UMBC CMSC201, Computer Science I, Fall 1994
Sections 0101, 0102 and Honors
Rules for Variable Names
Classifying Characters
- a b c ... z are lower case letters.
- A B C ... Z are upper case letters.
- 0 1 2 ... 9 are the digits.
- Spaces, tabs and newlines are called white space.
Variable names ...
- can contain letters, digits and underscore _.
- cannot contain whitespace.
- must begin with a letter or _
- are case sensitive (upper and lower cases are different).
- cannot be a keyword.
The keywords are
auto double int struct
break else long switch
case enum register typedef
char extern return union
const float short unsigned
continue for signed void
default goto sizeof volatile
do if static while
Last Modified:
Thu Sep 15 09:09:53 EDT 1994
Richard Chang,