CMSC203 Discrete Structures, Sections 0201, Fall 2006

Course Syllabus

Updated: October 30, 2006.

The original syllabus is still available here.

We will follow the textbook Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (fifth edition) by Kenneth H. Rosen. The following schedule outlines the material to be covered during the semester and specifies the corresponding sections in the textbook. The topic schedule is approximate and is subject to change.

Date Topic Quizzes Reading Assign Due
Thu 08/31 Introduction 1.1-1.2 HW1
Tue 09/05 Logic Notation 1.3-1.4
Thu 09/07 Boolean Algebra & Logic Gates 10.1-10.3 HW2 HW1
Tue 09/12 Methods of Proof 1.5
Thu 09/14 Methods of Proof HW3 HW2
Tue 09/19 Methods of Proof
Thu 09/21 Sets and Functions 1.6-1.8 HW4 HW3
Tue 09/26 Alternating Quantifiers: Big-Oh Quiz 1 2.1-2.3
Thu 09/28 Proof by Induction 3.3 HW5 HW4
Tue 10/03 Proof by Induction
Thu 10/05 Proof by Induction 3.4 HW6 HW5
Tue 10/10 Proof by Induction Quiz 2
Thu 10/12 Loop Invariants 3.6 HW7 HW6
Tue 10/17 Graph Theory 8.1-8.2
Thu 10/19 Graph Theory 8.3 HW8 HW7
Tue 10/24 Graph Theory Quiz 3 8.4
Thu 10/26 Graph Theory 8.5 HW9 HW8
Tue 10/31 Counting 4.1-4.3
Thu 11/02 Counting 4.4 HW9
Tue 11/07 Midterm Exam
Thu 11/09 Counting 4.5 HW10
Tue 11/14 Discrete Probability 5.1
Thu 11/16 Discrete Probability 5.2 HW11 HW10
Tue 11/21 Discrete Probability Quiz 4 5.3
Thu 11/23 Thanksgiving Break
Tue 11/28 Relations 7.1-7.5 HW12 HW11
Thu 11/30 Relations 7.6
Tue 12/05 Number Theory 2.4 HW13 HW12
Thu 12/07 Number Theory Quiz 5 2.5
Tue 12/12 Number Theory 2.6 HW13
Tue 12/19 Final Exam 10:30am - 12:30pm

Last Modified: 22 Jul 2024 11:28:52 EDT by Richard Chang
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