UMBC CMSC441H, Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Spring 2005, Honors Section
News Archive
The complete list of announcements for this class:
- [Wed May 18 19:02 2005]
The four topics for the final exam will be:
Greedy Algorithms, Graph Algorithms, Dynamic Programming and Network Flow.
- [Mon May 09 11:58 2005]
Homework 13 has been posted.
- [Thu May 05 04:15 2005]
At five minutes past five this morning (and this evening), it was/will be
05/05/05 05:05.
- [Thu May 05 04:14 2005]
Homework 12 was posted on Tuesday,
forgot to mention it.
- [Thu May 05 16:12 2005]
A small change in the syllabus:
we actually covered section 11.3 instead of 11.6.
- [Thu May 05 16:10 2005]
A progress report (GPG signed) was sent to students via email.
- [Tue Apr 26 04:26 2005]
Homework 11 has been posted.
- [Tue Apr 19 09:55 2005]
Homework 10 has been posted.
- [Tue Apr 12 10:30 2005]
Homework 9 has been posted.
- [Tue Apr 12 12:30 2005]
Suresh Purini will hold his office hours on Wednesday 4/13 from 10am to
11am (instead of 3pm to 4pm). The change is for this week only.
- [Mon Apr 04 22:35 2005]
Homework 8 has been posted.
- [Thu Mar 31 22:55 2005]
Here's an
article on using straight vegetable oil as diesel fuel.
- [Thu Mar 24 15:34 2005]
Homework 7 has been posted.
- [Thu Mar 17 16:19 2005]
A progress report was sent to students via email.
The progress reported was signed using GPG.
For more GPG info, see
my public keys page
- [Wed Mar 09 21:29 2005]
Homework 6 has been posted.
Also available in PDF: hw6.pdf.
- [Thu Mar 03 13:44 2005]
Homework 5 has been posted.
- [Mon Feb 28 22:16 2005]
Syllabus updated to reflect some changes in the
lecture schedule and the dates for Quiz 1, Quiz 2, HW4, HW5 and
- [Thu Feb 24 12:45 2005]
UMBC will be closed at 2:30pm today due to inclement weather.
Quiz 1, originally scheduled for today, will be given on Tuesday
March 1.
- [Tue Feb 22 10:21 2005]
Homework 4 has been posted.
- [Thu Feb 17 14:27 2005]
Fixed typos in the online syllabus where everyday was a Tuesday.
- [Tue Feb 15 13:22 2005]
Homework 3 has been posted.
- [Wed Feb 09 14:25 2005]
Homework 2 has been posted.
- [Tue Feb 01 13:02 2005]
TA office hours: Suresh Purini will hold office hours on Mondays and Wednesdays
from 3pm to 4pm in ITE Room 230 (see contacts page).
- [Tue Feb 01 18:50 2005]
Room change: We will meet in ITE Room 239 (instead of
227) starting today. The room swap with Section 301 of CMSC 104 provides
both classes with more suitable rooms. (We have 16 on the roster, they
have 40 plus a hold list.)
- [Mon Jan 31 18:50 2005]
Homework 1 has been posted.
- [Fri Jan 28 14:00 2005]
We are using a textbook that is not yet in print. On the first day of
class, you will be able to borrow a copy of the textbook which you can
duplicate at your preferred copier.
- [Fri Jan 28 14:00 2005]
Note: Be aware of the schedule of in-class quizzes listed in the
- [Fri Jan 28 14:00 2005]
Web page up.
Last Modified:
22 Jul 2024 11:28:03 EDT
Richard Chang
to Spring 2005 CMSC 441H Section Homepage