Project 5: Pinball Hash
Due: Tuesday, December 6, 8:59:59pm
Friday, December 2, 15:45.
New version of driver.cpp posted. This version has a different implementation of myRand() which calls the drand48() random number generators instead of rand(). The purpose of this is to make sure that the main program uses a different random number generator from the ones that you are using in the Pinball class implementation. This means you should not use lrand48() or srand48() in your own code.
The problem was that the scheme used by the old myRand() function that saved a "seed" was particularly bad for the rand() function installed on GL. A test that called myRand() 200,000 times only yields about 40,000 to 100,000 different (not very random) numbers. So, in your big trials with 200,000 slots that are 80% full, it is possible that the test function just keeps picking the same numbers and goes into an infinite loop, looking for a new word to insert into the hash table. Here's a copy of the driver program.
Finally, some C++ installations (e.g., Microsoft Visual Studio) do not include drand48(). If you are in that situation, use the old driver on your own machine, and don't run the big tests. Use the new driver on GL for the big tests.
Tuesday, November 29, 15:45.
New version of mediumtest.cpp. This version handles the case if your insert() function throws an exception. The issue is that the later parts of the saveIndices array will not get populated after an exception. Other parts of the program would not know this. The fix is to initialize entries of saveIndices[] to -1. Other parts of the program now check for -1.
Finally, mediumtest.cpp will report an "Inserted word not found: " after an exception is thrown because the ejection limit is reached. This is normal since the last ejected string did not have a slot in the hash table. Note that this is likely to be a string other than the string that was originally inserted. See second output example: mediumtest2.txt. The word "campaigner" was inserted which eventually ejected "ammo", which gets flagged as "not found".
Tuesday, November 29, 12:15. NULL is not the same thing as an empty string.
An empty string is a char array with 1 item, '\0'. It's a perfectly good string. You should be able to insert the empty string in the hash table if you want.
NULL is not a string. It is a pointer holding the address 0.
An unoccupied slot in the hash table should store NULL, not the empty string.
- Saturday, November 26, 15:30. Note that hashCode() returns an unsigned int. If you store the return value in a signed int, you could end up with a negative value. Stick with unsigned int when working with hash table indices.
- Monday, November 21, 13:05. [Already?] Added an implementation note on duplicate auxiliary slots.
The objective of this programming assignment is to have you evaluate experimentally the performance of a hash table data structure.Introduction
For this project, you will implement a variation of Cuckoo Hashing and evaluate its performance experimentally. This hashing scheme, which we will call Pinball Hashing, takes elements of Cuckoo Hashing and combines it with ideas from the study of expander graphs. The entire class will participate in this experimental evaluation. Each student will be assigned a particular version of the hashing scheme and report his/her observations. Collectively, we may be able to produce some advice on how best to implement Pinball Hashing.
Pinball Hashing is an open addressing scheme (like linear probing and quadratic probing) — that is, all of the items are stored in the array of the hash table. There are not any additional data structures — no linked lists — just an array and a size.
Pinball Hashing differs from linear and quadratic probing in that for each item there is a small number of locations where an item might be placed. (In this project, we will experiment with this small number being 5, 7 or 9.) We will call this value the degree of the Pinball hash table.
So suppose that we have a Pinball hash table with degree 5. That means there are 5 slots in the hash table where an item may be placed. Let's set aside for now how these 5 slots are determined, except to say that they can be quickly computed from the hash value. To find an item in the hash table, we simply look in all 5 slots. If we find the item, then we are done. If the item is not in any of the 5 slots, then the item is not in the hash table. In contrast, in linear probing and quadratic probing, an item might theoretically be in any slot of the hash table. So searching in a Pinball hash table is very simple.
What about insertion? Suppose we are hashing strings using a hash function h( ). Suppose that h("aardvark") = 713. We call 713 the primary slot for "aardvark". If slot 713 is available, then we put "aardvark" in that slot and we are done. If 713 is not available, we look to the other 4 auxiliary slots for "aardvark". Let's say these are slots number 973, 1516, 72 and 311. (We will consider different ways of computing the locations of the auxiliary slots. That's why we are being a bit vague about how they are determined for now.) If any of these 4 auxiliary slots are available, then we simply put "aardvark" in the available auxiliary slot. What if all of the auxiliary slots are taken? Then we randomly choose one of the auxiliary slots, eject the string in that auxiliary slot from the table and then put "aardvark" in that slot. So, let's say "bison" was ejected from slot 1516 and we put "aardvark" in slot 1516 instead. What do we do with "bison"? Well, we insert it back into the hash table and hope that one of its 4 other slots is available. What if all of the other slots for "bison" are also full? Then "bison" will eject another item, maybe "cheetah", and we hope that "cheetah" has an available slot ...
This process of ejecting items and reinserting them corresponds to a random walk in a graph. (To be technical, the vertices of the graph are the slots of the hash table and two slots/vertices are connected by an edge if one vertex is a primary slot and the other vertex is an auxiliary slot for the same item.) The theory of expander graphs says that if a good fraction of the slots in the hash table is available, then a random walk will quickly get to an available slot. What is "quickly"? and does the theory actually work? We don't know. That's why we are having you do this experiment.
There are two additional issues to consider. First, it is possible for a random walk to loop back and visit a vertex/slot that it has visited before. In the example above, perhaps re-inserting "cheetah" causes "aardvark" to be ejected and we are back where we started. Second, it is possible that the hash function maps 6 strings to the same primary slot. In that case, it would be impossible for these 6 strings to be inserted in the primary slot and 4 auxiliary slots. Every time a string gets ejected and re-inserted into the hash table, it will be hashed to the same primary slot again. Again, we are back where we started.
Both of these issues can be handled by limiting the number of ejections that are allowed during a single insert operation. If the limit is exceeded, we just throw up our hands and declare that the hash table is full. (In the implementation, you will throw an exception, not hands.) What should be the limit on the number of ejections resulting from a single insertion? is 8 good? If the limit is too low, then the random walk will not be long enough to find an available slot. If it is too high, then we may be wasting our time in the random walk without finding an available sot. Is 14 better? how about 20? We don't know. That's why we are having you do this experiment.
Note that the probability of looping back is reduced if we increase the degree. In the first case, since we pick an item among the auxiliary slots randomly, a larger degree implies a lower probability of picking an auxiliary slot that leads to looping back. A bigger degree also means more strings have to hash to the same primary slot before the hash table is declared full. On the other hand, recall that a larger degree does mean a slower search, since the search function must look in all the auxiliary slots. So, is a degree of 5 good enough? would 7 be better? or maybe even 9? or is 9 too big? We don't know. That's why we are having you do this experiment.
Finally, we still need to describe how the auxiliary slots are determined. The short answer is randomly. (The longer answer involves expander graphs and the theorem that randomly generated graphs tend to have good expansion properties.) This is somewhat counter-intuitive because we have to be able to recover the locations of the auxiliary slots every time. Otherwise search would not work. How can we find the auxiliary slots if they are "random"? We approach this in three ways: pseudo-random, a little bit random and not very random.
- Option #1: pseudo-random:
in this approach we store a seed for the random
number generator at each slot of the hash table. Suppose
that seed s is stored in slot t.
Every time we work with slot t as the primary slot,
we call srand(s) to set the random number generator.
(We do this for the insert, delete and search functions of
the hash table.)
The calls to rand() after setting this seed will always produce the same values. If the degree of the hash table is 5, then the 4 calls to rand() after setting the seed will always produce the same 4 values in the same order. We will take those 4 values to be the indices of the auxiliary slots.
Where do we get these seeds to store in the hash table? We generate them randomly, of course. (See A Note on Pseudo-Random Generators and Implementation Notes for details.)
- Option #2: a little bit random: The first approach requires additional storage to save the random seed. In this second approach, we simply use the index of the primary slot as the random seed. The rest is the same as the first approach.
- Option #3: not very random: Another way to avoid storing a random seed is to randomly generate a few offsets for the entire hash table. In a degree 5 hash table, we generate 4 random offsets. Suppose these offsets are 30, 72, 316 and 996. Then the auxiliary slots for primary slot 10 are 40, 82, 326 and 1006. (We just add the offsets to 10.) Similarly,the auxiliary slots for primary slot 34 are 64, 106, 350 and 1030.
Do note that in each of these approaches, the index of the auxiliary slots have to be taken modulo the table size (which should be a prime number).
Which of these 3 approaches work better? Should we just store a random seed in each slot? use the index as the seed? or just use the same offsets for the entire table? We don't know. That's why we are having you do this experiment.
Your Assignment
Your assignment is to implement and test a version of the Pinball Hashing scheme described above. You should have received an individual email message from Prof. Chang that assigned a specific version to implement. The specification includes:
- The degree of the Pinball Hash table. (Recall that the degree is the number of auxiliary slots + 1.)
- The maximum number of ejections allowed when inserting a new item in the hash table.
- How much randomness to use when determining the auxiliary slots (i.e., one of Option #1 pseudo-random, Option #2 a little bit random and Option #3 not very random).
Your implementation must be compatible with the header file given below. You may add additional data members and member functions, but you must not change the members and functions already given. Note that the hashCode() member function is already implemented in the header file as an inline definition. This is so we all use the same hash code function. Otherwise, the differences in the experiments that you conduct may be due to differences in the hash code used. Details on the required member functions are given in the Additional Specifications section.
Download: Pinball.h
We will be hashing strings. The strings are given in a global array words[]. None of the member functions in your implementation of the Pinball class should use this global array. The driver programs should be the only code that uses the words[] array. The global variable numWords has the size of the words[] array.
Download: words.h.
Note that the items in the words[] array are const char * strings and not C++ strings. When you store a string in H, you should make a copy of the given string.
Here is an example driver program that uses the Pinball class:
Download: driver.cpp.
Running the test program might produce output that looks something like this:
Here are two more sample main programs and output. (Your output may look different.)
After you have successfully implemented the Pinball class and have your code fully debugged and valgrind reports that there are no memory leaks, run your program on GL with the hash table sizes 5003, 10037 and 20101 (these are prime numbers) with the hash table at 50%, 60%, 70%, 80% and 90% full. At each size and load factor, run your program 10 times and compute the average. (Hint: modify the driver program to do this and report the average.) Finally, report your results in these Google forms:
- CMSC 341 Proj5 Data, N=5003 (Red),
- CMSC 341 Proj5 Data, N=10037 (Green),
- CMSC 341 Proj5 Data, N=20101 (Blue),
Additional Specifications
Here are some additional specifications for the Pinball class member functions that you have to implement. You will need to add data members and member functions to the Pinball class, but the prototypes for the member functions listed here should not be changed.
Pinball(int n=1019) ; This is the default constructor for the Pinball class. The parameter n is the size of the hash table. If no size is given, use 1019 which is a prime number. You must allocate space for the H array and initialize it (and also for other data members that you create).
~Pinball() ; This is the destructor. Make sure you deallocate all memory for this object. Strings in the H array must be deallocated using free() since they are C strings (i.e., don't use delete).
void insert(const char *str) ; This function inserts a copy of the C string str into the hash table. It has no return value. (Note: use strdup() to copy C strings.) If the hash table is full or the maximum number of ejections was exceeded, then insert() should throw a PinballHashFull exception. (This exception is already defined in Pinball.h.)
Calling insert() with a string that is already in the hash table should have no effect. (I.e., do not insert a second copy of the same value.)
int find(const char *str) ; The find() function looks for str in the hash table. If found, the index of str is returned. If str is not in the hash table, find() should return -1.
The location returned by find() is only valid until the next call to insert() or to remove().
const char * at(int index) ; The at() function returns a pointer to the string stored at the index slot of the hash table. If the index is invalid (i.e., less than 0 or greater than or equal to m_capacity), then at() should throw an out_of_range error (already defined in stdexcept).
The pointer returned has type const char * to prevent the string stored in the hash table from being changed. The calling function can make a copy if desired.
char * remove(const char *str) ; The remove() function removes str from the hash table and returns the pointer. If str is not in the hash table, remove() returns NULL.
It is the responsibility of the code that calls remove() to deallocate the string that is returned. (Again, use free(), not delete to deallocate.)
void printStats() ; Print out some statistics about the hash table. (See sample output.) This requires cooperation from insert() and remove() and additional data members in the class. Some clarifications:
- A slot is a primary slot if some item that is currently in the hash table hashes to that slot. The number of primary slots is the number of slots in the table that are currently considered primary slots. This is less than the number of items in the hash table because of collisions. I.e., some slots are filled because they are being used as auxiliary slots.
- average hits to primary slots is just m_size divided by the number of primary slots. This gives us an idea of the number of collisions.
- maximum hits to primary slots is the maximum number of items that hash to the same primary slot considering only the items that are currently in the hash table. If this number exceeds the degree, we have to rehash.
- total number of ejections is the number of ejections performed in all insertions since the hash table was created.
- if the maximum number of ejections in a single insertion exceeds the ejection limit, then insert() would have thrown an exception. This number tells us if we were getting close to the ejection limit.
A Note on Pseudo-Random Generators
Library functions like rand() are called pseudo-random generators because they provide some semblance of randomness but the output they produce is not truly random in a mathematical sense. (There are several definitions of "random".)
A typical pseudo-random generator will output a predetermined sequence of numbers in a fixed order:
r1, r2, r3, ... ri, ...
Calling srand() with a seed value simply tells the rand() function to start at a different place in the sequence. Where it will start in the sequence varies from system to system depending on which version of rand() is installed. For example, on GL, after calling
the next few calls to rand() will always return the values:
(On some systems, calling srand(2116609228) means the next call to rand() will give 177487921, but this doesn't happen with the rand() function installed on GL.)
This presents a problem for us because we want to use the rand() function in several ways. In Option #1 and #2, we need to reset the random seed to a particular value so we can locate the same auxiliary slots every time. But that would mean all subsequent calls to rand() will always produce the same values! That's not very random.
Consider a concrete example. Suppose that we have degree=5 in our Pinball Hash table and we are implementing Option #1. Also, suppose that we want to insert in primary slot #54 and that we stored the seed 191332 for slot #54. (These numbers are from the example above.) When we look for the auxiliary slots for slot #54, we call srand(191332) and the next 4 calls to rand() will give us 2116609228, 177487921, 450639930 and 1944808177 which we will mod out by the table size to get the indices for the 4 auxiliary slots. This is all as expected. We want to get the same 4 random numbers every time we look for the 4 auxiliary slots for slot #54.
Now suppose that all the slots are full for this insertion. We want to randomly pick an auxiliary slot for ejection. If we just call rand() again, we will get 1241803817 every time because that is always the value returned by the fifth call to rand() after setting the seed to 191332. That means we will always pick the same auxiliary slot for ejection. This is very bad.
We can work around this by "saving some randomness" before we set the random seed and "restoring" the randomness later.
This will not put the pseudo-random number generator in exactly the same state as prior to the call to srand(), but we do not need to have that. We just want to make sure that we don't pick the same auxiliary slot each time.
A similar trick is used in the myRand() function in driver.cpp and mediumtest.cpp. The myRand() function is used to pick a random word from the global words[] array. Calls to the Pinball Hash insert() and find() functions might leave the random number generator in a bad state (as in a not very random state). So, the myRand() function saves its own random seed with each call.
Because of the different rand() functions installed on different systems, please run your experiments on GL only. That way when we compare results reported by different students, we can be assured that the differences are not due to different pseudo-random generators used.
Implementation Notes
- Remember to mod out by the table size when you are working with hash table indices.
- You are working with C null-terminated strings, not C++ strings. If you haven't used C strings in a while, please review. For example, a C string is just an array of char, so the type is char *. A dynamically allocated array of C strings has type char * * since it is a pointer to an array of pointers to char. Here are Mr. Lupoli's notes on C strings.
You must use the strcmp() function to make string comparisons.
You cannot use the == operator. That will do pointer
comparison, not string comparison. To use strcmp(), make sure
#include - Your hash table should make a copy of the string inserted, and not just store the pointer. Copies should be made using the strdup() function.
- The strdup() function allocates memory using
malloc() instead of new. To deallocate this memory,
you must use free() instead of delete. While it is
possible to allocate an array of char using new
like this:
char *str = new char[15] ; it would be very confusing for one program to sometimes use malloc() and sometimes use new to allocate strings. So, just stick to using malloc() and free() to allocate and deallocate C strings. - Some of the strings that you are working with have type const char *. This means the string being pointed to cannot be changed. (The string is immutable in Python-speak.) Make sure that you know what this means. If you assign a const char * pointer to a char * pointer, the compiler will give you an error.
- When you eject a string and re-insert it, make sure there is no
memory leak.
- Discussion topic #3 says that it is possible for an auxiliary slot to appear multiple times in the list of auxiliary slots for a single primary slot. For most implementations, this won't change anything. Think about your code and convince yourself that it doesn't. (And if it does change things, then modify your code so it doesn't.)
- When your insert() function is past the ejection limit, before you throw the PinballHashFull exception, you must free or delete any dynamically allocated local variables or parameters. Otherwise, you could have a memory leak.
- Don't forget to update statistics when you remove.
- On GL, in order to use the rand() and srand()
functions, you must:
#include - Doing several runs of the same program only makes sense if the random values generated differ from run to run. You should set the random seed to the clock value at the beginning of main() as shown in the example driver program. For debugging, you should set the random seed to a fixed value. Otherwise, you cannot reproduce your errors.
Here are the available files all in one place:
- Pinball.h
- driver.cpp
- driver.txt
- mediumtest.cpp
- mediumtest.txt
- mediumtest2.txt
- smalltest.cpp
- smalltest.txt
- words.h (big!)
What to Submit
You must submit the following files to the proj5/src directory.
- Pinball.h
- Pinball.cpp
- myDriver.cpp
- output.txt
The output.txt file should be the concatenation of the output from all runs of your program. You can concatenate files together using the Unix cat command:
Don't forget to report your data in the Google form:
- CMSC 341 Proj5 Data, N=5003 (Red),
- CMSC 341 Proj5 Data, N=10037 (Green),
- CMSC 341 Proj5 Data, N=20101 (Blue),
Discussion Topics
Here are some topics to think about:
- The description above only picks among the auxiliary slots for ejection. Can we eject the string stored in the primary slot? Explain.
- How can you determine if the number of items that hash to the same primary slot exceeds the degree? Is it worthwhile to maintain this information in the "production" code?
- Is it possible for two auxiliary slots picked in the manner described above to end up being the same index in H? (Hint: Yes.) How? Does it matter? (Hint: Shouldn't.) What if an auxiliary slot picked randomly just happens to have the index of the primary slot?