UMBC CMSC 313, Computer Organization & Assembly Language, Fall 2002, Section 0101
More Finite State Machine Design
Tuesday 12/03, 2002
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Assigned Reading in Murdocca & Heuring:
Assigned Reading in Neveln:
Assigned: DigSim3
Due: HW5
Topics Covered:
- We took our good friend the sequence detector through the three
steps of state reduction, state assignment and flip-flop selection.
- Our textbook gives the circuitry for the sequence detector after
reducing the 7-state machine to a 6-state machine. However, the
simplified SOP formulas obtained from the 6-state machine is actually
worse than those we obtained from the 7-state machine. We changed
the state assignment for the 6-state machine and obtained simplified
SOP/POS formulas (using Karnaugh maps) that were better than the ones
from the 7-state
- Finally, we considered using J-K flip-flops instead of D
flip-flops to implement the finite state machine for the sequence
detector. We used the excitation table for J-K flip-flops and
Karnaugh maps to obtain simplified Boolean formulas for the inputs to
the J-K flip-flops. The resulting formulas were slightly simpler than
the ones for D flip-flops.
Circuits in DigSim:
Following these links will launch the DigSim Java applet and
load the circuit described.
Last Modified:
22 Jul 2024 11:27:51 EDT
Richard Chang
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