.
  2. Ebert, D., Bailey, D., "A Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Computer Animation Course," Computer Graphics, (extended version of SIGGRAPH 2000 Educators Program paper), volume 34, number 3, ACM SIGGRAPH, August 2000, pp. 22-26.
  3. Ebert, D., Rohrer, R., Shaw, C., Panda, P., Kukla, J., and Roberts, D., "Procedural Shape Generation for Multi-dimensional Data Visualization," Computers and Graphics (extended/revised version of VisSym '99 conference paper).
  4. Rohrer, R., Ebert, D., Sibert, J., "A Shape-based Visual Interface for Text Retrieval," IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 19, no. 5, Sept/Oct 1999.
  5. Shaw, C., Kukla, J., Soboroff, I., Ebert, D., Nicholas, C., Zwa, A., Miller, E., Roberts, D. "Interactive Volumetric Information Visualization for Document Corpus Management," Journal on Digital Libraries, Volume 2, Issue 2/3, pp. 144-1561999.
  6. Ebert, D., Bedwell, E., Maher, S., Smoliar, L., and Downing, E., "Realizing 3D Visualization Using Crossed-Beam Volumetric Displays", Communications of the ACM, Vol. 42, No. 8, August 1999.
  7. Grasso, M., Ebert, D., and Finin, T., "The Integrality of Speech in Multimodal Interfaces," ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 5(4),December 1998.
  8. Ebert, D., Heath, D., Kuszyk, B., Zhang, L., Shaw, C., Kukla, J., Bedwell, E., Fishman, E., "Evaluating the Potential and Problems of 3D CT Measurements of Arterial Stenosis," Journal of Digital Imaging, Vol. 11, No. 3, August 1998.
  9. Ebert, D., Shaw, C., Zwa, A., Miller, E., and Roberts, D. A., "Two-handed Document Corpus Management," IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, July 1997.
  10. Ebert, D. Kukla, J., Bedwell, E., Wrights, S., "A Cloud is Born," ACM SIGGRAPH Video Review, 1997 (12 second computer animation). Also listed under Refereed Films.
  11. Ebert, D. "Advanced Modeling Techniques for Computer Graphics," ACM Computing Surveys, February 1996.
  12. Yagel, R., Ebert, D., Scott, J., and Kurzion, Y., "Grouping Volume Renderers for Enhanced Visualization in Computational Fluid Dynamics," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1995.
  13. Ebert, D., Carlson, W., and Parent, R., "Solid Spaces and Inverse Particle Systems for Controlling the Animation of Gases and Fluids," The Visual Computer, Vol. 10, No. 4, 1994.
  14. Ebert, D., "Design and Animation of Volume Density Functions," The Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1993, pp. 213-232.
  15. Ebert, D. and Parent, R., "Rendering and Animation of Gaseous Phenomena by Combining Fast Volume and Scanline A-buffer Techniques," Computer Graphics, Vol. 24, No. 4, (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '90, Dallas, Texas), August 1990.
  16. Ebert, D., Boyer, K., and Roble, D., "Once a Pawn a Foggy Knight...," (computer generated animation). In SIGGRAPH Video Review 54, November 1989. Also listed under Refereed Films.


  1. Ebert, D., Rheingans, P., "Volume Illustration: Non-Photorealistic Rendering of Volume Models," Proceedings IEEE Visualization 2000, October 2000.
  2. Ebert, D., Bailey, D., "A Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Computer Animation Course," SIGGRAPH 2000 Educators Program, July 2000.
  3. Ebert, D., McClanahan, T., Rheingans, P., Yoo, T., "Direct Volume Rendering from Photographic Data," VisSym 2000: Joint EUROGRAPHICS - IEEE TCCG Symposium on Visualization, May 2000.
  4. Shaw, C., Hall, J., Blahut, C., Ebert, D., Roberts, D., "Using Shape to Visualize Multivariate Data," CIKM'99 Workshop on New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation, November 1999, ACM Press.
  5. Shaw, C., Hall, J., Ebert, D., Roberts, D., "Interactive Lens Visualization Techniques," IEEE Visualization 99, October 1999.
  6. Morris, C., Ebert, D., Rheingans, P., "An Experimental Analysis of the Pre-Attentiveness of Features in Chernoff Faces," Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition `99: 3D Visualization for Data Exploration and Decision Making, October 1999.
  7. Bedwell, E., Ebert, D., "Artificial Evolution of Algebraic Surfaces," Proceedings Implicit Surfaces '99, September 1999.
  8. Ebert, D., Bailey, D., "An Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching Computer Animation," ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Graphics and Visualization Education Workshop (GVE '99), Portugal, July 1999.
  9. Ebert, D., Rohrer, R., Shaw, C., Panda, P., Kukla, J., and Roberts, D., "Procedural Shape Generation for Multi-dimensional Data Visualization", VisSym '99: Joint EUROGRAPHICS - IEEE TCCG Symposium on Visualization, Vienna, Austria, in Data Visualization '99, Springer-Verlag/Wien, 1999, pp. 3-12.
  10. Rohrer, R., Ebert, D., Sibert, J., "The Shape of Shakespeare: Visualizing Text using Implicit Surfaces," IEEE Information Visualization '98, October 1998.
  11. Bedwell, E., Ebert, D., "Artificial Evolution of Implicit Surfaces," ACM SIGGRAPH Technical Sketch, (extended abstract), July 1998.
  12. Butler, L., Ebert, D., "Procedural Field Grasses," ACM SIGGRAPH Technical Sketch, (extended abstract), July 1998.
  13. Ebert, D., Bedwell, E., "Implicit Modeling with Procedural Techniques," Proceedings Implicit Surfaces '98, June 1998, Seattle, Wa.
  14. Shaw, C., Ebert, D., Kukla, J., Zwa, A., Soboroff, I., and Robert, D., "Data Visualization Using Automatic, Perceptually-Motivated Shapes," SPIE Conference on Visual Data Exploration and Analysis, January 1998.
  15. Soboroff, I., Nicholas, C., Kukla, J., and Ebert, D., "Visualizing Document Authorship using N-grams and Latent Semantic Indexing," CIKM 97 Workshop on New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation, November 13-14, 1997, ACM Press.
  16. Heath DG, Ebert DS, Kuszyk BS, Zhang L, Shaw CD, Kukla J, Bedwell T, Fishman EK, "Estimation of Stenotic Degree Using Volume Rendering," (abstract) 83rd Scientific Assembly And Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society Of North America (RSNA), December 1997, Chicago, IL.
  17. Ebert, D, Kukla, J., Shaw, C., Zwa, A., Soboroff, I., and Roberts, DA., "Automatic Shape Interpolation for Glyph-based Information Visualization," IEEE Visualization 97 Late Breaking Hot Topics, October 1997, Phoenix, AZ.
  18. Ebert, D. "Volumetric Procedural Implicit Functions: A Cloud is Born," ACM SIGGRAPH 97 Visual Proceedings (Technical Sketch), August 1997.
  19. Grasso, M.A., Ebert, D., Finin, T., "Acceptance of a Speech Interface for Biomedical Data Collection," accepted for publication in the 1997 AMIA Annual Fall Symposium (SCAMC).
  20. Ebert, D., Kukla, J., and Shaw, C. "Perceptually-motivated Glyph-based Information Visualization," (extended abstract) CODATA Euro-American Workshop: Visualization of Information and Data: Where We Are and Where Do We Go from Here?, June 24-25, 1997, Paris, France.
  21. Ebert, D., Shaw, C., Zwa, A., Miller, E., and Roberts, D. A., "Interactive Volumetric Information Visualization for Document Corpus Management," Proceedings Graphics Interface '97, May 1997.
  22. Wang, J. Xuan, W. Hayes, I. Sesterhenn, D. Ebert, J. Lynch, and S. Kun, "Statistical Modeling and Visualization of Localized Prostate Cancer," SPIE Medical Imaging, 1997.
  23. Ebert, D., "Volume Visualization for Document Corpus Management," CIKM '96 Workshop on New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation, November 1996.
  24. Zwa, A., Ebert, D., "Multiresolution Document Analysis with Wavelets," CIKM '96 Workshop on New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation, November 1996.
  25. Ebert, D., Shaw, C., Zwa, A., and Starr, C. "Two-handed Interactive Stereoscopic Visualization," Proceedings IEEE Visualization '96, October 1996.
  26. Ebert, D., Shaw, C., Zwa, A., Miller, E., and Roberts, D. A. "Minimally-immersive Volumetric Information Visualization," Proceedings IEEE Information Visualization '96, October 1996.
  27. Ebert, D., "Realistic Interactive Information Visualization," Advanced Information Processing and Analysis (AIPA96) Symposium Proceedings, March 1996.
  28. Ebert, D., "Volumetric Procedural Modeling and Realistic Visualization," (abstract) ONR Workshop on Volume Visualization, Phoenix, AZ, February 1996.
  29. Ebert, D. "Realistic Interactive Visualization and Perceptual Cues for Information Visualization," Proceedings Workshop on New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation, Baltimore, MD, December 1995.
  30. Ebert, D., Yagel, R., Scott, J., and Kurzion, Y., "Volume Rendering Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics Visualization," Proceedings Visualization '94, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 232-240, October 1994.
  1. Ebert, D. "Perceptual Cues for Minimally-Immersive Information Visualization," (abstract) P1000 Information Visualization Workshop, Gettysburg, PA, April 1997.
  1. Ebert, D. (editor), Musgrave, F., Peachey, P., Perlin, K., and Worley, S., Texturing and Modeling: A Procedural Approach. AP Professional, September 1994.
  2. Ebert, D., Musgrave, F., Peachey, P., Perlin, K., and Worley, S., Texturing and Modeling: A Procedural Approach, Second Edition. AP Professional, July 1998.
  1. Ebert, D., Shaw, C., Roberts, D., "Minimally-immersive Flow Visualization," Visualization of Vector and Tensor Fields, Dagstuhl Conference Book Series, October 1998.
  2. Ebert, D., Chapters 1, 6, 7, and 8 in Texturing and Modeling: A Procedural Approach, Second Edition. Ebert, et al. AP Professional, July 1998.
  3. Ebert, D., Advanced Modeling Techniques, in CRC Handbook of Computer Science and Engineering, Chapter 56, CRC Press, 1996.
  4. Ebert, D., Chapters 1, 4, and 5 in Texturing and Modeling: A Procedural Approach. Ebert, et al. AP Professional, September 1994.
  1. Ebert, D., pages 92, 139 in Visual Cues: Practical Data Visualization, by Peter R. Keller and Mary M. Keller, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1993.
  1. Ebert, D., IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2000.
  2. Ebert, D., Shaw, C. Proceedings Workshop on New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation, in cooperation with CIKM '99, November 1999, ACM Press.
  3. Ebert, D. Gross, M., Hamman, B., editors, IEEE Visualization '99 Conference Proceedings, ACM Press, 1999.
  4. Ebert, D., Shaw, C. Proceedings Workshop on New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation, in cooperation with CIKM '98, November 1998, ACM Press.
  5. Ebert, D., Hagen, H., Rushmeier, H., Proceedings IEEE Visualization '98, October 1998, ACM Press.
  6. Ebert, D., Nicholas, C. Proceedings Workshop on New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation, in cooperation with CIKM '97, November 1997, ACM Press.
  7. Ebert, D., Varshney, A., IEEE Visualization '97 Late Breaking Hot Topics Papers. October 1997.
  8. Ebert, D., SIGGRAPH 97 Visual Proceedings (Sketches Section), ACM Press, August 1997.
  9. Ebert, D., Proceedings Workshop on New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation, in cooperation with CIKM '96, November 1996.
  10. Ebert, D., IEEE Visualization '96 Late Breaking Hot Topics Papers, September 1996.
  1. Ebert, D., "Procedural Volumetric Cloud Modeling and Animation," SIGGRAPH 99 Course Notes #26: Simulating Nature: From Theory to Practice, Chapter 5, August 1999.
  2. Ebert, D., "Procedural Volumetric Modeling and Texturing," SIGGRAPH 98 Course Notes #16: Procedural Implicit Techniques for Modeling and Texturing, Chapter 6, July 1998.
  3. Ebert, D., "Procedural Volumetric Modeling and Texturing," SIGGRAPH 97 Course Notes #33: New Frontiers in Modeling and Texturing, Chapter 6, August 1997.
  4. Ebert, D., "Volumetric Procedural Modeling and Animation," SIGGRAPH 96 Course Notes #10: Procedural Modeling and Animation Techniques, Chapter 3, August 1996.
  5. Ebert, D., "Procedural Modeling, Rendering, and Animation of Gases, Fluids, and Textures," SIGGRAPH 95 Course Notes #33: Procedural Modeling, Texturing, and Animation Techniques, August 1995.
  6. Ebert, D., "Procedural Modeling and Animation of Gases and Fluids," SIGGRAPH 94 Course Notes #8: Procedural Modeling, Texturing, and Rendering Techniques, July 1994.
  7. Ebert, D., "Procedural Gases," SIGGRAPH '94 Course Notes #22: Modeling Natural Phenomena, July 1994.
  8. Ebert, D., "Procedural Modeling and Animation of Gases, Fluids, and Fire," SIGGRAPH 93 Course Notes #44: Procedural Modeling and Rendering Techniques, July 1993.
  9. Ebert, D., "Modeling and Animating Gases and Fluids," SIGGRAPH 92 Course Notes #23: Procedural Modeling and Rendering Techniques, July 1992.
  1. Carlson, W., Ebert, D., Parent, R., and Boyer, K., "EDGE Library", OSU Technical Report, OSU-CISRC-01/90-TR-03, January 1990.
  2. Ebert, D. and Parent, R., "Animation of Gaseous Phenomena Using Turbulent Flow Based Solid Texturing," OSU Technical Report, OSU-CISRC-08/89-TR36, August 1989.


  1. Rheingans, P., Ebert, D., "ITR: Volume Illustration: Non-Photorealistic Rendering of Volume Models", NSF ITR Program (ACI) ($448,863), September 2000 - August 20003.
  2. Rheingans, P., Ebert, D., "Visualization of Mobile Information Access Patterns," Aether Systems Inc. ($40,000), September 2000 - June 20001.
  3. Ebert, D., "Visualization and Software Architectures for Volumetric Displays," National Science Foundation 9978032 ($305,645), September 1999 - August 2002.
  4. Ebert, D., "The Use of Maya as a Research Platform for Procedural Modeling and Animation," Alias/Wavefront ($250,000 software), September 1998 - May 2000.
  5. Ebert, D., "Volumetric Display of Earth and Space Science Data," NASA GSFC ($43,982), January 1998 - June 2000.
  6. Ebert, D., "Staging of Prostate Cancer," Catholic University of America ($8000), consulting agreement to NIH grant project, Yue Wang (PI), January 1998 - December 1999.
  7. Nicholas, C., Ebert, D., Miller, E., "Architectures for Data Driven Information Processing," Department of Defense ($2,998,378), June 1997 - May 2002.
  8. Ebert, D., "Volumetric Display of Earth and Space Science Data," NASA GSFC ($7667), June 1997 - September 1997.
  9. Roberts, D., Ebert, D., Goldstein, M., Treinish, L., Spicer, D., "Desktop Stereoscopic Visualization and Analysis of Multi-dimensional Data Sets," NASA ($541,300), January 1997 - August 2000. (UMBC portion ~$190,000).
  10. Ebert, D. "Enhanced Accurate Medical Volume Rendering," Johns Hopkins University Medical Center ($4,058), July 1996 - August 1996.
  11. Ebert, D. "BFRL HTML Conversion and Automation," NIST Building and Fire Research Lab, ($14,909), May 1995.
  12. Ebert, D., "Interactive Stereo Volume Visualization for Space Physics Data," NASA Goddard Space Flight Center ($69,571), March 1995 - June 1997.
  13. Ebert, D., "RIA: Realistic Interactive Visualization for Computational Fluid Dynamics," NSF RIA CCR-9409243 ($61,168), September 1994.
  14. Ebert, D., "Realistic Interactive Visualization for Computational Flows," UMBC DRIF AWARD ($4500), May 1994.


  1. Ebert, D. "Realtime Procedural Texturing and Modeling," Electronic Arts, Inc., September 2000.
  2. Ebert, D., "Photorealistic and Non-photorealistic Volumetric Procedural Modeling and Rendering," Mitsubishi Electronic Research Lab, July 2000.
  3. Ebert, D., "Volume Visualization and Procedural Techniques for Graphics," United States Patent and Trademark Office, June 2000.
  4. Ebert, D., "Procedural Techniques and Volume Graphics," Dagstuhl Visualization Seminar, May 2000.
  5. Ebert, D., "Volume Visualization with a Real-Time Shading Language," Stanford University CS department, May 2000.
  6. Ebert, D., "Effective Visualization Utilizing Perceptual Cues," Washington DC SIGGRAPH chapter, February 2000.
  7. Ebert, D., "Effective Visualization Utilizing Perceptual Cues," Computer Science Department, Mississippi State University, November 1999.
  8. Ebert, D., "Effective Visualization Utilizing Perceptual Cues," Mitsubishi Electronic Research Lab, Cambridge, MA., October 1999.
  9. Ebert, D., "Effective Visualization Utilizing Perceptual Cues," NSF Engineering Research Center, Mississippi State University, July 1999.
  10. Ebert, D. "Scientific and Information Visualization," Army Research Lab, December 1998.
  11. Ebert, D., "Perceptually-motivated Information Visualization," Department of Defense, November 1998.
  12. Ebert, D., "Future of Information Visualization," Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab Cybertech Series, November 1998.
  13. Ebert, D., "Volumetric Procedural Modeling for Realistic Scene Generation," Blue Sky/VIFX and CineSite, July 1998.
  14. Ebert, D., "Visualization," Lister Hill Research Center, National Library of Medicine, series of 5 lectures, June 1998.
  15. Ebert, D., "Perceptually-motivated Information Visualization," College of Library Science, University of Maryland College Park, December 1997.
  16. Ebert, D., "Minimally-immersive Information Visualization," Computer Science Department, University of Maryland College Park, November 1997.
  17. Ebert, D., "Volumetric Procedural Modeling," Computer Science Department, University of Pennsylvania, October 1997.
  18. Ebert, D., "Minimally-immersive Scientific and Information Visualization," San Diego Supercomputer Center, September 26,1997.
  19. Ebert, D., "Perceptually-motivated Information Visualization," P1000 Information Visualization Workshop, April 30, 1997, Gettysburg, PA.
  20. Ebert, D., "Introduction to Visualization," Northrop Grumman, Baltimore, MD, February 1997.
  21. Ebert, D., "Realistic Visualization and Modeling," UMBC Mechanical Engineering Department, Baltimore, MD, February 1997.
  22. Ebert, D., "Texturing and Modeling: Procedural Techniques for Realistic Computer Graphics," Computer Literacy Bookshop, Vienna, VA, January 1997.
  23. Ebert, D., "Volumetric Procedural Modeling and Realistic Visualization," Case Western Reserve University, April 1996.
  24. Ebert, D., "Volumetric Procedural Modeling and Realistic Visualization," Clemson University, April 1996.
  25. Ebert, D., "Realistic Interactive Medical Visualization," ISIS Center, Georgetown University Medical Center, November 1995.
  26. Ebert, D., "Realistic Scientific Visualization," NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, June 1995.
  27. Ebert, D., "Procedural Gas Modeling and Animation," George Washington University, April 1995.
  28. Ebert, D., " Rendering, Animation, and Visualization of Gaseous Phenomena," Washington D.C. SIGGRAPH, February 1994.
  29. Ebert, D., " Rendering, Animation, and Realistic Visualization of Gases," NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, January 1994.
  30. Ebert, D., "Rendering and Animation of Gaseous Phenomena," IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, April 1992.


  1. Ebert, D., (chair), Musgrave, F., Prusinkiewicz, P., Stam, J., Tessendorf, J., "Simulating Nature: From Theory to Practice," course presented at SIGGRAPH 2000, July 2000.
  2. Ebert, D., (chair), Foster, N., Musgrave, F., Prusinkiewicz, P., Tessendorf, J., Vincelette, S., "Simulating Nature: From Theory to Practice," course presented at SIGGRAPH 99, August 1999.
  3. Ebert, D. (co-chair), Hart, J. (co-chair), Bloomenthal, J., Fleischer, K., Heckbert, P., Pederson, H., Prusinkiewicz, P., "New Frontiers in Modeling and Texturing," course presented at SIGGRAPH 98, July 1998.
  4. Ebert, D. (co-chair), Hart, J. (co-chair), Bloomenthal, J., Fleischer, K., Heckbert, P., Pederson, H., Prusinkiewicz, P., "New Frontiers in Modeling and Texturing," course presented at SIGGRAPH 97, August 1997.
  5. Ebert, D. (chair), Hart, J., Musgrave, F., Perlin, K., Sims, K., and Wyvill, B. "Procedural Modeling and Animation Techniques," course presented at SIGGRAPH 96, August 1996.
  6. Ebert, D. (chair), Hart, J., Musgrave, F., Perlin, K., Sims, K., and Wyvill, B. "Procedural Modeling, Texturing, and Animation Techniques," course presented at SIGGRAPH 95, August 1995.
  7. Ebert, D. (chair), Musgrave, F., Peachey, D., Perlin, K., Worley, S., and Wyvill, B. "Procedural Modeling, Texturing, and Rendering Techniques," course presented at SIGGRAPH 94, July 1994.
  8. Ebert, D., Fournier, A., Gardner, G., Musgrave, K., Prusinkiewicz, P., "Modeling Natural Phenomena," course presented at SIGGRAPH 94, July 1994.
  9. Ebert, D. (chair), Musgrave, F., Peachey, D., and Perlin, K., " Procedural Modeling and Rendering Techniques," course presented at SIGGRAPH 93, July 1993.
  10. Ebert, D. (chair), Musgrave, F., Peachey, D., and Perlin, K., " Procedural Modeling and Rendering Techniques," course presented at SIGGRAPH 92, July 1992.


  1. Chlan, E. "Volumetric Grammar-based Models for Plant Growth," expected defense in December 2001.
  2. Grasso, M. "Speech Input in Multimodal Environments: Effects of Perceptual Structure on Speed, Accuracy, and Acceptance," co-advised with Tim Finin, May 1997.

  1. Bedwell, E., "Artificial Evolution of Implicit Surfaces," May 1999.

  1. Kukla, J., "Visualization Using Superquadric Shapes," August 2000.
  2. Rhudy, R. "Extracting Implicit Volumes from Scalar Voxel Arrays," May 2000.
  3. Ju, Y., "An Information Visualization Agent," May 1999.
  4. Ruchigartha, "Simulation of Cloud Formation Using MAYA-based Particles," May 1999.
  5. Panda, P., "Visualization of Continuous Data Using Shape in Glyph-Based Visualization", June 1998.
  6. Chen, P., "Simulation of Cloud Formation," June 1998.
  7. Hu, T., "Implementation of Data Viewer and Dividing Cubes Algorithm," June 1998.
  8. Yuan, H., "Experience with Simulation of Primitives for Cloud Animation," June 1998.
  9. Liao, N., "Accuracy of Volume Visualization of Medical Data," December 1996.
  10. Zhang, Z., "A New Visualization Algorithm for Curvilinear Grid Volumes," December 1996.
  11. Lin, T., "Animation of L-System based 3-D Plant Growing in Java," December 1996.
  12. Helfrick, D., "A New Technique for Resampling Curvilinear Volumes," December 1995.
  13. Buttrum, J., "Rendering of Curvilinear Volumes," May 1995.
  14. Bawa, R., "Rendering of Surface Based Objects Using Shadow Table Techniques," May 1994.


  1. Ebert, D., Images and several quotes used in "Powerful Animation" article by Diana Mahoney in August 1999 issue of Computer Graphics World.
  2. Ebert, D. Kukla, J., Bedwell, E., Wrights, S., "A Cloud is Born," ACM SIGGRAPH 97 Electronic Theater (accepted 58 out of 586) and ACM SIGGRAPH Video Review, 1997. (Computer animation). Also shown on French Public Television, Japanese Public Television, MGM Grand, Brazilian Television, NicoGraph. Featured in Animation World Magazine.
  3. Ebert, D. 3 images and several quotes used in "Volume Visualization" article by Diana Mahoney in July 1997 issue of CGW (Computer Graphics World).
  4. Ebert, D., 3 images and several quotes used in "Procedural Animation" article by Diana Mahoney in May 1997 issue of CGW (Computer Graphics World).
  5. Ebert, D., "Volumetric Procedural Cloud," (invited) SIGGRAPH 97 Educators Slide Set.
  6. Ebert, D., Shaw, C., Zwa, A., and Roberts, D. " Two-handed Interactive Stereoscopic Visualization," (videotape) IEEE Visualization '96 Conference Videotape, October 1996.
  7. Ebert, D., "Volumetric Implicit Cumulus Cloud," SIGGRAPH 96 Technical Slide Set, slide #10, August 1996.
  8. Starr, C., Strong, G., Ebert, D., Eringis, M., and Goldfarb, J., "GLOBE Project Animation," 32 seconds, April 1995. Aired on CNN and Fox.
  9. Ebert, D., "Procedural Animation Techniques," SIGGRAPH 95 Courses CDROM, August 1995.
  10. Ebert, D. and Yagel, R. "Volume Rendering Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics Visualization," IEEE Visualization '94 Video Proceedings, October 1994.
  11. Ebert, D., "Procedural Animation," SIGGRAPH 94 Course Videotape, July 1994.
  12. Ebert, D., "Art Gallery I," (computer generated image) in Introduction to Computers and Information Systems by Syzmanski & Syzmanski, 2nd edition, Macmillan Publishing Company, 1994.
  13. Ebert, D. "Art Gallery I," New England Fine Art Institute, "State of the Art '93" Exhibition, May 28-31, 1993.
  14. Ebert, D. and Ebert, J. "Getting Into Art I," New England Fine Art Institute, "State of the Art '93" Exhibition, May 1993.
  15. Ebert, D., "Windy Tea," SIGGRAPH '92 Technical Slide Set, July 1992.
  16. Ebert, D., "Hot Tea," SIGGRAPH '91 Technical Slide Set, slide #72, SIGGRAPH '91 Appointment Calendar, August 1991.
  17. Ebert, D., "Art Gallery I," in slide set accompanying Integrated Computer Graphics by Bruce Mielke, West Publishing Company, 1991.
  18. Ebert, D., Cover Image, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol. 10, No. 5, September 1990.
  19. Ebert, D., "Steam and Shadows," SIGGRAPH '90 Technical Slide Set, slide #10, August 1990.
  20. Ebert, D., Ebert, J., and Boyer, K., "Getting Into Art," (animation), CIS Department, The Ohio State University, May 1990. Shown at SIGGRAPH '90 Animation Screening Room, Eurographics 90 (Switzerland), Imagina 91 (Monte Carlo).
  21. Ebert, D., "Art Gallery I," (computer generated image) in Introduction to Computers and Information Systems by Syzmanski, Macmillan Publishing Company, 1990.
  22. Ebert, D., Boyer, K., and Roble, D., "Once a Pawn a Foggy Knight...," (computer generated animation). In SIGGRAPH Video Review 54, November 1989. Shown at SIGGRAPH '89 Animation Screening Room, Eurographics 89 (Germany), Online Film Festival ‘89 (England), NCGA 90, Computer Animation 90 (Switzerland), Graphics Interface 90 (Canada).
  23. Ebert, D., "Art Gallery I," SIGGRAPH '89 Technical Slide Set, slide #54, August 1989.
  24. Ebert, D., "Once a Pawn a Foggy Knight," SIGGRAPH '89 Technical Slide Set, slide #60, August 1989.


  1. Conference Co-chair, VisSym 2001: Joint EUROGRAPHICS - IEEE TCCG Symposium on Visualization, May 2001, Switzerland.
  2. Program Committee, Volume Graphics Workshop VG'01, June 2001.
  3. Co-organizer, Workshop on New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation, November 2000
  4. Program Co-Chair, IEEE Visualization 2000, October 2000.
  5. Emerging Technologies Committee, SIGGRAPH 2000, July 2000.
  6. Co-organizer, Workshop on New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation, November 1999
  7. Papers Co-chair, IEEE Visualization '99, October 1999
  8. Emerging Technologies Committee, ACM SIGGRAPH 99, August 1999
  9. Program Committee, Computer Graphics International, June 1999
  10. Program Committee, Computer Animation 98, 99, 2000.
  11. ACM SIGGRAPH Sketches Program Review Task Force, 1998
  12. Co-organizer, Workshop on New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation, November 1998
  13. Papers Co-chair, IEEE Visualization '98, October 1998
  14. Sketches Committee, ACM SIGGRAPH 98, August 1998
  15. Sketches Chair, ACM SIGGRAPH 97, August 1997
  16. Co-organizer, Workshop on New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation, November 1997
  17. Hot Topics Co-chair, IEEE Visualization '97, October 1997
  18. Co-organizer, Workshop on New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation, November 1996
  19. Hot Topics Chair, IEEE Visualization '96, October 1996
  20. Conference Committee, IEEE Volume Visualization Symposium, October 1996
  21. Courses Committee, ACM SIGGRAPH 96, August 1996
  22. Co-organizer, Workshop on New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation, December 1995
  23. Demonstrations Co-Chair, IEEE Visualization '95, November 1995
  24. Conference Committee, IEEE Volume Visualization Symposium, October 1994

  • Journals
    ACM Transactions on Graphics, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, The Visual Computer, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
  • Conferences
    ACM SIGGRAPH 93 - 99, Volume Visualization '93 - '95, IEEE Visualization '95 - '99, Graphics Interface '93 - '95, IEEE Information Visualization '96 - '98, Computer Animation '98 - '99,Implicit Surfaces '98, Computer Graphics International '99
  • Grants / Proposals
    NSF CCR Grant Panel Review, NSF SBIR Grant Panel Review, NASA EOSDIS Proposals, NIST Technology Development Proposals, ASEE NRL Post-doctoral Fellowship program


  1. Best Paper Award, IEEE Visualization 2000 Conference, October 13, 2000 for "Volume Illustration: Non-Photorealistic Rendering of Volume Models," (Ebert and Rheingans).
  2. Honorable Mention, S.P.A.C.E. 90 (SIGGRAPH '90), Dallas, Texas for "Getting Into Art"
  3. Honorable Mention in Student/Faculty Category, NCGA 90 Film Competition, Anaheim, California for "Once a Pawn a Foggy Knight... "
  4. First Place in Student/Faculty Category, Eurographics 89 Animation Competition, Hamburg, Germany for "Once a Pawn a Foggy Knight... "
  5. Honorable Mention in Student/Faculty Category, Online Film Festival 1989, London, England for "Once a Pawn a Foggy Knight... "
  6. Second Place, S.P.A.C.E. 89 (SIGGRAPH '89), Boston, MA, for "Once a Pawn a Foggy Knight... "
  7. University Fellowship, The Ohio State University, 1986-1987


ACM - SIGGRAPH, IEEE - Computer Society
Honorary Societies: Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Eta Sigma


Dr. Ken Perlin, Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
New York University
719 Broadway, Rm 1224 email: perlin@nyu.edu
New York, NY 10003 phone: (212) 998-3386

Dr. Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz, Professor
Department of Computer Science
University of Calgary
2500 University Dr. N.W. email: pwp@cpsc.ucalgary.ca
Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4 Canada phone: (403) 220-5494

Dr. Pat Hanrahan, Professor
Computer Science Department
Stanford University
Gates Computer Science Building
Room 370 3B email: hanrahan@cs.stanford.edu
Stanford, CA 94305-4070 phone: (415) 723-8530

Dr. Richard E. Parent, Associate Professor
Department of Computer and Information Science
The Ohio State University
2015 Neil Ave. email: parent@cis.ohio-state.edu
Columbus, OH 43210-1277 phone: (614) 292-0055

Dr. Roni Yagel, General Manager
InSight Therapuetics
TOR Systems
Hasivim 7, P.O. Box 7779 email: yagel@insightx.com
Petach Tikva, ISREAL 49170 phone: +972-3-924-0205

Dr. Brian Wyvill, Professor
Department of Computer Science
University of Calgary
2500 University Dr. N.W. email: blob@cpsc.ucalgary.ca
Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4 Canada phone: (403) 220-6009