UMBC CMSC 651, Automata Theory & Formal Languages, Spring 2005, Section 0101

Homework Assignments

From Introduction to the Theory of Computation by Michael Sipser, PWS Publishing unless otherwise noted.

Homework 1, due Tuesday 02/08

  1. 1.4 (e, h & l)
  2. 1.5 (b, c)
  3. 1.10
  4. For any language L, subset of Sigma*, define HALF(L) as follows:
    HALF(L) = { x in Sigma* | there exists y in Sigma*, |x| = |y| and xy is in L }.
    Show that if L is regular, then HALF(L) must also be regular.

Homework 2, due Tuesday 02/15

  1. 1.23 (b, c & d)
  2. 1.30
  3. 1.41
  4. Describe an algorithm that, given a DFA M, determines whether L(M) contains an infinite number of strings. Argue that your algorithm is correct.

Homework 3, due Tuesday 02/22

  1. Let A and B be subsets Sigma*. Define TwoWay(A,B) as follows:
    TwoWay(A,B) = { x in Sigma* | x is in A and xR is in B }
    where xR denotes the reversal of x. Show that if A and B are regular, then TwoWay(A,B) must also be regular.

  2. 2.6 (b & d). Please comment your grammars.
  3. 2.18 (b, c & d)
  4. 2.26

Homework 4, due Tuesday 03/08

  1. 3.10
  2. 3.12
  3. 3.16

Homework 5, due Tuesday 03/15

  1. 4.18
  2. 5.10
  3. 5.14 & 5.15
  4. 5.20

Homework 6, due Tuesday 04/05

  1. A set is cofinite if it is the complement of a finite set. Let
    COF = { < M > | M is a TM and L(M) is cofinite}
    FIN = { < M > | M is a TM and L(M) is finite}
    Prove that FIN ≤m COF. That is FIN reduces to COF via a many-one reduction (a.k.a. a "mapping" reduction).
  2. Prove directly that ATMm-reduces to FIN and the complement of ATMm-reduces to FIN.
  3. 6.5
  4. 6.15

Homework 7, due Tuesday 04/19

  1. 9.3
  2. 9.20. Note: the definition of pad(A, f(n)) should be
    pad (A, f(n)) = { pad(s, f(n)) | where n is the length of s and s is in A }.
  3. 9.21

Homework 8, due Tuesday 04/26

  1. 7.21
  2. 7.27
  3. 7.28
  4. 7.29

Homework 9, due Tuesday 05/03

  1. 7.23
  2. Show that Dominating Set (DOM) defined below is NP-complete.
    DOM = { (G,k) | G = (V,E) is an undirected graph and there exists V' subset of V such that |V'| ≤ k and for each vertex u in V - V' there exists a v in V' such that (u,v) in E }
  3. 8.8
  4. 8.20

Homework 10, due Tuesday 05/17

  1. 10.7
  2. 10.11
  3. 10.13 Hint: Think closure under polynomial-time many-one reductions.
  4. 10.14 Hint: Show that an NPSAT machine only needs to make one query to the SAT oracle.

Last modified: 22 Jul 2024 11:31:03 EDT by Richard Chang,
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