Names have been withheld to protect the innocent. Some submissions have been edited for grammar and spelling.
You may also browse through last year's questions and answers.
I do not pretend that this course is easy. I certainly do not guarantee that everyone who takes the class will be successful. There is a certain amount of material that has to be covered, and I will not be doing anyone favors if I skimp on this.
And by the way, the projects get more difficult.
No, wait, that's just the feedback from the speakers.
In any case, you have to be very very very explicit about what your "troubles" are. Write down every error message exactly, find someone who has a similar system as you and see how they manage to get their system hooked up. Otherwise, it is impossible to try to help.
While the solutions are necessary for every quiz problem, I would like to see explanations of the solution. Like How in the world did you get that answer? Where did that number come from? or What section of the book should I refer to if I wish to review and understand the answer of the problem? I beleive that with these type of "guides" or "aids", it makes a lot more sense to me when it comes to studying and learning C.
Sincerely, "Answer" Man
If you are really stuck on some question, you have many options. You can bring up the question in discussion class, ask your TA or me during office hours, ask a Help Center tutor, send me email, send the Help Center email or even ask the question at the beginning of lecture. (Wow! People are much better at answering questions than computers.)
You can browse through some of Miro's paintings by visiting the WebMuseum.
If you can't see, sit closer for crying out loud.
For us to better understand the abstraction of C why not just teach us pascal in first year then go directly to C++. Because pascal is a better teach language then C?
Yes, the scanf function is a "standard" function. However, it is a low level function and does not do many things that GetInteger does. In fact, scanf is a particularly nasty function (when we learn more about functions, I will explain why). For example, if you use scanf to read in an integer, and the user types in a real number, it can be difficult to recover from this error. In essence, you will have to write some code to make sure that you get an integer from the user. Your program shouldn't crash just because the user types in "2.3". Now, the GetInteger function does all this for you.
You are right that you will not be using GetInteger for the rest of your life. However, what you may not realize now, is that you will not be using scanf either. When you are writing a "real program" perhaps in a windowing environment (say on a Macintosh, in X-windows or Microsoft Windows), scanf is not what you will use. There are more complicated function calls to set up a dialog box, etc. before you begin to accept keystrokes from a user. It is "normal" that you are required to use functions from a library to get input from the user.
As for PASCAL, there are still proponents of teaching PASCAL first. The problem with this approach is that we usually don't get to teach anything second. (Despite the prevailing impression, Data Structures should not be a course just to teach C++.) It is perhaps unfortunate that C/C++ is the "standard" programming language in the computer industry. The point to remember is that we shouldn't pretend that what is "standard" must also be "good".
The final arbiter of whether your program works is whether it runs on UNIX. We cannot be in the business of providing compilers or even support for compilers for your machines at home, whether they be UNIX, DOS or Macintoshes. That would be a nightmare, indeed.
More importantly, you use your machine at your own risk. Short of coming to your house and setting up your system for you, there is no way we can make sure that your system really works.