UMBC CMSC 313, Computer Organization & Assembly Language, Spring 2002, Section 0101
Circuit Simplification I
Tuesday 04/30, 2001
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Assigned Reading in Murdocca & Heuring: B.1-B.2
Assigned Reading in Neveln:
Assigned: HW5
Due: DigSim2
Topics Covered:
- Change in plans: Homework 5 is assigned instead of DigSim
Assignment 3. DigSim 3 will be assigned the following week.
- Using Karnaugh maps to simplify combinational logic circuits.
- Karnaugh maps find the smallest circuit in SOP or POS form.
- Here "smallest" means the smallest number of minterms (for SOP)
and, among the formulas with the same number of minterms, the smallest
number of factors in the minterms.
- There may be smaller circuits with more than 2 levels. Also, for
functions with multiple bits of output, minimization should consider
common subexpressions in the formulas for each bit of output. Karnaugh
maps do not do this.
- In general circuit minimization is a hard problem (e.g.,
harder than cracking passwords).
Last Modified:
22 Jul 2024 11:29:36 EDT
Richard Chang
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