UMBC CMSC201, Computer Science I, Spring 1994
Sections 0101, 0102 and Honors
Thursday February 3, 1994
Assigned Reading: 2.1 - 2.3
Handouts (available on-line): none
Topics Covered:
- Announcement: Computer Science Council of Majors is sponsoring
tutorials on how to use the computer systems on campus.
This is your opportunity to learn from other students.
- Announcement: Job available for a notetaker; pay is $4.50 per hour.
See Student Support Services, Math/Psych Building, Room 211.
- Roll Call was taken. If you missed it and intend to
take this class for credit, see the instructor or send
him e-mail.
- Discussion on the compilation process, how source code
is turned into object code and why we want to write programs
this way.
- Your first C program
"Hello World".
A second program plus
on how to and how not to compile
and run your programs on UNIX.
- Some nitty gritty points:
- C is case sensitive.
- Name of file containing program must end with ".c"
- Explained \n.
- Explained about libraries and the header files
<stdio.h> and "genlib.h".
- Explained that printf is a function, not a
- Argument to a function = data.
- Executing your program: running a.out
- Using the "cc201" command from UNIX. (See Unix Tips.)
- C and whitespace
- Some more examples of simple programs. Explained how to use
GetInteger, GetReal and GetLine.
Last Modified: August 11, 1994
Richard Chang,