Section 4.4.4
Section 3.5,
Section 6.5.2
, Here token:
Section 3.5
, prefix:
Section 3.1,
Section 3.4.1,
Section 6.9.2
Section 3.5.6
Section 4.10.2
Section 4.7.2
Section 3.5.6,
Section 4.3.2
Section 4.1.3
Section 4.3.8
parameter count:
Section 4.3.4,
Section 4.3.5
Section 3.5.3
Section 4.4.4
Section 3.5.6
Section 4.3.3
operator, binary:
Section 3.5.5
operator, unary:
Section 3.5.7
operator, binary:
Section 3.5.5
operator, unary:
Section 3.5.7
symbol prefix:
Section 3.9,
Section 4.3.2
Section 3.5.6
Section 3.5.6
Section 4.4.4
Section 3.5.4
Section 4.4.4
Section 4.4.4
Section 4.4.4
Section 4.4.4
Section 4.4.4
Section 4.4.4
Section 3.5.4
MASM syntax:
Section 3.2.2
Section 3.5.2
Section 4.4.4
Section 3.5.1
Section 4.4.4
Section 3.5.7
Section 2.1.15,
Section A.3.3
Section 9.3,
Section B.4.27,
Section B.4.121,
Section B.4.141,
Section B.4.178,
Section B.4.195,
Section B.4.244,
Section B.4.263,
Section B.4.286,
Section B.4.303,
Section B.4.334
Section 9.3,
Section B.4.27,
Section B.4.121,
Section B.4.141,
Section B.4.178,
Section B.4.195,
Section B.4.244,
Section B.4.263,
Section B.4.286,
Section B.4.303,
Section B.4.334
Section 1.1.1,
Section 2.2,
Section 2.2.2,
Section 2.2.6
Section B.4.1
Section B.4.1
Section B.4.1
Section B.4.1
Section 5.3,
Section 6.2.1
Section B.4.2
Section B.4.3
addition: Section 3.5.5
Section B.4.4
Section B.4.5
addressing, mixed-size: Section 9.2
address-size prefixes: Section 3.1
Section B.4.6
Section B.4.7
algebra: Section 3.3
Section 4.8.7,
Section 6.1.2,
Section 6.2.1
Section 4.8.7
alignment, in
Section 6.1.2
alignment, in
Section 6.5.1
alignment, in
Section 6.2.1
alignment, in
Section 6.3.1
alignment, of
common variables:
Section 6.5.4
Section 7.1.1
Section 7.1.1
Section 6.5.1
Section 1.1.1,
Section 1.2
ambiguity: Section 2.2.3
Section B.4.8
Section B.4.9
Section B.4.10
Section B.4.11
Section B.4.12
, BSD version:
Section 6.7
, Linux version:
Section 6.6
Section 2.1.1,
Section 6.6
Section 6.7,
Section 8.2
Section 4.9.1
Section 7.4.5,
Section 8.1.4
Section B.4.13
Section 1.1.1,
Section 2.1.1,
Section 6.8
assembler directives: Chapter 5
assembly passes: Section 3.8
assembly-time options:
Section 2.1.12
Section 4.1.5
Section 2.2.4
Section 4.8.6
Autoconf: Section 1.3.2
Section 1.3.1
Section A.3.3
Section A.3
bin: Section 2.1.1,
Section 2.1.2,
Section 6.1
bin, multisection: Section 6.1.3
binary: Section 3.4.1
binary files: Section 3.2.3
16-bit mode, versus 32-bit mode:
Section 5.1
bit shift: Section 3.5.4
Section 5.1,
Section 6.1
bitwise AND: Section 3.5.3
bitwise OR: Section 3.5.1
bitwise XOR: Section 3.5.2
block IFs: Section 4.7.5
boot loader: Section 6.1
boot sector: Section 10.1.3
Borland, Pascal: Section 7.5
Borland, Win32 compilers:
Section 6.2
Section B.4.14
braces, after
Section 4.3.7
braces, around macro parameters:
Section 4.3
BSD: Section 8.2
Section B.4.15
Section B.4.15
Section 6.5.1,
Section 6.6,
Section 6.7,
Section 6.8,
Section 6.9
Section B.4.16
Section B.4.17
Section B.4.17
Section B.4.17
Section B.4.17
bugs: Section 10.2
Section 10.2
Section 10.1.1
C calling convention:
Section 7.4.3,
Section 8.1.2
C symbol names: Section 7.4.1
Section B.4.18
Section 3.6
case sensitivity: Section 2.2.1,
Section 4.1.1,
Section 4.1.2,
Section 4.1.5,
Section 4.3,
Section 4.4.5,
Section 6.2.3
Section B.4.19
Section B.4.19
changing sections: Section 5.2
character constant:
Section 3.2.1,
Section 3.4.2
circular references:
Section 4.1.1
Section 6.2.1
Section B.4.20
Section B.4.20
Section 4.8
Section B.4.21
Section B.4.20
Section B.4.20
Section 7.4.5,
Section 7.5.3
Section 8.1.4
Section B.4.22
Section B.4.23
Section B.4.24
Section B.4.25
Section B.4.26
Section B.4.28
Section B.4.29
Section B.4.25
Section B.4.26
Section B.4.28
Section B.4.29
Section B.4.25
Section B.4.26
Section B.4.28
Section B.4.29
Section B.4.25
Section B.4.26
Section B.4.28
Section B.4.29
Section B.4.25
Section B.4.26
Section B.4.28
Section B.4.29
Section B.4.25
Section B.4.26
Section B.4.28
Section B.4.29
Section B.4.25
Section B.4.26
Section B.4.28
Section B.4.29
Section B.4.25
Section B.4.26
Section B.4.28
Section B.4.29
Section B.4.27
Section B.4.27
Section B.4.27
Section B.4.25
Section B.4.26
Section B.4.28
Section B.4.29
Section B.4.30
Section B.4.30
Section B.4.31
Section 2.1.1,
Section 6.4
colon: Section 3.1
Section 6.1,
Section 7.2
Section B.4.32
Section B.4.33
command-line: Section 2.1,
Chapter 6
commas in macro parameters:
Section 4.3.3
Section 5.6,
Section 6.2.1
to: Section 6.5.4
to: Section 6.2.8
Common Object File Format:
Section 6.4
common variables: Section 5.6
common variables, alignment in
Section 6.5.4
common variables, element size:
Section 6.2.8
Section 1.1.1,
Section 1.2
Section 1.2
Section 7.3
concatenating macro parameters:
Section 4.3.7
condition codes: Section B.2.2
condition codes as macro parameters:
Section 4.3.8
condition predicates:
Section B.4.25,
Section B.4.26,
Section B.4.28,
Section B.4.29
conditional assembly: Section 4.4
conditional jump:
Section B.4.128
conditional jumps:
Section 10.1.2
conditional-return macro:
Section 4.3.8
Section 1.3.2
constants: Section 3.4
context stack: Section 4.7,
Section 4.7.5
context-local labels:
Section 4.7.2
context-local single-line macros:
Section 4.7.3
control registers: Section B.2.1
counting macro parameters:
Section 4.3.5
Section 5.7
Section 3.4.2,
Section B.4.34
creating contexts: Section 4.7.1
critical expression:
Section 3.2.2,
Section 3.2.4,
Section 3.8,
Section 4.1.5,
Section 5.3
Section B.4.35
Section B.4.36
Section B.4.37
Section B.4.38
Section B.4.39
Section B.4.40
Section B.4.41
Section B.4.42
Section B.4.43
Section B.4.44
Section B.4.45
Section B.4.46
Section B.4.47
Section B.4.48
Section B.4.49
Section B.4.50
Section B.4.51
Section B.4.52
Section B.4.53
Section B.4.54
Section B.4.55
Section B.4.56
Section B.4.19
Section B.4.19
Section 2.1.12
Section 2.1.12
Section B.4.57
Section B.4.57
Section 6.5.1,
Section 6.6,
Section 6.7,
Section 6.8,
Section 6.9
Section 7.4.2
Section 6.5.3,
Section 6.9.3
data structure: Section 7.4.4,
Section 8.1.3
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.1,
Section 3.4.3
Section 6.10
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.1,
Section 3.4.3,
Section 3.4.4
debug information: Section 2.1.6
debug information format:
Section 2.1.5
debug registers: Section B.2.1
Section B.4.58
declaring structures:
Section 4.8.5
default macro parameters:
Section 4.3.4
default name: Chapter 6
Section 6.2.7
Section 2.1.12,
Section 4.1.1
defining sections: Section 5.2
design goals: Section 2.2.2
DevPac: Section 3.2.3,
Section 3.9
disabling listing expansion:
Section 4.3.9
Section B.4.59
division: Section 3.5.6
Section B.4.60
Section B.4.61
Section B.4.62
Section B.4.63
DJGPP: Section 6.4,
Chapter 8
Section 7.1.1
DLL symbols, exporting:
Section 6.2.5
DLL symbols, importing:
Section 6.2.4
DOS: Section 1.3.1,
Section 2.1.8,
Section 2.1.9
DOS archive: Section 1.3.1
DOS source archive: Section 1.3.1
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.1,
Section 3.4.3,
Section 3.4.4
Section 6.3.1
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.1,
Section 3.4.3,
Section 3.4.4
Section 2.2.7,
Section 3.2.5
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.1,
Section 3.4.3
Section 3.1
Section 2.1.8
Section 2.1.14,
Section A.3.4
effective addresses: Section 3.1,
Section 3.3,
Section 3.8,
Section B.2.5
element size, in common variables:
Section 6.2.8
ELF: Section 2.1.1,
Section 6.5
ELF, shared libraries:
Section 6.5.2
ELF, 16-bit code and:
Section 6.5.5
Section 4.4,
Section 4.4.4
Section 4.4.3
Section 4.4.1
Section 4.4.6
Section 4.4.5
Section 4.4.5
Section 4.4.2
Section 4.4.3
Section 4.4.1
Section 4.4.6
Section 4.4.5
Section 4.4.5
Section 4.4.2
Section 4.4.6
Section 4.4.6
Section 4.4.6
Section 4.4.6
Section 4.4
e-mail: Section 1.2
Section B.4.64
Section 7.4.5,
Section 8.1.4
Section 4.5
Section 4.8.5,
Section 5.3
Section B.4.65
environment: Section 2.1.22
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.4,
Section 3.8
Section 4.4.7
error messages: Section 2.1.8,
Section 2.1.9
error reporting format:
Section 2.1.7
Section 4.8.7
Section 6.2,
Section 7.1
Section 7.1.2
Section 7.2.2
Section 7.1.2
Section 6.5.1
Executable and Linkable Format:
Section 6.5
Section 7.1.2
Section 7.1.2
Section 4.5
Section 6.2.5
Section 6.9.3
exporting symbols: Section 5.5
expressions: Section 2.1.14,
Section 3.5
extension: Section 2.1.1,
Chapter 6
Section 5.4
to: Section 6.2.7
Section 2.1.5
Section 2.1.2,
Chapter 6
Section B.4.67
Section B.4.68
Section B.4.68
far call: Section 2.2.5,
Section B.4.18
far common variables:
Section 6.2.8
far jump: Section B.4.130
far pointer: Section 3.6
Section 7.4.5,
Section 7.5.3
Section B.4.69
Section B.4.69
Section B.4.70
Section B.4.71
Section B.4.72
Section B.4.73
Section B.4.73
Section B.4.73
Section B.4.73
Section B.4.73
Section B.4.74
Section B.4.75
Section B.4.77
Section B.4.77
Section B.4.77
Section B.4.77
Section B.4.78
Section B.4.79
Section B.4.80
Section B.4.81
Section B.4.81
Section B.4.82
Section B.4.82
Section B.4.83
Section 4.8.4
Section B.4.84
Section B.4.85
Section B.4.86
Section B.4.83
Section B.4.83
Section B.4.87
Section 6.2.1
flat memory model: Chapter 8
flat-form binary: Section 6.1
Section B.4.88
Section B.4.90
Section B.4.91
Section B.4.89
floating-point: Section 2.2.6,
Section 3.1,
Section 3.2.1,
Section 3.4.4
floating-point, constants:
Section 3.4.4
floating-point, registers:
Section B.2.1
Section B.4.92
Section B.4.92
Section B.4.86
Section B.4.93
Section 6.1.3
format-specific directives: Chapter 5
forward references: Section 3.8
Section B.4.94
Section B.4.95
Section B.4.95
Section B.4.94
frame pointer: Section 7.4.3,
Section 7.5.1,
Section 8.1.2
FreeBSD: Section 6.7,
Section 8.2
FreeLink: Section 7.1.1
Section B.4.96
Section B.4.97
Section B.4.97
Section B.4.98
Section B.4.99
Section B.4.100
Section B.4.100
Section B.4.101
Section B.4.102
Section B.4.103
Section B.4.104
Section B.4.102
Section B.4.105
Section B.4.106
Section B.4.106
Section B.4.106
Section B.4.106
Section 1.2
Section 7.1.1
Section B.4.107
Section B.4.108
Section 6.5.3,
Section 6.9.3
functions, C calling convention:
Section 7.4.3,
Section 8.1.2
functions, Pascal calling convention:
Section 7.5.1
Section B.4.109
Section B.4.110
Section B.4.76
Section B.4.76
Section B.4.66
Section B.4.111
Section B.4.112
Section B.4.113
Section B.4.114
Section B.4.114
Section 2.1.6
Section 1.1.1
Section 1.1.1
general purpose register:
Section B.1
Section 5.5
extensions to: Section 6.5.3
to: Section 6.5.3
to: Section 6.9.3
global offset table: Section 8.2
Section 6.5.2
Section 2.1.18
Section 6.5.2
Section 8.2.3
GOT: Section 6.5.2,
Section 8.2
Section 6.5.2
Section 8.2.2
Section 6.5.2
Section 8.2.1
graphics: Section 3.2.3
greedy macro parameters:
Section 4.3.3
Section 6.2.2
groups: Section 3.6
Section A.3
hex: Section 3.4.1
Section B.4.115
hybrid syntaxes: Section 2.2.2
Section 2.1.10
Section 2.1.10,
Section A.3.3
Section 4.1.5
Section 1.2
Section B.4.116
Section B.4.123
Section 4.1.1
Section B.4.117
Section 4.8.6
Section 4.4,
Section 4.4.4
Section 4.4.3,
Section 4.7.5
Section 4.4.1
Section 4.4.6
Section 4.4.5
Section 4.4.5
Section 4.4.2
Section 4.4.3
Section 4.4.1
Section 4.4.6
Section 4.4.5
Section 4.4.5
Section 4.4.2
Section 4.4.6
Section 4.4.6
Section 4.4.6
Section 4.4.6
Section 4.3
immediate operand: Section B.1
Section 6.2.4
import library: Section 6.2.4
importing symbols: Section 5.4
Section B.4.118
Section B.4.119
Section B.4.120
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.3,
Section 3.4.3
Section 2.1.10
Section 2.1.10,
Section 2.1.11,
Section 4.6
include search path:
Section 2.1.10
including other files: Section 4.6
inefficient code: Section 10.1.1
infinite loop: Section 3.5
informational section:
Section 6.3.1
Section B.4.121
Section B.4.121
Section 1.3.2
installing: Section 1.3.1
instances of structures:
Section 4.8.6
Section B.4.121
Section B.4.122
Section B.4.123
Section B.4.123
Section B.4.123
integer overflow: Section 3.5
Intel number formats:
Section 3.4.4
Section B.4.124
Section B.4.125
Section B.4.126
Section B.4.127
Section B.4.127
Section B.4.127
Section 4.8.6
iterating over macro parameters:
Section 4.3.6
Section B.4.128
Section 10.1.2
Section B.4.129
Section B.4.129
Section B.4.130
Section 9.1
jumps, mixed-size: Section 9.1
Section A.3.4
Section 2.1.3
label prefix: Section 3.9
Section B.4.131
Section B.4.132
Section 6.8
Section B.4.133
Section B.4.134
Section B.4.135
Section B.4.136
Section B.4.134
Section B.4.137
Section B.4.134
Section B.4.138
Section B.4.134
Section 6.9.1
licence: Section 1.1.2
Section B.4.138
Section 4.10.1
Section 4.8.4
linker, free: Section 7.1.1
Section 6.6
Section 6.8
Linux, ELF: Section 6.5
listing file: Section 2.1.3
little-endian: Section 3.4.2
Section B.4.138
Section B.4.139
Section B.4.140
Section B.4.140
Section 4.9.3
local labels: Section 3.9
Section B.4.141
Section B.4.141
Section B.4.141
logical AND: Section 4.4.4
logical OR: Section 4.4.4
logical XOR: Section 4.4.4
Section B.4.142
Section B.4.142
Section B.4.142
Section B.4.142
Section B.4.142
Section B.4.143
Section B.4.134
Section B.4.144
Section 2.1.4
Section 4.3
macro library: Section 2.1.10
macro processor: Chapter 4
macro-local labels: Section 4.3.2
Section 2.1.18
macros: Section 3.2.5
Section 2.1.18
Section 1.3.2
makefile dependencies:
Section 2.1.4
makefiles: Section 1.3.1,
Section 1.3.2
Section 1.3.2
man pages: Section 1.3.2
map files: Section 6.1.4
Section B.4.145
Section B.4.146
Section 1.1.1
MASM: Section 2.2,
Section 3.2.5,
Section 6.2
Section B.4.147
Section B.4.148
Section B.4.149
Section B.4.150
memory models: Section 2.2.5,
Section 7.4.2
memory operand: Section 3.1
memory references: Section 2.2.2,
Section 3.3,
Section B.1
Section B.4.151
Microsoft OMF: Section 6.2
Minix: Section 6.8
Section B.4.152
Section B.4.153
Section B.4.154
Section B.4.155
Section 7.1.2,
Section 7.4.5,
Section 8.1.4
mixed-language program: Section 7.4
mixed-size addressing: Section 9.2
mixed-size instruction: Section 9.1
MMX registers: Section B.2.1
ModR/M byte: Section B.2,
Section B.2.5
Section 6.9.2
modulo operators: Section 3.5.6
Section B.4.156
Section B.4.157
Section B.4.158
Section B.4.159
Section B.4.161
Section B.4.160
Section B.4.162
Section B.4.163
Section B.4.164
Section B.4.165
Section B.4.166
Section B.4.167
Section B.4.168
Section B.4.169
Section B.4.170
Section B.4.171
Section B.4.172
Section B.4.173
Section B.4.174
Section B.4.175
Section B.4.176
Section B.4.177
Section B.4.178
Section B.4.178,
Section B.4.179
Section B.4.180
Section B.4.178
Section B.4.181
Section B.4.182
Section B.4.183
Section B.4.181
MS-DOS: Section 6.1
MS-DOS device drivers: Section 7.3
Section B.4.184
Section B.4.185
Section B.4.186
Section B.4.187
Section B.4.188
multi-line macros:
Section 2.1.18,
Section 4.3
multipass optimization:
Section 2.1.16
multiple section names: Section 6.1
multiplication: Section 3.5.6
Section 4.3.6
Section 6.1.3
Section 1.3.2
NASM version: Section 4.8.1
nasm version id: Section 4.8.2
nasm version string:
Section 4.8.3
Section 6.2
Section 1.2
Section 1.3.1
Section 2.1.5
Section 2.1.2
Section 4.8.1
Section 4.8.1
Section 2.1.1
Section 4.8.1
Section 4.8.1
Section 4.8.3
Section 4.8.2
Section 1.3.1
Section 1.3.1
Section 1.3.2
Section 1.3.1
Section 1.3.2
ndisasm: Appendix A
Section 1.3.1
Section 1.3.1
near call: Section 2.2.5,
Section B.4.18
near common variables:
Section 6.2.8
near jump: Section B.4.130
Section B.4.189
NetBSD: Section 6.7,
Section 8.2
new releases: Section 1.2
Section 6.5.1
Section 6.1.3,
Section 6.5.1
Section 6.5.1
Section 4.3.9
Section B.4.190
Section B.4.189
`nowait': Section 2.2.6
Section 6.5.1
Section 2.1.18
numeric constants: Section 3.2.1,
Section 3.4.1
Section 2.1.1,
Section A.3.1
Section 9.3,
Section B.4.244,
Section B.4.263
Section 9.3,
Section B.4.244,
Section B.4.263
Section 7.1
Section 2.1.1,
Section 6.2
Section 6.5.3,
Section 6.9.3
octal: Section 3.4.1
Section 6.10
Section 2.1.2
Section 2.2.2
OMF: Section 6.2
omitted parameters: Section 4.3.4
Section 2.1.16
one's complement: Section 3.5.7
OpenBSD: Section 6.7,
Section 8.2
operands: Section 3.1
operand-size prefixes: Section 3.1
operating system: Section 6.1
operating system, writing:
Section 9.1
operators: Section 3.5
Section B.4.191
Section 6.1.1,
Section 7.2.1,
Section 7.2.2,
Section 10.1.3
Section B.4.192
Section 2.1.18,
Section 3.1
Section B.4.193
OS/2: Section 6.2,
Section 6.2.1
other preprocessor directives:
Section 4.10
Section B.4.194
out of range, jumps:
Section 10.1.2
output file format: Section 2.1.2
output formats: Chapter 6
Section B.4.195
Section B.4.195
Section B.4.195
overlapping segments: Section 3.6
Section 6.2.1
overloading, multi-line macros:
Section 4.3.1
overloading, single-line macros:
Section 4.1.1
Section 2.1.11
Section 2.1.11,
Section 4.6
Section B.4.196
Section B.4.196
Section B.4.196
Section B.4.197
Section B.4.197
Section B.4.198
Section B.4.199
Section B.4.200
Section B.4.199
Section B.4.201
Section B.4.201
Section B.4.197
Section B.4.202
Section B.4.202
paradox: Section 3.8
Section 7.5.3
Pascal calling convention:
Section 7.5.1
passes, assembly: Section 3.8
Section 1.3.1
Section B.4.203
Section B.4.204
Section B.4.205
Section B.4.206
Section B.4.205
Section B.4.207
Section B.4.208
period: Section 3.9
Perl: Section 1.3.1
perverse: Section 2.1.10
Section B.4.209
Section B.4.212
Section B.4.213
Section B.4.214
Section B.4.214
Section B.4.214
Section B.4.214
Section B.4.210
Section B.4.211,
Section B.4.228
Section B.4.215
Section B.4.216
Section B.4.217
Section B.4.218
Section B.4.219
Section B.4.220
Section B.4.221
Section B.4.222
Section B.4.223
Section B.4.224
Section B.4.225
Section B.4.226
PharLap: Section 6.2.1
PIC: Section 6.5.2,
Section 6.7,
Section 8.2
Section B.4.227
Section B.4.229
Section 6.5.2
Section 6.5.2,
Section 8.2.4,
Section 8.2.5
plt relocations: Section 8.2.5
Section B.4.230
Section B.4.231
Section B.4.232
Section B.4.233
Section B.4.234
Section B.4.235
Section B.4.236
Section B.4.237
Section B.4.238
Section B.4.239
Section B.4.238
Section B.4.240
Section B.4.241
Section B.4.241
Section B.4.242
Section B.4.243
Section 4.7,
Section 4.7.1
Section B.4.244
Section B.4.245
Section B.4.246
Section B.4.247
position-independent code:
Section 6.5.2,
Section 6.7,
Section 8.2
Section 2.1.21
precedence: Section 3.5
pre-defining macros:
Section 2.1.12,
Section 4.1.1
preferred: Section 3.6
Section B.4.248
Section B.4.249
Section B.4.249
Section B.4.249
Section B.4.249
Section B.4.249
Section 2.1.21
pre-including files:
Section 2.1.11
preprocess-only mode:
Section 2.1.14
preprocessor: Section 2.1.14,
Section 2.1.15,
Section 3.2.4,
Section 3.5.6,
Chapter 4
preprocessor expressions:
Section 2.1.14
preprocessor loops: Section 4.5
preprocessor variables:
Section 4.1.5
primitive directives: Chapter 5
Section 6.2.1
Section 6.9.3,
Section 7.4.5,
Section 8.1.4
procedure linkage table:
Section 6.5.2,
Section 8.2.4,
Section 8.2.5
processor mode: Section 5.1
Section 6.1.3,
Section 6.5.1
program entry point:
Section 6.2.6,
Section 7.1.1
program origin: Section 6.1.1
Section B.4.250
pseudo-instructions: Section 3.2
Section B.4.251
Section B.4.252
Section B.4.253
Section B.4.254
Section B.4.255
Section B.4.256
Section B.4.257
Section B.4.260
Section B.4.259
Section B.4.259
Section B.4.258
Section B.4.261
Section B.4.261
Section 5.5,
Section 6.2.1
Section B.4.262
pure binary: Section 6.1
Section 4.7,
Section 4.7.1
Section B.4.263
Section B.4.264
Section B.4.265
Section B.4.266
quick start: Section 2.2
Section 3.1
Section A.3
Section B.4.267
Section B.4.268
Section B.4.269
Section B.4.267
Section 2.1.1,
Section 6.9
Section B.4.270
Section 1.3.2,
Section 6.9
Section B.4.271
Section B.4.272
Section B.4.273
redirecting errors: Section 2.1.8
register push: Section B.4.263
relational operators:
Section 4.4.4
Relocatable Dynamic Object File Format:
Section 6.9
relocations, PIC-specific:
Section 6.5.2
removing contexts: Section 4.7.1
renaming contexts: Section 4.7.4
Section 3.2.5,
Section 4.5
repeating: Section 3.2.5,
Section 4.5
Section 4.7.4
reporting bugs: Section 10.2
Section 2.2.7,
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.2,
Section 3.8
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.2
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.2
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.2
restricted memory references:
Section B.1
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.2
Section B.4.274
Section B.4.274
Section B.4.274
Section B.4.275
Section B.4.275
Section 4.3.6
rotating macro parameters:
Section 4.3.6
Section B.4.13
Section B.4.276
Section B.4.277
Section B.4.278
Section B.4.279
Section B.4.280
Section B.4.281
Section 2.1.9,
Section A.3.2
Section B.4.282
Section B.4.283
Section B.4.284
Section B.4.283
Section B.4.285
Section B.4.286
Section B.4.286
Section B.4.286
searching for include files:
Section 4.6
Section 5.2.1,
Section 5.3
Section 5.2
to: Section 6.5.1
extensions to: Section 6.3.1
section alignment, in
Section 6.1.2
section alignment, in
Section 6.5.1
section alignment, in
Section 6.2.1
section alignment, in
Section 6.3.1
section, bin extensions to:
Section 6.1.2
Section 3.5.7,
Section 3.6,
Section 6.2
Section 5.2
to: Section 6.2.1
segment address: Section 3.5.7,
Section 3.6
segment alignment, in
Section 6.1.2
segment alignment, in
Section 6.2.1
segment names, Borland Pascal:
Section 7.5.2
segment override: Section 2.2.4,
Section 3.1
segment registers: Section B.2.1
segments: Section 3.6
segments, groups of:
Section 6.2.2
separator character:
Section 2.1.22
Section B.4.287
Section B.4.288
Section B.4.289
shared libraries: Section 6.7,
Section 8.2
shared library: Section 6.5.3
Section 4.3.6
Section B.4.290
Section B.4.291
Section B.4.290
Section B.4.291
Section B.4.292
Section B.4.293
SIB byte: Section B.2,
Section B.2.5
Section B.4.289
signed division: Section 3.5.6
signed modulo: Section 3.5.6
single-line macros: Section 4.1
size, of symbols: Section 6.5.3
Section B.4.289
Section B.4.294
Section B.4.295
Section B.4.295
Section B.4.296
Solaris x86: Section 6.5
Section 8.2.6
sound: Section 3.2.3
source code: Section 1.3.1
source-listing file:
Section 2.1.3
Section B.4.297
Section B.4.298
Section B.4.299
Section B.4.300
square brackets: Section 2.2.2,
Section 3.3
sse condition predicates:
Section B.2.3
Section 6.2.1
Section B.4.65
Section 4.9.2
standard macros: Section 4.8
standardised section names:
Section 5.2,
Section 6.3.1,
Section 6.5.1,
Section 6.6,
Section 6.7,
Section 6.8,
Section 6.9
Section 6.2.6,
Section 7.1.1
Section 6.1.3
status flags: Section B.2.4
Section B.4.301
Section B.4.301
Section 2.1.8
Section 2.1.9
Section B.4.301
Section B.4.302
Section B.4.303
Section B.4.303
Section B.4.303
Section B.4.304
Section 3.7
string constant: Section 3.2.1
string handling in macros:
Section 4.2
string length: Section 4.2.1
Section 4.2,
Section 4.2.1
Section 4.8.5,
Section 5.3,
Section 7.4.4,
Section 8.1.3
stub preprocessor:
Section 2.1.15
Section B.4.305
Section B.4.306
Section B.4.307
Section B.4.308
Section B.4.309
Section 4.2,
Section 4.2.2
sub-strings: Section 4.2.2
subtraction: Section 3.5.5
suppressible warning:
Section 2.1.18
suppressing preprocessing:
Section 2.1.15
Section B.4.310
Section B.4.311
Section B.4.312
switching between sections:
Section 5.2
Section 6.5.2
symbol sizes, specifying:
Section 6.5.3
symbol types, specifying:
Section 6.5.3
symbols, exporting from DLLs:
Section 6.2.5
symbols, importing from DLLs:
Section 6.2.4
Section A.3.2
Section 6.1,
Section 7.3
Section B.4.313
Section B.4.314
Section B.4.315
Section B.4.316
Section 2.1.17
Section 1.1.1,
Section 2.1.17
tasm: Section 2.2,
Section 6.2
tasm compatible preprocessor directives:
Section 4.9
Section 2.2.7
Section B.4.317
Section 7.1.1
test registers: Section B.2.1
testing, arbitrary numeric expressions:
Section 4.4.4
testing, context stack:
Section 4.4.3
testing, exact text identity:
Section 4.4.5
testing, multi-line macro existence:
Section 4.4.2
testing, single-line macro existence:
Section 4.4.1
testing, token types:
Section 4.4.6
Section 6.5.1,
Section 6.6,
Section 6.7,
Section 6.8,
Section 6.9
Section 7.4.2
Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.5,
Section 3.8,
Section 10.1.3,
Section 10.1.4
Section 7.2.2
trailing colon: Section 3.1
two-pass assembler: Section 3.8
Section 2.2.7,
Section 3.1
type, of symbols: Section 6.5.3
Section 2.1.13
Section 2.1.13,
Section A.3
Section B.4.318
Section B.4.319
Section B.4.320
Section B.4.320
Section B.4.320
Section B.4.321
unary operators: Section 3.5.7
Section 2.1.13,
Section 4.1.4
undefining macros:
Section 2.1.13
underscore, in C symbols:
Section 7.4.1
uninitialised: Section 3.2,
Section 3.2.2
uninitialised storage:
Section 2.2.7
Unix: Section 1.3.2
Unix, SCO: Section 6.5
Unix, source archive:
Section 1.3.2
Unix, System V: Section 6.5
UnixWare: Section 6.5
Section B.4.322
Section B.4.323
Section B.4.324
Section B.4.325
unrolled loops: Section 3.2.5
unsigned division: Section 3.5.6
unsigned modulo: Section 3.5.6
Section 2.2.1,
Section 6.2.3
Section 5.1.1,
Section 6.2.1
Section 5.1.1,
Section 6.2.1
user-defined errors:
Section 4.4.7
user-level assembler directives:
Section 4.8
user-level directives: Chapter 5
Section 2.1.19
VAL: Section 7.1.1
valid characters: Section 3.1
variable types: Section 2.2.3
Section B.4.326
version: Section 2.1.19
version number of NASM:
Section 4.8.1
Section B.4.326
Section 6.1.3
Visual C++: Section 6.3
Section 6.1.3
Section 2.1.18
Section B.4.327
warnings: Section 2.1.18
Section 2.1.18
Section 2.1.18
Section B.4.328
Win32: Section 1.3.1,
Section 2.1.1,
Section 6.2,
Section 6.3,
Chapter 8
Windows: Section 7.1
Windows 95: Section 1.3.1
Windows NT: Section 1.3.1
Section 6.5.1
writing operating systems:
Section 9.1
Section B.4.329
Section B.4.330
Section 3.6,
Section 6.2,
Section 6.5.2,
Section 6.7
Section 8.2.3
Section 8.2.2
Section 8.2.1
Section 8.2.5
Section 8.2.4
WWW page: Section 1.2
Section 1.3.1
Section 7.1.1
Section 7.1.1
Section 2.1.7
Section B.4.331
Section B.4.332
Section B.4.333
Section 4.1.2
Section 7.1.1
Section 4.1.2
Section B.4.334
Section B.4.335
Section B.4.336
Section B.4.337
Section 2.1.20