CMSC313, Computer Organization & Assembly Language Programming, Fall 2012

Course Description


Catalog Description

This course introduces the student to the low-level abstraction of a computer system from a programmer's point of view, with an emphasis on low-level programming. Topics include data representation, assembly language programming, C programming, the process of compiling and linking, low-level memory management, exceptional control flow, and basic processor architecture.


You should have mastered the material covered in the following courses: CMSC 202 Computer Science II and CMSC 203 Discrete Structures. You need the programming experience from CMSC202. Additional experience from CMSC341 341 Data Structures would also be helpful. Also, you must be familiar with and be able to work with truth tables, Boolean algebra and modular arithmetic.


The purpose of this course is to introduce computer science majors to computing systems below that of a high-level programming language. The material covered can be broadly separated into the categories of assembly language programming, C programming and digital logic. These topics prepare the students to take CMSC411 Computer Architecture and CMSC421 Operating Systems which are required courses for the computer science major.

Under the heading of assembly language programming students will be introduced to the i386 instruction set, low-level programming, the Linux memory model, as well as the internal workings of compilers, assemblers and linkers.

C programming topics will concentrate on dynamic memory allocation.

Topics under computer organization include digital logic design (combinational circuits, sequential circuits, finite state machines) and basic computer architecture (system bus, memory hierarchy and input/output devices).


Your final grade will be based upon 5 homework assignments (15% total) and 8 programming assignments (40% total). There will also be a midterm exam (20%) and a final exam (25%). However, if some homework or programming assignments are canceled and not made up, the proportion of your grade from homework, projects and exams will remain the same. For example, if a programming assignment is canceled, then each programming assignment would be worth 5.714% (instead of 5%). That keeps programming assignments at 40% of your final grade.

Your final letter grade is based on the standard formula:

0 ≤ F < 60,    60 ≤ D < 70,    70 ≤ C < 80, 80 ≤ B < 90,    90 ≤ A ≤ 100

Depending upon the final distribution of grades in the class, there may be a curve in your favor, but under no circumstances will grades be curved downward.

Your grade is given for work done during the semester; incomplete grades will only be given for medical illness or other dire circumstances.

Due Dates

There will be a homework or programming assignment due for every week of the class (except for the week of the midterm exam). Written homework assignments are due at the beginning of lecture. Programming assignments and logic simulations are submitted online. Electronic submissions are due at 11:59pm of the due date.

In general, late assignments will not be accepted. However, each student may submit one assignment (of any kind) up to one week late during the semester.

Academic Integrity

You are allowed to discuss the homework assignments with other students. However, circuit simulation exercises and programming projects must be completed by individual effort. (See the
Project Policy.) Furthermore, you must write up your homework independently. This means you should only have the textbooks and your own notes in front of you when you write up your homework --- not your friend's notes, your friend's homework or other reference material. You should not have a copy of someone else's homework or project under any circumstance. For example, you should not let someone turn in your homework.

Further information is available in the UMBC Undergraduate Student Academic Conduct Policy.


The exams will be closed-book and closed-notes. The midterm exam has been scheduled for Tuesday, October 23. For Section 01 (TuTh 1-2:15pm), the final exam is on Tuesday December 18, 1-3pm. For Section 02 (TuTh 2:30-3:45pm), the final exam is on Thursday December 13, 1-3pm.

Last Modified: 22 Jul 2024 11:28:25 EDT by Richard Chang
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