UMBC CMSC451h, Automata Theory & Formal Languages, Spring 2010
News Archive
The complete list of announcements for this class:
[Thu May 13 08:55 2010]
Grades on Blackboard have been updated through Quiz 5 and Homework 11. The
only missing grades are the final exam and Homework 12, worth 26% and 3.25%
of your grade respectively. So, the total number of obtainable points is
70.75. Thus, 90% of points so far is 63.675 points, 80% is 56.6 points and
70% is 49.525.
[Mon May 03 11:30 2010] Homework 12 posted.
Note: the due date for Homework 12 is pushed back to
Thursday 5/13.
[Thu Apr 08 09:40 2010]
Homework and quiz scores have been brought up to date on Blackboard. We've
had 6 homework assignments and 3 quizzes graded for 19.5 and 21 points,
respectively. (Recall that with 1 cancelled homework assignment, each is
worth 3.25 points.) So, the total number of points obtainable is
19.5 + 21 = 40.5 points. You can look at the Weighted Total column of your
grades and compare it against 36.45, 32.40 and 28.35, which are
90%, 80% and 70% of 40.5 points.
[Wed Feb 24 07:55 2010]
The episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation where the Enterprise gets
stuck in a time loop (like a DFA) is called Cause and Effect (Season
5, Episode 18). Here's the write up on
Wikipedia and video on YouTube.
The show opens with the Enterprise-D blowing up... classic.
[Sun Jan 24 22:48 2010]
Course description and syllabus available in PDF
(hard copies will be distributed in class, too.):
[Sun Jan 24 22:48 2010] Note: Be aware of the schedule of in-class
quizzes listed in the syllabus!
The first quiz is on Thursday, February 25.