UMBC CMSC 641, Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Spring 2004

Course Syllabus

We will follow the textbook Introduction to Algorithms, second edition, by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest and Stein. The following schedule outlines the material to be covered during the semester and specifies the corresponding sections of the textbook. Selected topics not in the textbook will require reading from handouts. The schedule may be adjusted as the semester progresses. However, due dates for the homework assignments and the dates for the quizzes will not change except for school closings (e.g. for snow).

DateTopicReadingQuizHW AssignedHW Due
Tu 01/27 Greedy Algorithms 16.1-16.5
Th 01/29 Dynamic Programming 15.1-15.5 HW1
Tu 02/03 Amortized Analysis 17.1-17.4
Th 02/05 Binomial Heaps 19.1-19.2 HW2 HW1
Tu 02/10 Fibonacci Heaps 20.1-20.4
Th 02/12 Fibonacci Heaps HW3 HW2
Tu 02/17 Disjoint Set Union 21.1-21.4 Quiz1
Th 02/19 Maximum Flow 26.1-26.3 HW4 HW3
Tu 02/24 Maximum Flow
Th 02/26 Maximum Flow handout HW5 HW4
Tu 03/02 Maximum Flow Quiz2
Th 03/04 NP-completeness 34.1-34.5 HW6 HW5
Tu 03/09 NP-completeness
Th 03/11 NP-completeness HW7 HW6
Tu 03/16 NP-completeness Quiz3
Th 03/18 Approximation Algorithms 35.1-35.5 HW7
Tu 03/23 Spring Break
Th 03/25 Spring Break
Tu 03/30 Approximation Algorithms
Th 04/01 Approximation Algorithms HW8
Tu 04/06 Approximation Algorithms Quiz4
Th 04/08 Number Theoretic Notions 31.1 HW9 HW8
Tu 04/13 Number Theoretic Algorithms 31.2-31.6
Th 04/15 Primality Testing 31.8 HW10 HW9
Tu 04/20 Primality Testing Quiz5
Th 04/22 Sorting Networks 27.1-27.5 HW11 HW10
Tu 04/27 Sorting Networks
Th 04/29 Parallel Algorithms HW12 HW11
Tu 05/04 Parallel Merge Sort handout Quiz6
Th 05/06 Review HW12
Tu 05/18 Final Exam, 1pm-3pm

Last Modified: 22 Jul 2024 11:28:47 EDT by Richard Chang
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