UMBC CMSC202, Computer Science II, Spring 1998, Sections 0101, 0102, 0103, 0104 and Honors

Course Syllabus

The following schedule outlines the material to be covered in the semester and the assigned reading for each lecture. Chapters under "Required Reading" refer to A Book on C, by Kelley and Pohl. Chapters under "Optional Reading" refer to the optional textbook Programming Abstractions in C, by Roberts. In addition, there will be assigned readings from material which will be distributed via the course web pages.

Date Topic Required Reading Optional Reading
Tu 1/27Introduction6.1-6.6, 11.1-11.52.1-2.5, 3.4
Th 1/29Review9.1-9.6, 11.172.6
Tu 2/3Recursion5.14-5.15, On-line notes4.1-4.5
Th 2/5Recursion 5.1-5.2
Tu 2/10Merge Sort6.7-6.97.1-7.4
Th 2/12Quicksort8.157.5-7.6
Tu 2/17Binary SearchOn-line notes 
Th 2/19More Recursion  
Tu 2/24TBA  
Th 2/26Exam 1  
Tu 3/3Pointers6.10-6.14, On-line notes2.7
Th 3/5Pointers  
Tu 3/10Pointers  
Th 3/12Lists10.1-10.4, On-line notes12.1-12.3
Tu 3/17Lists  
Th 3/19TBA  
Tu 3/24Spring Break  
Th 3/26Spring Break  
Tu 3/31Exam 2  
Th 4/2Stacks10.5, On-line notes8.1-8.4
Tu 4/7Stacks  
Th 4/9Queues10.7, On-line notes10.1-10.3
Tu 4/14Trees10.8, On-line notes13.1-13.2
Th 4/16Tree Traversal10.9 
Tu 4/21Binary Search TreesOn-line notes 
Th 4/23HashingOn-line notes11.1-11.2
Tu 4/28Functional Parameters6.16-6.18, On-line notes 
Th 4/30Object-Oriented Programming13.1-13.11 
Tu 5/5Object-Oriented Programming  
Th 5/7Object-Oriented Programming  
Tu 5/12Object-Oriented Programming  
Th 5/21Final Exam, 10:30am - 12:30pm, LH5  

Last Modified: 22 Jul 2024 11:27:46 EDT by Richard Chang

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