Fall 2015 UMBC CMSC202 Computer Science II, Section 6
Lectures and Readings
You are expected to attend all lectures for this course. Although
both instructors will cover the same general topics, you are
responsible for the specifics given in your lecture section.
You are expected to attend all discussion sessions, and you are
responsible for all material presented there. You are responsible
for all material covered in class, even if it is not in the textbook.
You are responsible for all material in the textbook readings, even if it
is not covered during class. If you should happen to miss a lecture
or a lab, you are responsible for getting any missed notes or
announcements from a classmate.
[UMBC] |
[CSEE] |
[CMSC202] |
Last Modified:
22 Jul 2024 11:28:40 EDT