UMBC CMSC201, Computer Science I, Spring 1994 Sections 0101, 0102 and Honors

Final Exam A, Multiple Choice Section

Multiple Choice, 2 points each

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  1. In the following code fragment, the Boolean expression in the if statement contains an assignment. What output is produced?
          int x = 1, y = 2 ;
          if ( (x = 5) > y )
             printf("%d\n", x ) ;
             printf("%d\n", x + y) ;

    a. 1
    b. 3
    c. 5
    d. 7

    Your Answer:

  2. Which of the given expressions is equivalent to the following expression for all values of the integer variable i ?
          (i <= 63) && (i >= 51)

    a. !( (i > 63) || (i < 51) )
    b. !( (i > 63) && (i < 51) )
    c. ( (i > 63) || (i < 51) )
    d. ( (i &tl;= 63) || (i >= 51) )

    Your Answer:

  3. Which of the following is a function prototype of a function that takes two parameters, an integer and a pointer to an integer, and returns an integer value?
    a. void f (int, int) ;
    b. int *f (int, int *) ;
    c. int f (int *, int *) ;
    d. int f (int, int *) ;

    Your Answer:

  4. After the declaration:
          struct {
             int part1 ;
             int part2 ;
          } foo ;

    a. foo is a new data type which can be used to declare variables as pointers to a record.
    b. foo is a new data type which can be used to declare variables as records.
    c. foo is a variable which can hold a pointer to a record.
    d. foo is a variable which can hold a record.

    Your Answer:

  5. Suppose that p is a pointer to double and that sizeof(double) is 8. Then the expression p = p + 2;
    a. Adds 2 to p
    b. Adds 2.0 to the double variable that p points to.
    c. Adds 16 to p
    d. Adds 16.0 to the double variable that p points to.

    Your Answer:

  6. According to the rules of short circuit evaluation, after the following code fragment is executed
          bool flag = FALSE ;
          int a = 1 ;
          flag = (a > 1) || ( (a = a + 5) > 4 )

    a. flag is FALSE and a is 1.
    b. flag is FALSE and a is 6.
    c. flag is TRUE and a is 1.
    d. flag is TRUE and a is 6.

    Your Answer:

  7. In C programming, a recursive function is a function that
    a. is written by hand in pseudo-code.
    b. makes function calls to many other functions.
    c. makes function calls to itself.
    d. makes function calls to main.

    Your Answer:

  8. To store the string "CMSC201" you need to allocate:
    a. 7 bytes of memory
    b. 8 bytes of memory
    c. 14 bytes of memory
    d. 16 bytes of memory

    Your Answer:

  9. The expression 17/8
    a. has type double and value 2.125
    b. has type int and value 2.125
    c. has type double and value 2.0
    d. has type int and value 2

    Your Answer:

  10. What is the value of the following expression?
           6 - 5 - 4 * 3 / 2 + 1

    a. -3
    b. -2
    c. 6
    d. -4

    Your Answer:

  11. What is the effect of the following code?
          int i, sum ;
          sum = 1 ;
          for (i = 2 ; i <= 5 ; i++) {
             sum = sum + i ;
          printf("%dn", sum) ;

    a. It prints out the numbers from 1 to 5.
    b. It prints out the numbers from 2 to 5.
    c. It prints out the sum of the numbers from 1 to 5.
    d. It prints out the sum of the numbers from 2 to 5.

    Your Answer:

  12. What is the output of the following code fragment?
          int n, *p ;
          n = 2 ;
          p = &n ;
          *p = 4 ;
          n = *p * n ;
          printf("%d %d\n", *p, n) ;

    a. 4 8
    b. 4 16
    c. 8 16
    d. 16 16

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Last Modified: Mon Sep 4 15:59:17 EDT 1995

Richard Chang,