UMBC CMSC202, Computer Science II, Fall 1998,
Sections 0101, 0102, 0103, 0104
Exam 2 Topics
The following topics are "fair game" for Exam 2:
- All topcis for Exam 1
- Pointers to functions
- Recursion
- Sorting Algorithms (performance of Selection Sort, Insertion
Sort, Merge Sort and Quicksort)
- Binary Search
- Big-Oh notation
- Class Derivation covered in lecture through 10/29/98.
In addition you should know how to:
- Trace a simple recursive function
- Write a simple recursive function
- Design a simple C++ class
Topics not covered in Exam 2:
- Mutual Recursion
- Multiple Inheritance
Last Modified:
22 Jul 2024 11:28:52 EDT
Richard Chang
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