Tue 09/16/03 | Section 0101 (Chang) & Section 0301 (Macneil) |
Wed 09/17/03 | Section 0201 (Patel & Bourner) |
Input String: Today's date is August 23, 2003.If the user enters several characters instead of a single replacement character, you can ignore the extra ones and just use the first character entered as the replacement. A good starting point for your project is the program toupper.asm (shown in class) which converts lower case characters in the user's input string to upper case. The source code is available on the GL file system at: /afs/umbc.edu/users/c/h/chang/pub/cs313/
Replacement character: X
Output: Today's date is August XX, XXXX.
Use the UNIX submit command on the GL system to turn in your project. You should submit two files: 1) the modified assembly language program and 2) the typescript file of your debugging session. The class name for submit is cs313_0101, cs313_0102 or cs313_0103 for respectively sections 0101 (Chang), 0201 (Patel & Bourner) or 0301 (Macneil). The name of the assignment name is proj1. The UNIX command to do this should look something like:
Additional help on running NASM, gdb and making system calls in Linux are available on the assembly language programming web page for this course.
Recall that the project policy states that programming assignments must be the result of individual effort. You are not allowed to work together. Also, your projects will be graded on five criteria: correctness, design, style, documentation and efficiency. So, it is not sufficient to turn in programs that assemble and run. Assembly language programming can be a messy affair --- neatness counts.