Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Science) (Expected Summer
University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
Dissertation: On Service Discovery and Composition in Ad-hoc
My research focuses on developing distributed architectures
for service discovery and service composition in Ad-hoc environments. I
developed a distributed peer-to-peer caching based service discovery architecture
that is bandwidth efficient and employs bounded advertising and intelligent
selective forwarding to achieve network-wide reachability. I developed broker-based
distributed reactive protocols for service composition in infrastructure-less
ad-hoc environments that are adaptable to dynamic service topology, mobility
and device heterogeneity (in terms of memory, computational capabilities)
Committee: Dr. Anupam Joshi (Advisor), Dr. Tim Finin, Dr. Yelena Yesha,
Dr. Hillol Kargupta, Dr. Arya Gangopadhyay, Dr. Mukesh Singhal