UMBC CMSC201, Computer Science I, Fall 1994
Sections 0101, 0102 and Honors
Tuesday October 25, 1994
Assigned Reading: 7.1 & 8.1
Handouts (available on-line):
Project 3
Topics Covered:
- We discussed how to break up a large program into smaller pieces.
One advantage of doing this is that compilation time is reduced during
the development process because you only recompile the code that you
changed, instead of the whole program. A more general question is how
to make functions that you have written available to other
- Example 1: our calendar program.
- First we look at the entire calendar
In this version, the whole program is in one file.
The sample run is what we expect.
- In the next version of the calendar program, we break up
the program into three pieces. First, we have the
main program. Note that the main
program includes the header file
calendar.h which holds the
constant definitions and the function prototypes.
The third part is the file
which contains the actual implementations of the functions.
Note that the header file calendar.h is also included
by cal-funcs.c.
The functions in cal-funcs.c can be compiled separately
and linked with the main program using these
UNIX commands.
- The same calendar functions can be used in a
program that computes the
date of Thanksgiving on a given year. In this case,
the calendar functions do not have to be recompiled
as the following sample run
- We looked at separate compilations in greater detail.
We broke up a large program
that calls many functions into three pieces.
(See sample run.)
The pieces are
the main program,
the implementation of the
functions and the header file.
The main program and the implementations are compiled separately
and linked together to make the a.out file using these
UNIX commands.
- We reviewed what #include really means.
We took the Hello World program
and put the printf statement in a separate file
called print.c.
You would not ordinarily include a .c file. This
is an example to show the effect of the #include
preprocessor directive when the program is
- We could have broken up our main program into two pieces
with the main program in
one file and the functions
included as a separate file. But this is a BAD approach
because it does not hide the function implementation from
the client and the functions have to be recompiled every
time the main program changes.
(See sample run.)
- Next we created an honest-to-goodness C library which
contains all of the functions in the big program above.
First we made each function into a separate file.
So we have avg.c,
sum.c and
We also had a header file with
the function prototypes of all the functions.
We compiled the functions separately using the -c option to
create the .o object-code files. Then, we used
the archive command ar to make a library called
libmine.a. Finally, we compiled the
main program
separately by telling the cc201 command the name
of the library and where to find it.
(See the UNIX commands
for making this library.)
- So, two things about the compilation process should be
clearer now. First, the cc201
command is just the standard UNIX cc command with
additional options telling the compiler where to find the
include files, which libraries to use, and where the libraries are.
Also, the header files, like
simpio.h, mostly
just contain a whole bunch of function prototypes.
Last Modified: September 7, 1994
Richard Chang,