UMBC CMSC201, Computer Science I, Fall 1994
Section 0101, 0102 and Honors
Project 4 Comments
The due date for Project 4 has been extended to Wednesday, November 30, 1994.
- What to submit: Please turn in sample runs on
all the examples shown on the hand out as well as
- Definitely use GetLine() to read in the user's
input, one line at a time. You can tell where the end
of the input line is because you can use StringLength()
to determine the length of the string.
- You should process each line as it is entered, instead
of trying to store all the lines. (There is no limit on the
number of lines the user will enter.)
- Dealing with blank lines (lines with no characters as well
as lines containing only white space) is the hardest part of
the project. Think through this part thoroughly before
writing any code.
- The test file has lines that contains only spaces,
lines with spaces at the end, and tab characters. So, if you can
get your program to work when you type in the input,
but not when you use the test file, you may have failed
to consider one of the cases mentioned above.
Last Modified:
Wed Nov 9 13:57:58 EST 1994
Richard Chang,