UMBC CMSC651, Automata Theory & Formal Languages, Fall 2010

Course Description


Introduction to the Theory of Computation, second edition, Michael Sipser. Thompson Course Technology, ISBN 0-534-95097-3


The undergraduate automata theory course (CMSC 451) is formally a prerequisite for this class. Where possible, this class will be self contained — i.e., students are not required to know many theorems that are not covered in class. However, it is important for the students in this class to be prepared to read and write mathematical proofs at a level that is consistent with having taken CMSC 451 or an equivalent course.


Assignments & Grading

Your grade in this course will be based on 11 regular homework assignments, and three exams. Each homework assignment is worth 5 points and each exam is worth 15 points. The third exam will be during the time slot allocated for the final exam, but it will not be comprehensive. You are allowed to consult your classmates and others for the homework assignments (but you must write up the assignment yourself). The difference between assignments that have been copied and assignments that have been written up independently after the sharing of ideas is very obvious & especially in a small class. You are allowed to share ideas, but you are not allowed to copy. In general, homework assignments should be submitted when they are due, but reasonable allowances will be made for turning in regular assignments late.

Last Modified: 22 Jul 2024 11:28:45 EDT by Richard Chang
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