The objective of the project is to learn how to work with linked lists and to gain some insight into the issues associated with code reuse.
The basic assignment for this project is to re-implement the Sparse Matrix ADT, this time using linked lists. The data structure and the function prototypes of the matrix operations that you must implement are stored in the header file:
As before, you should copy this file, but you should not modify it in any way. The new data structure for sparse matrices is described by the following type definitions:
The main difference between this data structure and the one used in Project 3 is that the non-zero entries in each row are stored in a singly-linked list instead of a dynamically allocated array. Note that the type definition of the linked list is very similar to the one used in lecture. This is deliberate. You may (in fact, you should) take the source code for linked lists from the lecture notes and modify it for this project. You can then combine this with the modifications you make to your code from Project 3. As you do this, think about the decisions you made in coding Project 3 and also the decisions that were made for the original linked list implementation. Which decisions helped you reuse the code successfully? Which decisions hampered code reuse? Since much of a programmer's job turns out to be modifying previously written code (instead of writing brand new code), you should learn that the decisions you make in programming can greatly help or greatly hamper future modifications to your code.
The functions you must implement for this Sparse Matrix ADT are identical to the ones from Project 3. Please refer to Project 3 for a description of each function.
As in Project 3, efficiency in terms of storage space and running time are important considerations. Inefficient implementations will have points deducted. The following are some efficiency issues applicable to Project 4. Some of these are the same as the issues from Project 3, but are worth repeating.
The directory ~chang/pub/cs202/proj3/ contains test files from Project 3 which you can use for this project. You should also use the program for generating random sparse matrices.
Suppose you want to multiply a p x q matrix A and a q x r matrix B to obtain a p x r matrix C. Let the notation xij stand for the entry in matrix X in row i and column j . One approach to matrix multiplication is to compute each entry cij of C individually. The formula for this is:
cij = ai1 b1j + ai2 b2j + ai3 b3j + . . . + aiq bqj
In our linked list implementation, it could take as long as O(n2) time to calculate each entry of C, where n is the maximum of p, q and r. Thus, the simple matrix multiplication algorithm takes O(n4) time. This running time can be reduced to O(n3) if we consider the time savings that can be achieved by calculating an entire row of matrix C at a time (instead of one entry at a time). Suppose that we want to calculate the second row of matrix C. We will store this row in a temporary array. Since we only need one such array for the entire multiplication algorithm, this does not violate the requirement for efficient use of memory. We ask the question: which entries in A affect the values in the second row of C? Answer: only the second row of A. Now, suppose that a23 is the first non-zero entry in the second row of A. So, a23 might make a contribution to certain entries in the second row of C. Which ones? Well, for each non-zero entry b3k in the third row of B, a23b3k makes a non-zero contribution to the entry c2k . Thus, we can compute all the contributions made by the entry a23 by running down the third row of B (which can be done efficiently in a linked list). If we repeat this for every entry in the second row of A, we will have computed the second row of C. We can visualize this algorithm by looking at the following formulas for each entry in the second row of C.
c21 = a21 b11 + a22 b21 + a23 b31 + . . . + a2q bq1
c22 = a21 b12 + a22 b22 + a23 b32 + . . . + a2q bq2
c23 = a21 b13 + a22 b23 + a23 b33 + . . . + a2q bq3
Instead of computing the entries of C by iterating across each row, we do the same calculations, iterating down each column. Finally, since it takes O(n2) time to calculate each row of C, the total time for matrix multiplication is O(n3).
As in Project 3, you should follow these explicit directions for submitting your program. You are also reminded to submit at least one version of your project well before the midnight deadline. You can submit updates of your submission as the deadline approaches. You must submit the following 4 files with the following contents. The names of these files must be exact.
You should not submit the sparse2.h header file. Since you are not allowed to change this file, your project should compile just fine if the graders use my copy. You may submit other header files or other .c files. Of course, none of these should have names that conflict with the above. As before, submissions that do not follow these instructions will have a 10% deduction.