Space Bounded Computations: Review and New Separation Results
- Authors: D. Ranjan, R. Chang and J. Hartmanis.
- Cite as:
Theoretical Computer Science, 80(2):289-302, 1991.
- Previous incarnations:
- D. Ranjan and J. Hartmanis.
"Space Bounded Computations: Review and New Separation
Results," in Proceedings of Mathematical Foundations
of Computer Science 1989,
Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science #379,
49-66, 1989.
- D. Ranjan and J. Hartmanis.
"Space Bounded Computations: Review and New Separation
Results," Technical Report TR-1002, Department of Computer Science,
Cornell University, April 1989.
- Most readable version: journal version.
- Status: complete.
- Online:
final journal submission available as a PDF file (with
embedded Type 1 fonts): loglog.pdf.
In this paper we review the key results about space bounded complexity
classes, discuss the central open problems and outline the prominent
proof techniques. We show that, for a slightly modified Turing machine
model, low level deterministic and nondeterministic space bounded
complexity classes are different. Furthermore, for this computation
model, we show that Savitch's theorem and the Immerman-Szelepcsenyi
theorem do not hold in the range lglg n to lg n. We also
present other changes in the computation model which bring out and clarify the
importance of space constructibility. We conclude by enumerating open
problems which arise out of the discussion.
Last Modified:
22 Jul 2024 11:27:53 EDT
Richard Chang