CMSC313, Computer Organization & Assembly Language Programming, Fall 2012
Project 3: Octal Dump
Due: Thursday October 4, 2012, 11:59pm
The objective of this programming project is to have you practice
working with subroutines and file handling.
For this project, you will write an assembly language program that
produces an "octal dump" of a file. For example, suppose
we have file called testfile that contains the single line:
don't blink, blink and you're dead
(with a line feed at the end), then the output of your program
will be:
00000000000 04733467544
00000000004 15430420164
00000000010 05432667151
00000000014 15133061040
00000000020 14110065556
00000000024 17110062156
00000000030 16211672557
00000000034 14531020145
00000000040 00002462141
All the numbers shown are in octal (base 8). The first column of the
output is the offset of the bytes in the file. These numbers are
simply counting up by 4 in octal. The second number of each line is the
value of the 4 successive bytes in the file.
For example, the second number on the first line of the output is
the value of the first 4 bytes of the file:
ASCII: d o n '
Octal: 144 157 156 047
binary: 01 100 100 01 101 111 01 101 110 00 100 111
Recall that numbers are stored in "little endian" format, so the 32-bit number
represented by these 4 bytes is:
binary: 00 100 111 01 101 110 01 101 111 01 100 100
binary: 00 100 111 011 011 100 110 111 101 100 100
octal: 0 4 7 3 3 4 6 7 5 4 4
The second row of binary numbers above is simply the first row regrouped
into 3 digits.
Your program must implement two subroutines labeled by
Print_Octal and Print_Char. The Print_Octal
subroutine must print out the value of the number in the EAX register
to STDOUT as an octal (ASCII) string. You must use this subroutine to
print out the offset and the 4-byte values. Your Print_Octal
subroutine must guarantee that none of the registers are altered
after returning. It will accomplish this by saving the registers
that it will use on the stack and restoring these registers prior
to RET.
Similarly, the Print_Char subroutine prints out a single
character stored in the AL register to STDOUT. The Print_Char
subroutine must also guarantee that none of the registers are altered by
the subroutine. You can use Print_Char to print out the space
between the two numbers and the line feed at the end of each line.
Your program should read the input from STDIN. We can use input/output
redirection to run your program on a file:
./a.out < testfile
Finally, note that your program should work on binary files as well as
text files. So you can use any file on the system for testing. (Small
files are recommended.)
You can check the output of your program using the
od Unix command, as follows:
od -to4 -w4 -v testfile
Other than leading zeroes in the offset, the output of your program
should be identical to the output of the od command with
the flags -to4 -w4 -v.
Implementation Issues:
You should review the instructions: CALL, RET,
When you restore the registers at the end of a subroutine, remember
to POP the registers in the opposite order that you PUSHed.
Implement your Print_Octal subroutine first, and then
before doing anything else. You should call the subroutine several times
using different values stored in the EAX register. Then use the debugger
to confirm that none of the registers have changed value.
In NASM, octal constants can be specified by adding the 0o
prefix. (That's the digit 0 followed by the letter o.)
For example, 0o1234 is 12348.
For this project, you are allowed to read 4 bytes at a time from STDIN
(even though this is horribly inefficient). You may assume that except
for the last read, each system call will return with 4 bytes read.
You may also assume that the end-of-file has been reached when
0 characters are read by a system call.
The last successful read might return with fewer than 4 characters read.
In this case, you should make sure that the most significant bits are
padded with 0's.
You may want to reuse your code from Project
2 in your Print_Octal subroutine. This is allowed. However,
you must still use the EAX register to hold the value to be printed and
your subroutine must not alter the registers. Thus, some modification
will be needed.
Addendum: if your Project 2 did not work ...
If your Project 2 does not work or is buggy, you can use pre-compiled
code that prints an octal string to stdout. Here's how:
- Copy the prtoct.o file to your directory:
cp /afs/ .
The code in this file will print out the value stored in the
EBX register (not EAX) as an octal string (ASCII) to stdout.
In your assembly program, you need these two lines near the beginning
of the file:
extern prtoct
global jump_back_in
The first line says the label prtoct is in a separate
.o file. The second line says that code in other .o
files are allowed to use the label jump_back_in in your
own code.
To use the code in prtoct.o, you can simply jump to
the label prtoct. When prtoct is done, it
will jump to the label jump_back_in. So, you need to
have jump_back_in defined in your program. This
will probably be right after the jump instruction:
jmp prtoct
You still need to write the assembly code to make a
Print_Octal subroutine.
Note: the code in prtoct.o prints out the value
in the EBX register, not the EAX register.
The code in prtoct.o uses the EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX and
EDI registers.
If you take this option, please make a note in a file named
README and submit the file along with your code and
typescript file.
NEW: When you use ld
to link & load your program, you have to include both
.o files:
ld octdump.o prtoct.o
Turning in your program
Use the UNIX script command to record some sample runs of your
program on several small files. Check your output against the output of the Unix
od command.
You should submit two files: 1) your assembly language program and
2) a typescript file of your sample runs.
The UNIX command to do this should look something like:
submit cs313 proj3 octdump.asm typescript
Last Modified:
22 Jul 2024 11:28:31 EDT
Richard Chang
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