There are several advantages of DigSim over B2Logic. First, DigSim is free. I also like the fact that the wires are colored to show which ones are high (red), which ones are low (green) and which ones are disconnected (gray). The disadvantages of DigSim compared to B2Logic are that DigSim has fewer features and it is harder to set up the system to allow the user to save a schematic (see below).
cd /afs/
The digsim executable file (the one you invoked when you typed "./digsim") is just a shell script:
Alternatively, you can download the entire DigSim package (see download section below) on your own computer
that is running some variation of Unix (e.g., Linux, MacOS X).
Windows 2000: Java (not the plug-in for the web browsers) must
be installed on the system for this to work. The following sequence
was tested on the Dell computers at UMBC. If you are doing this
from home, download the DigSim package (see download section below) and replace the
directory below with the one where you unpacked DigSim.
cd J:\\users\c\h\chang\pub\cs313\digsim
java -cp . DummyAppletContext DigSim fileop true
There are ports of X11 for Linux, MacOS and Windows:
Once you have the X11 server running on your local machine, you need to allow processes running on a GL server to put windows on your screen. In the console type:
xhost +This allows any machine on the internet access to your screen. You can be more particular and type
xhost +linux3.umbc.eduNow, log into (e.g., using ssh). You need to tell X11 clients where to place their windows. Suppose that the name of your machine is, then you type:
setenv DISPLAY the DISPLAY environment variable is done in your GL shell, not your local shell. You can now type
cd /afs/ type "./digsim" as described above.