UMBC CMSC 313, Computer Organization & Assembly Language,
Fall 2003
Project 4: C Functions
Also available in PDF.
Tue 10/14/03 | Section 0101 (Chang) & Section 0301 (Macneil) |
Wed 10/15/03 | Section 0201 (Patel & Bourner) |
The objective of this programming exercise is to practice writing assembly
language programs that use the C function call conventions.
Convert your assembly language program from Project 3 as follows:
Convert the program into one that follows the C function call
convention, so it may be called from a C program. Your program should work
with the following function prototype:
void report (void *, unsigned int) ;
The intention here is that the first parameter is a
pointer to the records array and the second parameter has the number of
items in that array.
Modify your program so it uses the strncmp() function from the C
library to compare the nicknames of two records. The function prototype of
int strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n) ;
The function returns an integer less than, equal to,
or greater than zero if s1 (or the first n bytes thereof) is found,
respectively, to be less than, to match, or be greater than s2.
- Modify your program so that it prints out the entire record
(not just the realname field) of
the record with the least number of points and the record with the
alphabetically first nickname. You must use the
printf()function from the C library to produce
this output. The output of your program would look something like:
Lowest Points: James Pressman (jamieboy)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Role: Fighter
Points: 57
Level: 1
First Nickname: Dan Gannett (danmeister)
Alignment: True Neutral
Role: Ranger
Points: 7502
Level: 3
A sample C program that should work with your assembly language
implementation of the report() function is available on the GL file
Implementation Notes
- Documentation for the printf() and strncmp() functions are
available on the Unix system by typing man -S 3 printf and
man -S 3 strncmp.
- Note that the strncmp() function takes 3 parameters, not
2. It is good programming practice to use strncmp() instead of
strcmp() since this prevents runaway loops if the strings are
not properly null terminated. The third argument should be 16, the
length of the nickname field.
- As in Project 3, you must also make your own test cases. The
example in records2.c does not fully exercise your program. As
before, your program will be graded based upon other test cases. If you
have good examples in Project 3, you can just reuse those.
- Use gcc to link and load your assembly language program
with the C program. This way, gcc will call ld with the appropriate
nasm -f elf report2.asm
gcc records2.c report2.o
- Notes on the C function call conventions are available on the web:
Your program should be reasonably robust and report errors encountered
(e.g., empty array) rather than crashing.
Turning in your program
Use the UNIX submit command on the GL system to turn in your
project. You should submit at least 4 files: your assembly language
program, at least 2 of your own test cases and a typescript file of sample
runs of your program. The class name for submit is cs313_0101,
cs313_0102 or cs313_0103 for respectively sections 0101
(Chang), 0201 (Patel & Bourner) or 0301 (Macneil). The name of the
assignment name is proj4. The UNIX command to do this should look
something like:
submit cs313_0103 proj4 report2.asm myrec1.c myrec2.c typescript
Last Modified:
22 Jul 2024 11:28:41 EDT
Richard Chang
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