UMBC CMSC451, Automata Theory & Formal Languages, Fall 2008
Homework Assignments
- Exercise 1.3, page 83.
- Exercise 1.6, part c, page 84.
- Exercise 1.6, part e, page 84.
- Exercise 1.6, part j, page 84.
- Argue using a formal mathematical proof that your DFA
for Exercise 1.6.j recognizes the specified language.
- Exercise 1.7, part b, page 84.
- Exercise 1.7, part c, page 84.
- Exercise 1.9, part a, page 85.
- Exercise 1.14, part b, page 85.
- Problem 1.37, page 89.
Note: Assume the input x ∈ {0,1}*.
This bit pattern x represents a number in base 2 (binary).
We want that number to be divisible by n.
Additional instructions:
Construct a DFA for the n = 7 case, instead of
showing Cn is regular for
all n.
- Construct an NFA with 3 states for the following language:
L = { ab, abc }*
That is, L is the set of strings w such that w
is either the empty string, or
w =
where each wi is either ab or
- Exercise 1.16, part a, page 86.
- Exercise 1.16, part b, page 86.
- For two sets A and B, recall the definition
of set subtraction:
A − B =
{ x ∈ A | x ∉ B }
Argue that if A and B are regular languages, then
A − B must also be regular. (I.e., show that the
regular languages are closed under set subtraction.)
- Problem 1.38, page 89.
- Exercise 1.18, parts e, f & i, page 86.
That is, give regular expressions generating the languages
of Exercise 1.6 parts e, f and i.
- Exercise 1.20, parts b, c & f, page 86.
- Exercise 1.21, part b, page 86.
- Exercise 1.29, part b, page 88.
- Problem 1.46, part c, page 90.
Hint: You might find the solution for part b helpful.
- Problem 1.47, page 90.
- Problem 1.48, page 90.
Note: There is no typo. The language D is regular.
Additional Instructions:
Draw a DFA for the language D and explain fully why your
DFA works.
- Problem 1.49, parts a & b, page 90.
Note: There is no marker between 1k and
y in the languages B and C. It is
permissible for y to begin with a 1.
Additional Instructions: For part a, draw a DFA for
the language B and explain fully why your DFA works.
- Exercise 2.4, part c, page 128.
Additional Instructions: Please "document" your context-free
grammar by giving an overview and by explaining the role of each
- Exercise 2.6, part b, page 129.
Additional Instructions: Please "document" your context-free
grammar by giving an overview and by explaining the role of each
When you are asked to provide a context-free grammar (CFG), briefly
describe the purpose of each variable of your CFG and comment the
"interesting" productions.
- Consider the context-free grammar G with the following rules:
S → aS | aA
A → aAb | ε
Show that L(G) is equal to L1 =
{ anbm | n > m ≥ 0 }
by proving these two statements by induction:
S ⇒* w if and only if w ∈ L1
A ⇒* w if and only if w ∈
{ anbn | n ≥ 0 }
Make sure that you state the induction hypothesis, prove the base case and prove
both directions of the "if and only if" for each statement.
- Provide a CFG for the following language:
L2 =
{ w ∈ {a, b}* | the number of a's
in w does not equal the number of b's in w }
Note: L2 contains strings not in
a*b*, for example, abaaabba.
- Provide a CFG for the following language:
L3 =
{ w ∈ {a, b}* | the number of a's
in w is twice the number of b's in w }
Note: L3 contains strings not in
a*b*, for example, abaaaaabb.
- Exercise 2.14,
part b, page 129.
- Give a high-level description of a pushdown automaton (PDA) for the following language and
then draw the transition diagram for your PDA.
L1 =
{ w ∈ { a, b}* | no prefix of w has more a's
than b's }
Note: a high-level English description of your PDA has comments like "push X whenever
a 0 is read."
- Give a high-level description of a pushdown automaton (PDA) for the following language and
then draw the transition diagram for your PDA.
L2 =
{ ai bj ck | i ≠ j or j ≠ k }
- Give a high-level description of a pushdown automaton (PDA) for the following language
L1 =
{ w ∈ { a, b}* | there does not exist x ∈ { a, b}*
such that w = xx
Note: don't draw the transition diagram for this problem.
Hint: Let w = xx' where |x| = |
x' | (i.e., x is the first half of w and
x' is the second half). Your PDA can accept if it verifies that
the i-th symbol of x is not the same as the i-th
symbol of x'. Use nondeterminism to guess i and the
finite state to remember the i-th symbol of x. This
frees up the stack for checking the i-th symbol of x'.
Use lots of nondeterminism.
- Suppose that A is a context-free language and B is a regular language.
Let the language C be defined as follows:
C =
{ w | w ∈ A and there exists a suffix x of w
such that x ∈ B
Argue that C must be context-free by describing a PDA for C.
- Problem 2.30, part a, page 131.
- Problem 2.31, page 131.
- Problem 2.44, page 132.
- Problem 2.45, page 132.
- Problem 2.26, page 130.
- Problem 3.11, page 161.
Note: Show equivalence by showing that TM's with doubly infinite
tape can be simulated by a standard 1-tape TM with semi-infinite tape.
(I.e., do not rely on multi-tape TM's).
- Problem 3.12, page 161.
Note: Among other things, you need to show that a TM with
left reset can simulate a standard 1-tape TM. Make sure that
your simulation works when the 1-tape TM moves the tape head
left many consecutive times (like 1000000).
- Problem 3.14, page 161.
Note: Make sure that you are using a single
queue. You cannot change the order of the symbols in the queue.
Furthermore, note that a queue automaton cannot write on its
input tape.
- Problem 4.10, page 183.
Hint: consider context-free grammars.
- Problem 4.19, page 184.
Note: You must fully justify the
correctness of your algorithm.
- Problem 4.28, page 184.
- Let A = {
M3, ...
be a Turing-recognizable set of Turing machines.
Argue that you can construct a decidable set
B = {
M'3, ...
so that a language L is recognized by a TM
in A if and only if L is recognized
by a TM in B.
Hint: Consider an enumerator for the set B
that outputs
M'3, ...
in lexicographic order.
- Extra Credit: Problem 4.18, page 184.
Note: the problem says that A and B
are co-Turing-recognizable. That is, the complements
of A and B are Turing-recognizable.
- Exercise 5.2, page 211.
- Problem 5.9, page 211.
Note: Prove this directly, do not use Rice's Theorem.
- Problem 5.14, page 212.
Note: Consider only 1-tape Turing machines.
Note: Rice's Theorem is not applicable to this problem because
it does not involve a property of the language.
- Problem 5.15, page 212.
Note: Consider only 1-tape Turing machines.
- Problem 5.22, page 212.
- Problem 5.23, page 212.
- Problem 5.24, page 212.
- Problem 6.6, page 242.
Hint: Use the recursion theorem instead
of re-proving it.
- Problem 6.23, page 243.
- Problem 7.17, page 295.
- Problem 7.21, page 296.
Hint: given a Boolean formula φ construct a new
formula φ' with exactly one more satisfying assignment (i.e.,
the number of satisfying assignments in φ' is 1 plus the
number of satisfying assignments in φ).
- Problem 7.32, page 298.
Note: The hard part of this problem is showing that U
is a language in NP. To make this simpler, let's change the definition
of U slightly:
U = { (M, x, #t) |
Nu accepts input < M, x >
within t steps on at least one branch }.
Here Nu is a nondeterministic version of the
universal Turing machine that simulates M on input x
Last Modified:
22 Jul 2024 11:28:20 EDT
Richard Chang
to Fall 2008 CMSC 451 Homepage