UMBC CMSC 313, Computer Organization & Assembly Language, Fall 2002, Section 0101
Thursday 10/17, 2002
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Assigned Reading in Murdocca & Heuring:
Assigned Reading in Neveln:
Due: Proj4
Topics Covered:
- Memory cache: quick overview, bridges fast CPU and
slow system bus, cache read/write policy.
- Interrupts for I/O versus polling.
- Intel Pentium interrupt mechanism involving an interrupt
- Hardware vs Software interrupts.
- Hardware: I/O, clock tick, power failure, exceptions
- Software: INT instruction.
- Types of Hardware Interrupts.
- External vs Internal
External: generated by CPU's interrupt pin
Internal (exceptions): div by zero, single step,
page fault, bad opcode, stack overflow, protection, ...
- Synchronous vs Asynchronous
Synchronous: occurs at exactly the same
place every time the program is executed. E.g., bad opcode,
div by zero, illegal memory address.
Asynchronous: occurs at unpredictable times relative
to the program. E.g., I/O, clock ticks.
- A typical sequence of events during an interrupt.
- Device sends signal to interrupt controller.
- Controller uses IRQ# for interrupt # and priority.
- Controller sends signal to CPU if the CPU is not already
processing an interrupt with higher priority.
- CPU finishes executing the current instruction
- CPU saves EFLAGS and return address on the stack.
- CPU gets interrupt # from controller using I/O ops.
- CPU finds "gate" in Interrupt Description Table.
- CPU switches to Interrupt Service Routine (ISR). This may
include a change in privilege level. IF cleared.
- ISR saves registers if necessary.
- ISR, after initial processing, sets IF to allow interrupts.
- ISR processes the interrupt.
- ISR restores registers if necessary.
- ISR sends End of Interrupt (EOI) to controller.
- ISR returns from interrupt using IRET. EFLAGS (inlcuding IF)
and return address restored.
- CPU executes the next instruction.
- Interrupt controller waits for next interrupt and manages
pending interrupts.
- Stacks and interrupts.
- Brief review for midterm exam.
Last Modified:
22 Jul 2024 11:27:51 EDT
Richard Chang
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