everest% CC main1.C box1.C main1.C: box1.C: everest% everest% a.out b1: I am a box with length=4.568183, height=8.564368 and width=4.180025 b2: I am a box with length=5.019251, height=3.868235 and width=8.977856 b3: I am a box with length=1.140246, height=6.256812 and width=2.434318 b1 volume = 163.537628 I am a box with length=9.136366, height=17.128736 and width=8.360050 b1 volume = 1308.301025 b2 volume = 174.310837 I am a box with length=2.509625, height=1.934117 and width=4.488928 b2 volume = 21.788855 everest%