Spring 2016 UMBC CMSC202 Computer Science II Section 01
Email Policy
Email is great --- much better than voice mail. If you need to contact
your instructor about this class outside of lecture and office
hours, email is much better than the telephone. You should, however,
observe the following etiquette:
- Email is good for lots of things, but it is horrible for
debugging. You should use your instructor's office hours and the
TAs' office hours for debugging help.
- Do not attach programs to your email. If your instructor
asks to see your code, you should copy it in the shared directory
for the project on GL.
- Please use your UMBC email. Please use your real name
in the settings.
- When your instructor sends email to you, it
will be sent to your UMBC email address. Therefore, you should check
your email at that account on a regular basis, as it will be used
when necessary to communicate with the class outside of normal
lecture time.
- Include a meaningful subject line, something like "CMSC
202 Project 2 question".
- If you ask a good question, the answer (along with your question) might
be copied to all the students in CMSC 202. If you do not want this possibility,
clearly indicate so in your message.
In addition, due to the volume of student email during each semester,
please note the following:
- Do not expect responses during holidays or weekends, late in the
evening, or on the evening a project is due. If you do not receive a
response within several business days, feel free to email them again, your
original email may have been lost or spam-filtered.
- Do not expect an immediate response to your mail. This means
your should ask your project questions WELL BEFORE the due date,
if you expect an answer in time to help you.
- Do not wait to submit a project because you are waiting for a response
to your email. Once you receive a response, you can resubmit an updated
version of your project if you so choose.
[UMBC] |
[CSEE] |
[CMSC202] |
Last Modified:
22 Jul 2024 11:29:15 EDT