UMBC CMSC431, Compiler Design Principles, Fall 2009
Project 7
Due: End of the Semester
In this final project students will round out their compilers by
implementing some features available in "real" programming languages.
Implement some of the following programming language features. Each
feature has an associated point value. For full credit, you should
implement features with point values that sum to 100 points. If the
point value of the features exceeds 100 points, you will receive
extra credit of up to 50 points. (Recall that Project 7 counts for
20% of you final grade — double the percentage of Projects 1
through 6.)
Some of these features will be easier or harder to implement depending
on the design choices you have made so far. For example, implementing
break statements requires that the compiler knows which loop encloses
the break statement. If your compiler did not keep track of the
nesting structure of loops, then break statements will be harder
to implement.
- (10 points) Arrays of integers. Programmers should
be allowed to declare local and global arrays and to use array
elements freely in an expression. Array elements can be passed to
functions and procedures as an actual parameter. The assignment
statement must be modified, of course. Also, your read command
should be modified to allow reading in array elements (local or
global) from user input.
- (10 points) Arrays of floating point numbers. Same
features as above for integers, except for 8-byte double-precision
floating point values.
- (10 points) Array parameters. This feature allows
the programmer to pass an array by reference to a function or
- (10 points) Array range checking. For this feature,
your compiler should generate code that checks whether the array
index is within the bounds declared for the array. (Note: this check
has to be performed at run time.)
- (25 points) Stack-allocated dynamically sized arrays.
This feature is described in Section 7.2.4 of our textbook.
It allows the programmer to declare a local array whose size depends
on the value of a formal parameter. This declaration must take place at the very
beginning of the function/procedure. Once the array has been declared, its size
cannot change.
- (50 points) "Fancy" Boolean expressions. Section 6.6
and 6.7 of the textbook describes how to generate code for Boolean expression
by a sequence of tests and branching instructions (instead of storing Boolean
values on the stack). Short circuit evaluation is assumed.
- (15 points) For loops. Add for loops with an index
variable to your programming language.
- (15 points) Break and continue statements. A break
statement exits the loop immediately. Break statements must work
with for loops (if you implemented for loops) and while loops. You
can use different syntax to break out of for loops and while loops,
if you want. A continue statement jumps to the beginning of a while
loop or for loop. Test programs for this feature should demonstrate
that the break and continue statements work correctly in multiply
nested loops.
- (15 points) "Better" error reporting. The compiler
should list the line number where the syntax error occurred and
produce a helpful message regarding the nature of the error.
- (15 points) Error recovery. Here your compiler
would continue parsing the program even after a syntax error is
encountered. The compiler has to guess where to restart parsing.
You may need to redesign your grammar (end of statement markers
like semicolons are really helpful here). Consult the Bison Manual
for bison features that support error recovery.
- (35 points) Parameter passing by reference.
Allow the programmer to pass variables by reference. Note: you do
not need to introduce pointer types to your programming language
— just references. Adding pointers to your language creates
a whole new set of problems. Think carefully about how the programmer
specifies the actual parameter that is passed by reference (e.g.,
is an & required?) Within a function, reference parameters can
be used freely in expressions and might be passed to another function
either by value or by reference. Assignments to reference parameters
must have the expected side effects.
- (40 points) Type promotion.
Your compiler will generate code to automatically convert Boolean
values to integer values and integer values to floating point values
where appropriate. This conversion should happen in expressions,
in assignment statements and in function calls.
- (40 points) Peephole optimization.
Section 8.7 of the textbook describes peephole optimization. You
will need to be able to identify basic blocks in the assembly
language generated by your compiler and look adjacent instructions
within a basic block to remove/modify inefficient code.
- (40 points) Basic structs.
For this feature, you will implement structs (a.k.a. records) for
your programming language. The fields inside a struct could be
boolean, integer or floating point values (no pointers, arrays or
structs). The programming language has to be modified to allow the
programmer to define a new struct type and to specify the name and
types of the fields. Programmers are allowed to declare local and
global variables with the new struct type. Furthermore, structs can
be passed to functions/procedures as parameters and to be returned
from functions. One of the main challenges in implementing this
feature is that you need to create a mechanism for representing and
storing type information.
- (20 points) Advanced structs.
Extend structs to allow fields that are structs. Also, if you
implemented arrays, then allow arrays to be members. If you implemented
parameter passing by reference, then allow structs to be passed by
- (20 points) Super advanced structs.
Allow arbitrary composition of structs and arrays. For example,
you can have an array of structs which have arrays as fields.
This one available only if you have implemented both arrays and
- (20 points) Forward and external declarations of
Implement function prototypes. This allows mutually recursive
functions/procedures. The same mechanism should allow functions
to be defined externally (e.g., in a separate file). This will allow
programs written in your programming language to call functions
implemented in C.
- (30 points) Exploit i386 complex instruction set.
You need to have arrays implemented to take this option. The idea
is to add syntax to your programming language to allow the programmer
to write programs that use the LODS, STOS and SCAS instructions
together with the REP prefix to quickly scan, copy or fill an integer
array. Here's an example program that works with 8-bit characters:
rep.asm and rep.txt.
You will use 32-bit versions of these instructions.
- (40 points) Better use of the FPU stack.
Our strategy for evaluating floating point expressions is very
inefficient because it requires a lot of copying between the regular
stack and the FPU stack. Devise a strategy for generating code that
keeps the intermediate results of floating point expressions in the
FPU stack as much as possible. Your strategy should minimize copying
when the expression has small depth, but also generate correct code
when the expression has depth greater than 8. (Recall that the FPU
only has 8 registers arranged as a stack.) Furthermore, your strategy
should take into account that the FPU stack must be cleared before
a function call. This is important since a floating point expression
might include a call to a function that returns a floating point
If there is a feature that you would like to add to your compiler
that does not appear on the list above, you may negotiate a point
value for that feature with the instructor. As a general rule, the
feature must involve some new compiler techniques or challenges and/or
add some novel feature to your programming language. An example of
a feature fails to qualify is single-precision floating point
variables --- yes, implementing single-precision numbers requires
a lot of additional coding and debugging, but none of it involves
methods that we have not already used.
For each feature you choose to implement, include good test
programs that demonstrate that feature. Clearly indicate in comments
or in a README file which feature each test program exercises.
Submitting Your Project
We will use a new repository for Project 7. You should first use CVS
to check-out Project 7.
cvs -d /afs/ checkout -d MyProj7 user1
Use cvs add and cvs commit to check-in any
files that you have copied over from Project 6, your test
programs and any other files that you want to submit.
Last Modified:
22 Jul 2024 11:27:43 EDT
Richard Chang
to Fall 2009 CMSC 431 Homepage