UMBC CMSC641, Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Spring 2004
News Archive
The complete list of announcements for this class:
- [Fri May 28 10:52 2004]
Final grades were sent to the students via email (finally!).
Enjoy the summer.
- [Fri May 07 15:50 2004]
Prof. Chang's office hours on Tuesday 5/11 and Thursday 5/13 will be held
at 11am-12noon as usual. He will not hold office hours on Tuesday 5/18.
- [Wed May 05 14:25 2004]
By popular request,
Homework 13 has been posted.
It is entirely optional. If you write up the solutions and turn them in by
Thursday May 13, it will count as 3% of your total grade (same as the other
homeworks). Note that there are 4 questions, one each on dynamic programming,
amortized analysis, maximum flow and NP-completeness (same as final exam
- [Tue May 04 13:20 2004]
Some notes about Homework 12:
- First question: don't assume that the processors
already know the length of the linked list. Also, you are
supposed to come up with an EREW algorithm.
- Second question: your algorithm should take O(log n) time.
- Third question: be sure that you argue that the disjoint
set data structure does not get corrupted by all this
parallel pointer manipulations. E.g., how do we know
that two nodes do not end up pointing to each other?
- [Thu Apr 29 10:53 2004]
On Tuesday April 27th, the class voted to have these three topics
on the final exam:
- Dynamic Programming
- Amortized Analysis
- Maximum Flow
The fourth topic (instructor's discretion) will be on
- [Thu Apr 29 10:53 2004]
Homework 12 has been posted.
Note that the questions are taken from the first edition
of the textbook.
- [Thu Apr 22 10:41 2004]
Homework 11 has been posted.
- [Thu Apr 15 12:53 2004]
Homework 10 has been posted.
- [Thu Apr 08 17:07 2004]
Homework 9 has been posted.
- [Thu Apr 01 13:49 2004]
Homework 8 has been posted.
- [Tue Mar 16 20:06 2004]
Homework 7 may be submitted by
Tuesday March 30 (Tuesday after Spring Break) due to slippage
in the schedule.
- [Wed Mar 10 10:08 2004]
Homework 7 has been posted.
- [Tue Mar 09 11:09 2004]
Office hours on Thursday 3/11 will be held from 1:30-2:30pm.
- [Thu Mar 04 13:16 2004]
Homework 6 has been posted.
- [Thu Feb 26 13:57 2004]
Homework 5 has been posted.
- [Tue Feb 17 11:51 2004]
Homework 4 has been posted.
- [Thu Feb 12 11:43 2004]
Homework 3 has been posted.
- [Thu Feb 05 12:15 2004]
Homework 2 has been posted.
- [Mon Feb 02 15:58 2004]
Office hours for Pengyu Liu (our TA) have been posted on the
Contact Information page.
- [Thu Jan 29 10:48 2004]
Homework 1 has been posted.
- [Mon Jan 26 16:30 2004]
If you wish to add this class (it is currently closed, but there will
likely be room), please add yourself to the hold list.
- [Mon Jan 26 16:30 2004]
There will be no office hours on Tuesday January 27, 2004.
- [Mon Jan 26 16:28 2004]
Web page up.
Last Modified:
22 Jul 2024 11:28:47 EDT
Richard Chang
to Spring 2004 CMSC 641 Homepage