Sections 0101, 0102, 0103 and Honors, Fall 1995
Thursday November 9, 1995
Assigned Reading: 10.1 - 10.3
Handouts (available on-line): none
Topics Covered:
- Reviewed the pig latin program
designed in previous class. Sample runs.
It turns out that the class chose a pretty poor top down design.
The functions rely too much on global variables, and it is
difficult to describe what each function must do.
While this program works correctly, and might even be faster
than programs using some other design, it is very difficult to
add new features to this program. For example, if we were
to extend the first version of the program to contract white
space into a single space, we would have to change every function
in the program (except IsVowel).
Second version and
sample run.
- We discussed Simple uses for arrays. Possible dire consequences
from the misuse of arrays were mentioned to scare the students
to pay closer attention to the array indices.
- A program that uses arrays to count the
number of times that each letter appears in an array.
Sample runs.
Last Modified:
Thu Nov 9 15:21:06 EST 1995
Richard Chang,