UMBC CMSC441, Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Spring 2011
News Archive
The complete list of announcements for this class:
[Thu May 26 21:44 2011]
Final exam scores and letter grades have been posted on Blackboard.
[Thu May 12 15:45 2011]
Here are the questions we used for review:
18 Review.pdf.
[Tue May 10 11:30 2011]
The final exam is Tuesday May 17th 10:30am – 12:30pm.
There will be 4 questions on the final exam. The topics are:
recurrence relations
divide and conquer
dynamic programming, and
greedy algorithms.
[Tue May 10 11:30 2011]
Second set of notes on NP-completeness:
17.2 Cooks Theorem.pdf.
(Despite the title, we did not have enough time to go over the proof of
Cook's Theorem.)
Here are some notes on the amortized running time of Disjoint Set Union:
The analysis is easier than the mα(n) analysis in
the textbook (but only gets m lg* n).
[Tue Apr 12 13:35 2011]
Notes on Minimum Spanning Trees from Tuesday:
13 MST.pdf
[Thu Apr 07 14:50 2011]
In question #3 of
Homework 9, the graph does not include
yourself. In particular, you do have the option of spreading the rumor by
personally telling every vertex in the graph. However, the only case where
this is the smallest set of people to tell is when the graph has no edges
at all.
[Tue Apr 05 15:30 2011]
Here are the notes I did not get to use today (Tuesday 4/5)
because of projector problems:
12.2 Depth-First Search.pdf.
We will finish up strongly-connected components on Thursday.
[Thu Mar 24 10:35 2011] Homework 7 extended to Thursday, March 31.
All other dates remain the same. Email explanation sent.
[Fri Mar 18 13:50 2011]
Notes on greedy algorithms from Thursday:
11.1 Greedy 1.pdf
[Tue Mar 15 13:50 2011]
For Question #2 of Homework 7, duplicate
songs do not count. I.e., the solution is not recording the shortest song
over and over again.
[Tue Mar 15 11:35 2011]
Second set of dynamic programming notes for lecture on Tuesday, March 15:
10.2 Dynamic Programming 2.pdf.
We did not do the beer/milk run problem in class. You can try it for practice.
[Tue Mar 08 13:05 2011]
Question #3 on Homework 6
was replaced by a different problem. On the original Investment Strategy
problem, it is unclear what happens if you don't have enough money in your
investment account to cover the fees. Presumably, your account is closed
and you might owe some money. In any case, this makes the investment
strategy depedent on the dollar amount of the investment, resulting in a
poor dynamic programming problem.
[Wed Dec 31 19:00 1969]
In Homework 4, Question #2,
note that you cannot compare two jugs of the same
color. You can only compare a blue jug to a red jug. You cannot compare
two blue jugs or two red jugs. This is an important part of the question.
[Tue Feb 22 06:34 2011]
No class today, February 22, due to delayed opening (snow).
The following adjustments are made on the syllabus:
[Tue Feb 15 12:48 2011]
Notes from lecture on Tuesday, Feb 15:
06 QuickSort.pdf
[Tue Feb 15 12:20 2011]
On second thought, let's not do part d of the second question
in Homework 3 (Median-of-3 partition).
So, just do parts a, b & c.
[Thu Feb 10 13:50 2011]
Notes from lecture on Thursday, Feb 10:
05 HeapSort.pdf
[Thu Feb 10 11:58 2011]
Note: in
Homework 2, you must show
all of your work, as requested. Answers without sufficient
derivation will receive little credit.
[Thu Feb 10 11:56 2011]
Gollum/Smeagol expresses his fondness for the Master Theorem
in this
YouTube video (or something like that).
[Sun Jan 30 22:20 2011]
Our TA has selected his office hours:
Mondays & Wednesdays 4pm – 5pm in ITE334.
See contacts page.
[Fri Jan 28 00:20 2011]
Revised syllabus posted.
[Fri Jan 28 00:20 2011]
Revised syllabus posted.
[Thu Jan 27 08:00 2011]
No class today, UMBC not open until noon.
I think this is the first time I've had to revise the syllabus
before classes even started! See you next Tuesday.
[Wed Jan 26 14:20 2011]
Keep tabs on the weather (e.g.
Capital Weather Gang).
We'll see what happens with the weather on the first day of class.
Here's UMBC's
inclement weather policy.
[Wed Jan 26 14:15 2011]
Course description and syllabus are available in PDF:
Hard copies will be distributed on the first day of class.
[Wed Jan 26 14:00 2011] Note: Be aware of the schedule of in-class quizzes listed in the
Quiz 1 will take place on Thursday, February 24, 2011.