UMBC CMSC 313, Computer Organization & Assembly Language,
Spring 2002, Section 0101
DigSim Assignment 1: Getting Started
Also available in PDF.
Due: Thursday April 11, 2002
The objective of this assignment is to make sure that everyone has access
to DigSim and, most importantly, can save DigSim circuits for submission.
Using DigSim, wire up the following circuit diagram, play with the
switches, create a text box with your name and the answer to the question.
Finally, save the circuit diagram.
Turning in your program
The file which has your circuit diagram should be a plain text file that
starts with something like:
# Digsim file
version 1 0
describe component TwoXorPort
pos 32 12
Use a text editor to look at the file and make sure that the file is not
empty and has some data similar to the above. Next, use DigSim to load the
file and make sure that this still works. If all is well, submit the
circuit file using the Unix submit command as in previous assignments. The
submission name for this assignment is: digsim1.
Last Modified:
22 Jul 2024 11:29:37 EDT
Richard Chang
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