UMBC CMSC 313, Computer Organization & Assembly Language,
Fall 2002, Section 0101
Homework Assignments
Homework assigned so far:
From Murdocca & Heuring Chapter 2, pages 56-57.
Show all of your work.
- (25 pts) 2.2 (a)-(e)
- (25 pts) 2.3 (a)-(e)
- (5 pts) 2.5
- (5 pts) 2.7
- (5 pts) 2.8
From Murdocca & Heuring Chapter 2, pages 57-59
and Chapter 3, 95-98.
Show all of your work.
- (5 pts) 2.13
- (15 pts) 2.18 (a), (b) and (e)
- (15 pts) 3.1
- (5 pts) 3.2
- (10 pts) 3.3
From Murdocca & Heuring Appendix A, pages 493-494.
- (5 points) A.2
- (5 points) A.8
- (5 points) A.9
- (40 points) For each CMOS circuit below,
- Provide a truth table for the circuit's function.
- For diagram (a), write down the Sum-of-Products (SOP)
Boolean Formula for the truth table. For diagram (b), write
down the Product-of-Sums (POS) Boolean formula.
- Simplify the SOP or POS formula using the postulates and
theorems of Boolean Algebra (M&H p. 451). Show all work.
- Draw the logic diagram of the simplified formula using
AND, OR, NOT, NAND and NOR gates.
(a) |
(b) |
Figures taken from Digital Design, Wakerly, Prentice-Hall.
From Murdocca & Heuring Appendix A, pages 494-495.
- (5 pts) A.12
- (5 pts) A.13
- (5 pts) A.14
- (5 pts) A.15
- (5 pts) A.16
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Last Modified:
22 Jul 2024 11:27:52 EDT
Richard Chang
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