UMBC CMSC201, Computer Science I, Fall 1994
Sections 0101, 0102 and Honors
Thursday November 17, 1994
Assigned Reading: 11.1 - 11.3
Handouts (available on-line): none
Topics Covered:
- Attendance was taken.
- Reviewed the pig latin program
designed in previous class.
Sample runs.
- Simple uses for arrays were discussed. Possible dire consequences
from the misuse of arrays were mentioned to scare the students
to pay closer attention to the array indices.
- A program that uses arrays to count the
number of times that each letter appears in an array.
Sample runs.
- A program that uses arrays to count the
number of times that a value appears as the outcome of rolling
two six-sided dice.
Sample runs.
Last Modified:
Tue Nov 22 08:42:51 EST 1994
Richard Chang,