Fall 2015 UMBC CMSC202 Computer Science II, Section 6
News Archive
The complete list of announcements for this class:
- [Sat Dec 05 10:30 2015]
Here's a copy of an old final exam: old-final.pdf. It's about a 90% match for
topics that we covered this semester. We'll go over the topics in class
on Tuesday.
- [Mon Nov 30 14:00 2015]
Project 5 posted.
- [Wed Nov 11 11:05 2015]
Project 4 posted.
Note: the due date for Project 4 has been shifted to Monday, November
23, 9:00pm. If you submit by the original due date of Thursday, November
19, 9:00pm, you will receive 5 points extra credit.
Copy your files to proj4-early instead of proj4 to
receive the extra credit.
- [Mon Oct 19 17:00 2015]
Project 3 posted.
It is due on Thursday, October 29 at 9:00:00pm.
- [Mon Oct 05 09:06 2015]
Project 2 posted.
It is due on Thursday, October 15 at 9:00:00pm.
- [Thu Sep 24 07:50 2015]
Syllabus page updated.
- [Thu Sep 24 07:45 2015]
To review for Midterm Exam I, you can use the self-study questions in
the textbook.
- Chapter 2: 27 - 35 (p. 79/81)
- Chapter 3: 7 - 14 (p. 117/121)
- Chpater 3: 15, 17 (p. 124/126)
- Chapter 4: 3 - 6 (p. 154/156)
- Chapter 4: 8, 9 (p. 167/169)
- Chapter 5: 13-16 (p. 206/208)
- Chapter 6: 9-10 (p. 256/263)
- Chapter 6: 12-15 (p. 263/269)
- Chapter 6: 16, 17 (p. 268/274)
- Chapter 10: 1-4 (p. 429/435)
- Chapter 10: 10-12 (p. 444/450)
- Chapter 11: 1-4 (p. 486/492)
Page numbers given are for the fifth/sixth editions of the textbook.
- [Mon Sep 21 14:15 2015]
Here are some Google Tests to check your code for Project 1. You have to
run these tests on GL. After copying your files to GL:
- Copy
to your project 1 directory using the Unix cp command.
- In your project 1 directory, issue the commands
unzip proj1_test_public.zip
make -f Makefile_test
Note: passing these basic tests does not indicate that your program is
error-free. However, failing any of the tests does indicate that your
program is not following Project 1 specifications.
- [Tue Sep 15 07:15 2015]
Corrected typos in the Grading page.
We have 5 projects this semester worth 8 points each for a total of 40
points (instead of 4 x 10). Also, the final exam is worth 20 points (not
- [Mon Sep 14 14:25 2015]
Discussion section #16 (Tuesdays 10am) will meet in ITE 375 tomorrow
morning (Tues 9/15).
- [Mon Sep 14 09:05 2015]
Project 1 posted.
It is due on Thursday, September 24 at
9:00:00pm (not midnight).
- [Mon Sep 14 08:50 2015]
Contacts page updated.
Prof. Chang's office hours are Tuesdays & Thursdays
10:30am - 11:30am unless otherwise notified.
- [Mon Sep 14 08:50 2015]
Projects page updated.
- [Tue Sep 08 00:52 2015]
Discussion Sections instructors updated.
- [Tue Sep 08 00:52 2015]
Sypnoses of
Lecture 2 and
Lecture 3
- [Sat Aug 29 16:10 2015]
Labs will be held the week of August 31 - September 4.
- [Thu Aug 27 08:40 2015]
Sypnosis of
today's lecture
- [Thu Aug 27 08:45 2015]
The discussion sections will NOT meet during the first week of the semester
(Wednesday 8/26 - Friday 8/28).
- [Thu Aug 27 08:40 2015]
Web page up.
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Last Modified:
22 Jul 2024 11:28:32 EDT