UMBC CMSC202, Computer Science II, Fall 1998, Sections 0101, 0102, 0103, 0104

Lecture Synopses

Definition: syn-op-sis  pl -op-ses.  a condensed statement or outline.

The following are links to synopses of each lecture. These sysnopses (see definition above) are not lecture notes. They will be generally available after a lecture, not before. (I do not lecture from web pages.) The main reason to have these synopses are:

Synopses Day by Day

Tu 09/01 Introduction
Th 09/03 Introduction to OOP
Tu 09/08 Reference Parameters & Function Overloading
Th 09/10 C++ Declarations & Definitions
Tu 09/15 More C++ Declarations & Definitions
Th 09/17 Danger of Destructors
Tu 09/22 C++ I/O
Th 09/24 Designing Classes
Tu 09/29 Redesigning Classes
Th 10/01 Void * and Function Pointers
Tu 10/06 Exam 1
Th 10/08 Recursion
Tu 10/13 Recursion, again
Th 10/15 Recursion and Sorting
Tu 10/20 Quicksort & Merge Sort
Th 10/22 Binary Search & Big-Oh Notation
Tu 10/27 Class Derivation
Th 10/29 More Class Derivation
Tu 11/03 Even More Class Derivation
Th 11/05 Exam 2
Tu 11/10 Virtual Functions & Dynamic Binding
Th 11/12 Abstract Base Classes & Polymorphism
Tu 11/17 Templates
Th 11/19 Trees & Tree Traversal
Tu 11/24 Binary Search Trees
Th 11/26 Thanksgiving
Tu 12/01 Expression Trees
Th 12/03 Hash Tables
Tu 12/08 Standard Template Library
Th 12/10 Standard Template Library
Th 12/17 Final Exam, 1pm-3pm, LH5

Last Modified: 22 Jul 2024 11:28:48 EDT by Richard Chang

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