Fall 2015 UMBC CMSC202 Computer Science II, Section 6
Course Description
This course continues the development of programming and problem-solving
skills, focusing on the C++ programming language, object-oriented
programming and design (OOP/OOD), and improved programming practices.
Topics include: Abstract Data Types (ADTs), an introduction to the
C++ programming language including string and vectors, encapsulation
and information hiding, inheritance and polymorphism and templates.
- Strongly recommended: Absolute C++, fifth or sixth edition, Walter Savitch,
Addison-Wesley, 2006. (ISBN: 013283071X, 0133970787)
- Suggested: C++ Primer, fifth edition,
by Stanely B. Lippman, Josee Lajoie and Barbara E. Moo,
Addison-Wesley, 1998. (ISBN 0321714113)
- Suggested: C++ FAQs, Second Edition, Marshall Cline, Greg Lomow and Mike Girou,
Addison-Wesley, 1999. (ISBN 0-201-30983-1)
The formal prerequisites for this course are CMSC 201 Computer
Science I and MATH 151 Calculus I (or their equivalents).
At UMBC, CMSC 201 has been taught in the Python programming
language. You do not have to know Python to take this class. You should
have had a good programming class that covered most of: conditional statements,
while loops, for loops, arrays/lists, strings, recursion, file I/O,
sorting and searching.
[UMBC] |
[CSEE] |
[CMSC202] |
Last Modified:
22 Jul 2024 11:28:32 EDT